Welcome to Ms. Urioste’s Painting Class Modern Art Movements.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Welcome to Ms. Urioste’s Painting


Modern Art Movements

Modern Painters

Styles of Modern Art

Abstract Art

Jeopardy Art

Movements ModernArtists

Modern Styles






















Final Jeopardy

$100 Question Art Movement

• This movement broke away from the Impressionists because they wanted more depth with color and form.

$100 Answer Art Movement

• What is Post-Impressionism.

$200 Question Art Movement

• This style concentrated on the feeling and impact of the tragedies of the war. They used darker colors and angry strokes.

$200 Answer Art Movement

• What is Expressionism.

$300 Question Art Movement

• This movement was about unnatural colors that were intense and bold. This movement came from a French word also known as “Wild Beasts”. This movement broke away from the Impressionists because they wanted more depth with color and form.

$300 Answer Art Movement

• What is Fauvism.

$400 Question Art Movement

• This art movement celebrated noise, technology, machines, war, photography and movement. It was also about the artist’s reaction to modern life.

$400 Answer Art Movement

• What is Futurism.

$500 Question Art Movement

• This movement is characterized by the use of circles, and overlapping planes of bright, contrasting colors.

$500 Answer Art Movement

• What is Orphism.

$100 Question Modern Artists

• This famous artist is known to be a Action Painter.

$100 Answer Modern Artists

• Who is Jackson Pollock.

Daily Double

Daily Double Question

• What is the name of the artist who created this painting and what style of art is he/she associated with?

Daily Double Answer Modern Artists

• Andy Warhol – Pop Art.

$300 Question Modern Artists

• This artist was famous for creating optical illusions known as Op Art with confusing visual effects.

$300 Answer Modern Artists

• Who is M.C. Escher.

$400 Question Modern Artists

• This famous Minimalist artist painted huge paintings with fields of color with no recognizable objects.

$400 Answer Modern Artists

• Who is Mark Rothko as seen with his painting “Orange and Yellow” 1956.

$500 Question Modern Artists

• This artist is known to be the original abstract artist who produced paintings with simple objects that were exaggerated with color, shape and form.

$500 Answer Modern Artists

• Who is Wassily Kandinsky.

$100 Question Modern Styles

• This style was based on the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, emphasizing imagination and subconscious imagery.

$100 Answer Modern Styles

• What is Surrealism.

$200 Question Modern Styles

• This style had modern concepts in fashion, furniture, jewelry, textiles, and architecture. The stylized forms were decorative, industrial, and celebrated the rise of technology.

$200 Answer Modern Styles

• What is Art Deco – popular in the 1920’s.

$300 Question Modern Styles

• This style of art is a form of Abstract art characterized by the use of optical color and perspective illusions.

$300 Answer Modern Styles

• What is know as Op Art popular in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

$400 Question Modern Styles

• This style encompasses the limitation of objective subject matter and concentrates on the feelings and impact derived from the artist’s inspiration.

$400 Answer Modern Styles

• What is Expressionism as seen in Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”

$500 Question Modern Styles

• The style was had unrealistic and vibrant color. The aim was to express emotion through color choice. This style was also known as “wild beasts” because of the uncontrolled and abrasive color.

$500 Answer Modern Styles

• What is Fauvism.

$100 Question Abstract Art

• Abstraction means that art should imitate nature, but not strive to create accurate representations of any forms or objects.

• True or False

$100 Answer Abstract Art

• True.

$200 Question Abstract Art

• Abstract art was developed before the 20th century, and has roots in ancient history showing up in early decorations for textiles and pottery.

$200 Answer Abstract Art

• True. There were versions of abstracted imagery with the Greeks, Medieval European art, Japanese, and Egyptian art several hundred years before and after Christ.

$300 Question Abstract Art

• These abstract artists were known to incorporate geometric forms often in repetitive patterns and solid planes of color. There was a lack of emotion and they strove to eliminate the presence of the creator in their work.

$300 Answer Abstract Art

• The Minimalists.

$400 Question Abstract Art

• Name this abstract style and artist of the painting below.

$400 Answer Abstract Art

• What is Cubism and Pablo Picasso.

$500 Question Abstract Art

• This movement of art encourages the mix of ideas, medias, and forms to promote parody, humor and irony.

$500 Answer Abstract Art

• What is Post Modern Art - late 20th century.

Final Jeopardy Question

This art movement has a decorative style and dedication to natural forms. It had detailed patterns and curving lines with the use of leaves, flowers, and the female figure. This art form was about high quality craftsmanship with an ornamental and asymmetrical style.

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is Art Nouveau = New Art

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