Welcome to practical life night

Post on 27-Nov-2014

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  • 1. Welcome to Practical Life Night

2. What is Practical Life?
Practical: means basic, useful, purposeful
Life: means the way of living
Practical Life exercises help the child learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way.
3. The purpose of Practical Life
To improve:
4. Practical Life encompasses four main areas.
5. Care and Respect of Self
Changing shoes, putting on slippers
Blowing nose
Care of teeth and bodies
Hand washing
Feeding oneself
6. Helping clean up!
7. Care of Environment
Dusting, sweeping, polishing, Tidying
Use of clothes pins
Washing up tables, floors, dishes
Care of a garden
Care of indoor plants
Planting seeds
Care of pets and animals
8. Helping a friend with his shoes
9. Social Graces and Courtesy
Greeting people
Interrupting with Excuse me
Coping with an offence
Conduct with a visitor
Speaking to a group
Waiting turns
Table manners
Serving and sharing food
10. Snapping Green Beans
11. Control of movement
Development of fine motor skills- pouring, transferring
Opening and closing
Walking on the line
Playing the silence game
12. Carving with care!
13. Apple Presentations Videos:
The Investigators
The Early Explorers
The Explorers
14. How do we help our children become capable and independent?
We practice the skills that are necessary until we no longer need help and act and do accordingly in the classroom and at home.
These skills cannot only be practiced at school.
Consider the level of readiness for your childis the activities safe first and foremost.
Questions about home activities and presentations???
15. Practical Life at Home
First, make sure the materials you use are child size
Second, remember these activities are the routines and rituals that adults perform daily in order to maintain their environment.- Give away some of the daily routines. Laundry, in the kitchen, cleaning bedrooms, measuring
Childs corner in every room.
Can you think of more that can be done at your house?
16. The skills learned in the Montessori Practical Life curriculum lay the foundation for the rest of the classroom. The skills of concentration, coordination, control, independence, and order provide the child with life skills as well as better understanding of their learning environment.
17. Adults work to finish a task, but the child works in order to grow and is working to create the adult, the person that is to be.
Maria Montessori