Welcome to Honors Pre-Calculus! Welcome to Honors Pre-Calculus! Welcome to Solon High School and to...

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Welcome to Honors Pre-Calculus!

Welcome to Solon High School and to your son or daughter’s year in Honors Pre-

Calculus. I appreciate and welcome your participation and involvement in your

child’s education.

Mrs. Holman Room 127A


Mrs. Charlotte HolmanEducation • Bowling Green State University – BS in Education• Ashland University - Masters in Computer


Experience (22 years)• Solon High School 2002 – Present• Wooster High School 1995 – 2002• Vermilion High School & Middle School 1992 -


My Fa



Course Objectives To make sense of problems and persevere in solving


To reason abstractly and quantitatively.

To construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

To model real world situations with mathematics.

To use appropriate tools strategically.

To attend to precision.

To look for and make use of structure.

To look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

To prepare your child for AP Calculus.


We learn . . .

10% of what we read,20% of what we hear,30% of what we see,

50% of what we both see and hear,

70% of what is discussed with others,

80% of what we experience personally,

and95% of what we teach someone

else.~ William Glasser


Structure of the classStudy Teams

During this course your child will collaborate with other students as a member of a study team. Together, each team will complete problems and activities that will help them discover new mathematical ideas and methods. This is a very student-centered class. I will support your children as they work, but will not take away their opportunity to think and investigate for themselves. In order to be successful in this class your child will need to be a willing and active participant as they develop their mathematical understanding.



Principles of the CPM Course Design

Students learn best engaged in inquiry that leads to deep conceptual understanding of the underlying mathematics, exploiting each others’ insights, and using distributed learning to increase retention and transfer of knowledge.

The CPM Core Connections series integrates basic skills and procedures with conceptual understanding, encouraging students to understand ideas, see relationships between them, and apply mathematical principles to complex problems.

Students are held responsible for high academic rigor, analysis, and critical thinking, and communicate their mathematical findings in writing or in oral presentations in a clear and convincing manner.

Key Topics of Study Transformations of

Functions Periodic Functions and

Their Graphs Area Under a Curve as

the foundation for integration

Inverses, Exponentials, and Logarithmic Equations and Applications

Limits at infinity and at a point

Polar graphical systems Applications of Vectors

Properties of functions including: continuity, increasing vs. decreasing, and concavity

Average rates of change and instantaneous rates of change as a foundation for derivatives

Applications of trigonometric functions

Algebraic fluency and simplification techniques

Modeling using a variety of functions


Assessments and Grading Policy

Individual Assessments (80%)

Team Tests and Small Quizzes(15%)

Coursework (5%)

Individual Tests Team Tests Class Presentations

Large Individual Quizzes

Homework Quizzes Participation Quizzes

Formative Quizzes Technology Activities

Entrance/Exit Slips Projects

Math Notes Quizzes Homework Checks (very rare)

Graded Assignments Class/Team Participation

Grading Scale

A 90.0 – 100%

B 80.0 – 89.9%

C 70.0 – 79.9%

D 60.0 – 69.9%

F 59.9% and below

Weighting of Grades


Individual Assessments


Team Tests & Small Quizzes


Coursework 5%





Internet Information

On my page, you will find daily lessons, homework, upcoming tests and quizzes as well as some of the class resources. To get to my page follow these steps:

1.   Go to the Solon Schools web page www.solonschools.org

2.    Choose Schools - SHS

3.    Choose Staff Directory

4.    Scroll down to my name (Charlotte Holman)

5.    Choose “Calendar” from the bottom

6.    Choose the appropriate class (Honors Pre-Calculus)


Parent ResourcesOur textbook publisher has many

resources for students and their parents at their website: www.cpm.org This website also has all of the resource pages for activities in class.

Hints to all homework problems and solutions to select problems are available at www.cpm.org in the Homework Help section located on the student tab of the website.

This presentation as well as class procedures and requirements are available in class files on my page on the school website: www.solonschools.org



Voice mail: 349-7757 ext. 5441

Email: charlotteholman@solonboe.org

Parent – Teacher communication is of utmost importance for student success. If at anytime you have a concern or question, please call or email me. I check and respond to email every day. My voicemail also goes directly to my email. Please leave a number that I can reach you at during the school day.


Thank You for Attending Tonight!Please make sure to leave the note

card with the requested information with me as you leave.

Please feel free to contact me at any time with concerns or questions.

My school website is a great place to find out what your son or daughter is or should be working on!

Thank you for being a supportive parent. I am looking forward to a rewarding school year.