Welcome to Secondary Education Internship!!!

Post on 16-Feb-2016

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Welcome to Secondary Education Internship!!!. Your Coordinators: Mrs. Fasse and Ms. Parsons. Today’s Agenda. Placement Folders Meet your coordinators Intro Student Internship PowerPoint Go over the calendar Go over forms Grading Procedures Website. Basic Functions of a Student Intern. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Welcome to Secondary Education Internship!!!

Your Coordinators:Mrs. Fasse and Ms.


Today’s AgendaPlacement FoldersMeet your coordinators IntroStudent Internship PowerPointGo over the calendarGo over formsGrading ProceduresWebsite

Basic Functions of a Student Intern

These are simple suggestions for you to get involved in your new classroom as an education intern! Don’t forget to constantly communicate with your cooperating teacher!

1. Working with studentsYou can identify a

student or group of students that need attention or extra assistance regularly

You can and SHOULD help a student with work, but should NEVER do the work for the student

Be in charge of a small group during small group time and run a mini lesson

2. Teaching OpportunitiesYou should have the opportunity to teach to the extent that both you and your cooperating teacher feel comfortable.

Work together – co-teaching has worked well in the past

Learn from experience. Accept positive feedback and constructive criticism- your teacher wants to help!

Teaching a small group may be less intimidating for you (especially when you teach for the first time)

As an intern, you are expected to teach a lesson at least one time per quarter. (Especially for your quarter projects!)

3. Assisting a class with multiple special needs students

You should roam around the room and assist with reading, hands-on tasks, and basic organization for those students

4. Assisting the teacherClerical work

assistanceSetting up for labs

or projectsCreating bulletin

boardsOrganizing areas of

the roomPlanning mini

activitiesSharing your

creative ideas

Do’s for your Intern Experience Stay busy at all times!Work with your cooperating

teacher to develop appropriate goalsfor each quarter

Help your cooperating teacher keep his or her room organizedNOTE: Some clerical work is necessary, but realize that you

are learning the most when they are directly working with the students inside the classroom.

Ideas for Getting InvolvedGet creative! Create

folders for students who are absent –you can be in charge of getting absent students caught up.

Recognize a “Student of the Month” for the class. Maybe you can write a letter home, put up a display, etc.

Go over homework with your students or run a review game

Are there times when you can’t think of anything to do???

Take notes on the lesson, presentation or video as the teacher is presenting

Observe another teacher in the school building (A different grade, the special education resource room, etc.) *** Make sure you have permission first!***

Research a topic of your cooperating teacher’s choice they will be covering—YOU NEED TO BE KNOWEDGEABLE ABOUT THE TOPICS IN YOUR CLASS

Prepare for a future lesson you may be teachingUpdate worksheets and/or activities for your

cooperating teacher!Work with your cooperating teacher to utilize and

bring technology into the classroomSpruce up the classroom—look around and take


What is initiative???in·i·ti·a·tive [ih-nish-uh-tiv]

1. an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative in making friends. 2. readiness and ability in initiating action; enterprise: to lack initiative. 3. one's personal, responsible decision: to act on one's own initiative. INITIATIVE DO’S INITIATIVE DON’TSShare your ideas with your

cooperating teacherDON’T SAY….”You should do


Take action to help students when appropriate

DON’T help if you are not comfortable with the material

Clean or organize the classroom DON’T ignore any messes

Ask you cooperating teacher “Can I…” Come up with an idea before


DON’T be another student in the classroom

Questions ????Please contact us!(847)755-2736

Efasse@d211.org – FHS Periods 3,4,7,8Cparsons@d211.org – FHS Periods


Teachers who’ve had interns in the past can be a great resource and give you many good ideas!