Welcome to My World Resource Pack

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Resource Pack for teachers



WelcomeWorldto my

resource pack



Welcome to My World (KS1/2)

BackgroundThis pack was designed as an educational resource for schools in the Derry City Council area to create awareness of the minority cultures within education in the widest sense.

The aim of this resource is to get pupils to develop a sense of who is living in their area and to give them an insight into their cultures.In doing this they will learn about the similarities and differences between people and places around the world.

Learning Level• Primary Key Stage I and II

Learning Areas• The World Around Us• Personal Development and Mutual Understanding


Knowledge and Understanding

1. To understand ways in which all human beings are funda mentally the same: we are all members of a single human race with the same basic needs.2. To understand that there are similarities and differences between people in physical appearance, including skin colour and type of hair.

3. To understand people speak in different languages, accents and dialects.

4. To understand people have different types of homes.5. To understand that people’s circumstances differ.6. To understand certain words are racially/ethnically derogatory and offensive.

7. To understand that people’s names are important to them.8. To understand that the United Kingdom is made up of many ethnic and cultural groups.

9. To identify some of the groups and communities to which they belong, and to identify some of the groups and communities to which others belong.

10. To understand people do similar things but often in different ways.

11. To have some understanding of faiths and cultures other than their own.

12. To understand the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the products we use come from all over the world.



1. To recognise, discuss and appropriately challenge racist statements, comments or jokes.

2. To recognise when stereotyping occurs, and to discuss and challenge stereotyping.

3. To recognise when people can be offended or hurt by misrepresentation, stereotyping or racist

attitudes.4. To pronounce people’s names accurately.

5. To recognise what is fair and unfair.

Attitudes1. To value and respect oneself for one’s uniqueness and

special qualities.

2. To value and respect others for their uniqueness and special qualities.

3. To respect other people’s feelings, their belongings and things that are important to them.

4. To value and respect differences in lifestyle practised by people from different communities and environments around the world.

5. To be willing to learn from people different from oneself.


Persona Dolls

•You should start to tell the story of the doll – you are the doll’s

interpreter and you pretend that the doll is telling you his/her story and then you tell the class. The template provided is just a simple outline of a story but you can add to this e.g. looking at festivals, music, climate etc. Make notes of any new parts of the doll’s

they are learning the same information.

Puppets representing the newly arrived ethnic minority children to the Derry City Council area

This is MeEach puppet will have a story about things like:- Family (mum, dad, brothers sisters etc.)- Home- Language- Religion- Food- Likes/Dislikes

Using the Persona Doll (Allow 45mins to 1 hour)• Seat the children comfortably perhaps in a circle to make them feel included. • Introduce the doll. For example you could say something like;

“This is …………… you haven’t met him/her before so s/he feels shy and afraid” - perhaps turn the doll

into you as a child would do to its parent/guardian when s/he feels shy or afraid or stroke the doll’s hair etc. Ask the children how could they make the doll feel welcome?

history you create so that if the children ask to hear the story again

• Ensure that the dolls are treated with respect and are made special.• Teachers could perhaps show the children where the doll comes from on the Map of the World.

Subsequent Sessions

1. Introduce the children to the doll again “Remember this is ……. S/he is from …….”2. Present the new story or situation you would like to discuss with the children. Create simple stories that enable the children to think about how the doll is feeling, how they might feel in the situation described – what might they do?3. Finish off the story by incorporating issues or resolutions that the children have put forward.



Situations which can be explored with Persona Dolls include:

Common Experiences which apply to most children:• Crying when feelings are hurt or crying when physically hurt• Feeling apprehensive about doing something for the first time• Enjoying the same story• Feeling happy when someone does something nice for you

Supporting Differences:• What differences may cause a child to be teased or singled out by other children?• Does a child display shame or sensitivity about aspects of their own background? e.g. not wanting to wear glasses, not wanting to play with girls/boys, not wanting to speak in their home language.

Managing Conflict:• Is a child finding it difficult to communicate with others?• Is a child experiencing bullying?• Is a child acting aggressively towards others out of frustration/ tiredness etc?• Are there conflicts over resources or space?

Cultural Experiences:• Festivals and Celebrations• Clothing• Worship • Traditions• Introduce a photo album belonging to the doll, and artefacts, clothes etc from a variety of backgrounds• Involve parents/guardians and other members of the community

Examples of Stories/Situations:

• Cheung is upset because Mark and Kate won’t let him play football with them at playtime.• Nellie is excited because she is moving on again and she will meet up with her family again in Galway.• Aakash is angry and afraid because someone has just called Anusibuno a racist name in the playground – he feels he should help his friend but he is afraid that these other school children will do the same to him because he is from a different country also.• Some of the schoolchildren have shortened Khortdad’s name to Khorty. He can’t decide how he feels about it.• Aakash will be celebrating Diwali tomorrow and she is really looking forward to it.

Story endings should be short and simple with a basic conclusion to the discussion.

An example of how to conclude a Persona Doll story:• Nellie is really pleased that she came to visit you today. • She says you are good friends to care about her and help her feel less worried. • She likes [insert school child’s name] idea too. • She will try all the things you suggested.



Am I different from you

Children will be asked to tell/write about their lives under the same headings as the dolls have – Use Activity Sheet 1 for this – (Teachers can adapt this to include aspects they have included in the doll’s story like festivals etc).

In asking questions about things, which were mentioned in the puppets’ stories, children will recognise that whilst they might think that people from different countries are different from them there are things that are the same.

The children could think about what they would say about themselves if they had just moved to a new place and they wanted people to know about them.

Circle time This is intended to show children that they are different from each other also even though they are from the same place – the second jump into the circle is designed to show that even though we are different there are some things we all need.

- Jump into the middle of the circle if you have ….. long hair….

blue eyes

- Jump in the middle if you need…..someone to care for you….food……water……clothes…….to feel safe etc.

Poetry and Story time

My first day at school Everyone is shouting, everyone is staring, Everyone is crowding, everyone is wearing School uniform Everyone except me, that is!

Children screaming, children running Children playing, children laughing At me? Oh, I hope not, please no!

Teachers watching, teachers teaching, Teachers shouting, teachers marching Towards my desk? What have I done wrong?

People smiling, people touching, People sharing, people trying To help me…………….. ………………….I think I’ll be OK!

This exercise is about being a newcomer to a school and a country and what a child my feel like.

The objective is to allow children to become more aware of how their behaviour can affect the feelings of other children and to make them think about how they can help new children coming into their class.



Drop In The Bucket

Again this exercise looks at children’s feelings and how the behaviour of others can make them feel.

Time Required: Approximately 30 minutesWhat you need:

Counters Two containers Positive and negative signs to stick onto

the containers

Method:• Start by demonstrating the concept of the positive and negative buckets. All of us, whoever we are, influence other people’s feelings both positively and negatively through the things we do and say.

• Hold up the containers and explain that one of them represents a ‘positive bucket’ and the other a ‘negative bucket’. • Explain that each of us carries a positive and negative bucket with us all the time. Each time we hear something positive about ourselves a drop is added to our positive bucket (demonstrate by dropping one of the counters into the positive bucket).

• Each time someone says something cruel or unkind or puts you down a drop is added to our negative bucket (demonstrate). • During a day people do or say things that tend to fill our positive buckets or our negative buckets. We will therefore feel positive or negative about ourselves depending on which bucket is fuller at any given time.

Read aloud the

A Drop in the Bucket

story. Ask children to help

you identify how Marlena

s bucket are added to by the events in

the story. Drop the counters into the positive or negative buckets

depending upon whether the character is experiencing praise

and inclusion or isolation or rejection. The person reading the

story can pause at appropriate places as a signal for children to

contribute. Children can put up their hands if they can identify a

positive or negative event. Each time they identify one of these

they can come to the front and place a counter in the positive


TO FINISHAsk the children if they can think of any really positive things that children could have said or done to make Marlena feel more welcomed and good about herself?

Each time they identify one of these they can come to the front and place a counter in the positive bucket. A few of these suggestions can end the story on a positive note. The session can end in a way that makes connections with how the school welcomes newly arrived children. Can children recall what helped them when they arrived at school on their first day? Can children identify some of the positive things that are going on to make sure all children feel safe and welcomed?

10 11

A Drop in the Bucket

It was Monday morning and Marlena woke earlier than usual. Her alarm clock went off accidentally at 5 am. Her sister Ardita in the next bed rolled over and yelled, ‘“What’s the matter with you? I’m trying to get some sleep. Turn that thing off!”. (- Bucket)

Embarrassed, Marlena tried to fall asleep again but she couldn’t sleep so she decided to get up and get some of her things ready for school. Marlena was really looking forward to going to her new school, but felt frustrated that she had to make new friends all over again. And this wasn’t the first time!

Back in Warsaw she had had so many friends - but where were they all now? She smiled to herself when she remembered the good times they had had together before her family had to leave to come and find work. (+ Bucket)

Marlena had come to Derry with her mother and Agnieska. They didn’t want to leave their home in Warsaw and their life there, but they had no choice.

Marlena opened her school bag and took out and read the card from her last class. “Dear Marlena. Good luck in your new school. From all of class 5S” (+ Bucket)

It was 9 am and Marlena and her mum arrived in the playground of her new school. Mum kissed her goodbye and said, “Have a lovely day. Just remember that I always love you”. (+ Bucket)

Marlena heard the whistle and went to line up. She was standing in the

line when two girls pushed in and shouted.

Out of the way! We were

here before you

(- Bucket)

When Marlena’s teacher, Miss Harkin, arrived, the two girls shouted, “Miss! That new girl has pushed in!” (- Bucket) Marlena was really upset but she didn’t speak that much English so she couldn’t tell the teacher what had really happened.In the classroom everyone sat down for register. Before she called out the names Miss Harkin asked everyone to listen carefully. She reminded everyone that it was important to welcome new children. “Hello Marlena. We are glad you have joined our class”. (+ Bucket) Can I have two volunteers who will help Marlena today and show her around?”

“We will stay with you today,’ said Aaron and Terri. ‘Come and join our table.” (+ Bucket)

They started off the day doing maths. Marlena was sitting next to John. She showed him how to do something that he didn’t understand. “Thanks” said John, “you are really good at maths. I am glad I was sitting next to you” (+ Bucket). Miss Harkin gave Marlena a sticker for her hard work. (+ Bucket)

Soon it was time to line up for play time. It was a lovely sunny day outside. All the girls ran off and started games. Marlena wanted to join in and be their friends but she didn’t feel very confident. She was worried about what might happen if she went with them. No one seemed to notice when she played by herself and there was no sign of Aaron and Terri. (- Bucket)

Just then a girl from the class appeared. It was Laurana. She

spoke to her in Polish

the same language spoke by Marlena

Hiya Marlena

shouted Laurana.

Come and play with me!

(+ Bucket)

The lesson after break was English. The class watched a video and then Miss Harkin asked them some questions about it. Marlena put her hand up several times and at last Miss Harkin chose her.

“I bet she gets it wrong” Julie said to her neighbour so that Marlena couldn’t hear. (- Bucket) Marlena gave the right answer but some children laughed because she said a word in a funny way. (- Bucket) Miss Harkin said “Well done, Marlena for getting the right answer.” (+ Bucket)

Marlena didn’t feel so good about lunchtimes. The food tasted so different and the dining hall was often noisy. Marlena chose some sandwiches and some salad. Lots of the other kids were having that too. One boy Carlos found a small insect in his salad – everyone started screaming in fright. Some other boys were laughing when Carlos put the insect on his finger and threatened to flick it.

But he didn’t flick it – he saw Marlena eating her lunch. Carlos crept up behind her and put it in her hair. Some kids roared with laughter (- Bucket) but Marlena didn’t think it was funny. She looked up and saw the laughter and the faces of the other kids. What had she done to them to make them be like this towards her? (- Bucket)

Marlena felt so frustrated that she started to cry. Just then Roberta

came up and put her arm around her. She said,

Marlena, don

t cry.

Just ignore those stupid kids. They are just trying to see if they can upset you”. (+ Bucket) Marlena played the rest of the lunchtime with Roberta. She wanted to tell Miss Harkin when the whistle went but she just didn’t know how to say what she wanted.

In the afternoon, the children were painting pictures of a rainforest. Marlena loved painting. Roberta passed her and looked at her painting. “Wow that is really good” she said. (+ Bucket)

But a little later Omar came and looked at her work. “Ugh – that looks a real mess”. (- Bucket) My 3-year old brother could do better than that”. (- Bucket)

Marlena didn’t understand everything he said but she could tell that he was being unkind. And then Omar put his hand up and said “Miss Harpet, Marlena is copying me”! (- Bucket) The children on that table all started laughing. (- Bucket) Marlena just couldn’t seem to do anything right. She felt near to tears again. She didn’t know if she would ever fit in with this class.

A Box of Crayons

Once upon a time in a toy store there was a box of crayons. The crayons in it couldn’t get along, Yellow did not like Red, and neither for that matter did the Green. No-one at all seemed to like Blue. Orange pointed out that there was something very wrong. But something very right began to happen when a little girl bought these crayons and took them home and started to colour with them. The crayons realised that the big picture that they were creating together was beautiful and very different from the picture that they would make on their own.

Read the poem “A Box of Crayons” to your students. It is about the different colours getting along and liking each other.

The Crayon Box

(Shane DeRolf)

While walking in a toy store the day before today, I overheard a crayon box with many things to say. “I don’t like red!” said yellow. And green said, “Nor do I!” And no one here likes orange, but no one knows quite why.” “We are a box of crayons that really doesn’t get along,” said blue to all the others “something here is wrong!” Well, I bought that box of crayons and took it home with me and laid out all the crayons so the crayons could all see. They watched me as I coloured with red and blue and green and black and white and orange and every colour in between. They watched as green became the grass and blue became the sky. The yellow sun was shining bright on white clouds drifting by. Colours changing as they touched, becoming something new. They watched me as I coloured. They watched till I was through. And when I’d finally finished, I began to walk away. And as I did the crayon box had something more to say... “I do like red!” said the yellow and green said, “So do I!” “And blue you are terrific so high up in the sky.” “We are a box of crayons each of us unique, but when we get together the picture is complete.” NOW IF WE COULD JUST LEARNFROM THIS BOX OF CRAYONSTHIS WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE.

Wouldn’t it be terrible? Wouldn’t it be sad? If just one single colour was the colour that we had? If everything was purple? Or red? Or blue? Or green? If yellow, pink, or orange was all that could be seen? Can you just imagine how dull world would be If just one single colour was all we got to see?

Box of Crayons - Activity

What You Need: • Crayons, pencils, markers • Paper • The poem A Box of Crayons • Crayon pattern (See Activity Sheet 2)

What You Do: • Ask the children to use the crayon pattern and they all should colour them in the same colour – i.e. all crayons should be coloured purple for example.

• When they are finished colouring in the crayon patter in the sam colour let them move on to drawing their portraits onto another crayon pattern using as many colours as they need.

• Place all the paintings side by side. Ask the children which drawing they this is the nicest, the one they have drawn in one colour or the one with many different colours.• Place all the crayon portraits into a box to make a giant box of crayons – this will show the class how different and special they all are.

Handprint Rainbow

Objectives: Children will see that every handprint is different as they work together on a cooperative art project. What You Need: Coloured paints of your choice Large paper or cardboard Trays to put paint on for hand prints Optional: rubber gloves (taking into consideration any allergies the children might have)

What You Do: • Ask the children, “Who would like to make a rainbow with their hand print?”

• Draw a rainbow shape onto a large sheet and write on the colours in each segment.

• Ask the children to choose a colour they want their handprint to be.

• Ask each child to put their hand out, spreading their fingers. • Let the child dip his/her hand into the colour of their choice. • Place the child’s hand onto the row of their colour choice. • Discuss the differences in size and shape of all the children’s handprints.









Coat of Arms

This is Me!

In medieval times, every knight has a coat of arms on his shield. This was because when they were in battle and everyone was wearing armour and helmets it was very hard to tell the different warriors apart. So in order to stop a person from hurting someone who was fighting on their side each knight or soldier painted something on their shield which was personal to them. These designs acted like a team uniform. Now the children can design their own coat of arms which will tell everyone something about them.

Creating a Personal Coat of Arms

What you need• Activity Sheet 3• Crayons, paints etc• Old magazines to cut out pictures• Photographs that children have brought in• Glue• Paper Scissors

What you do:The Shield (See Activity Sheet 3) is divided into six segments (2 across and 3 down). The child should fill in each segment with a picture or symbol or a photograph that represents them. These could be of:• Their family, friends or pet• These can be of their hobbies or pastimes e.g. a football, bicycle etc• Something they are good at e.g. numbers (maths), words (English), drawings (Art), music etc• What they want to be when they grow up• Their favourite TV programme• Their favourite food, drink etc

