Welcome to the Launch of Well Connected

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Welcome to the Launch of Well Connected. Wednesday 1 st February 2012 Rutherglen. Welcome! Brenda Hutchison, Head of Adult & Older People’s Services, South Lanarkshire Council. Well Connected Setting the scene. Jim Wright, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Unit General Manager. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Welcome to the Launch of Well Connected

Wednesday 1st February 2012



Brenda Hutchison, Head of Adult & Older People’s Services, South Lanarkshire Council

Well Connected

Setting the scene

Jim Wright, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Unit General Manager

What is Well Connected?


Well Connected is sometimes called community referral or social prescribing. It is a mechanisms for linking people with non-medical sources of support within the community & provides an evidence based framework for:

– developing alternative responses to mental health problems and low levels of well-being

– a wider recognition of the influence of social, economic, environmental and cultural factors on mental health and well-being

– improving access to mainstream services and opportunities for people with mental health problems, low levels of well-being or those socially excluded.

Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health (2007) Developing social prescribing and community referrals for mental health in Scotland www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Health/health/mental-health/section25-31/communityprescribing


The key areas’ are:

• Exercise and Leisure • Volunteering• Employment• Arts, Creativity and Culture• Welfare, Debt and Benefit Advice• Life Long Learning/ Training• Stress Control Classes, Access to Guided Self-Help

(telephone support via Breathing Space) & Interactive Support from Action on Depression

• Healthy Reading in libraries is all ready available• Green Space opportunities will be developed over the

coming year

What Domains are we Focussing On


What is Mental Health & Well-being?


The mental health continuum

Minimal mental health

Maximum mental health

Minimal mental illness/


Maximum mental illness/


Has diagnosis of a serious illness but copes well and has

positive mental health

No diagnosable illnessor disorder but has poor

mental health

No illness or disorder and positive mental health

Has a diagnosis of a serious illness and has poor mental


• No absolutes • The continuum . . .

Curing Illness Does Not Necessarily Result in Health The Dual Continuum Model (Pat Barker)


Why is Well Connected Important?


It’s No Secret• 25% of adults will experience a

mental health problem (over 120,000 in Lanarkshire).

• 1% will have severe and enduring mental health problems (5,000 people).

• 10% Children (6,500).• 20% total impact of disease.


• Material and relative deprivation• Low educational attainment• Unemployment• Environment: poor housing, poor resources, violence• Adverse life events• Poor support networks (Melzer et al 2004; Rogers & Pilgrim


Cycle of invisible barriers:• Poverty of hope, self-worth, aspirations

Not Just Any 1 in 4


How Does Well Connected Support our Commitments


• Strong Policy Context & Supports the many

Partnership Targets that we have

• Strong Local Partnership Commitments

• Strong Evidence-Base

• Great Deal to Build Upon

It’s not the start of the Journey for Well Connected

Tiered model of service deliveryTertiary


Specialist Secondary Care Mental Health Services

Primary Care & Mental Health Services

Community Health & Wellbeing


Tier 2

Tier 1

Tier 0

High Need

Low Need


South Lanarkshire Priorities:SL Stronger Together: 2008-2011 • Successful/Inclusive• Safe/Healthy • Working/Learning• Environment/ Life Circumstances• Smoking/Nutrition/Alcohol & Drug Misuse Physical Activity & Mental Health


• Strong Policy Context

• Strong Local Partnership Commitments

• Supports the many Partnership Targets that we have

• Strong Evidence-Base

• Great Deal to Build Upon


• It does require us to influence attitudes and behaviours

• It does require commitment and will

• It’s not difficult

It’s not the start of the Journey for Well Connected

Programme Overview!

Kevin O’Neill, Chair of the Well Connected Programme Development Group, NHS Lanarkshire

Towards a Mentally Flourishing South Lanarkshire

• Vision‘No health without mental health’‘Mental wellbeing is a precious resource for all of us’

• Principles‘People and communities have the capacity to change’‘National & local government, NHS and partners can help’





Mental health improvement works at a variety of levels:

• Hope • Sense of agency• Self management• Active engagement• Inclusion• Optimistic yet realistic• Having chance to contribute• Meaning and purpose• Supportive relationship


Well-being for all


Lanarkshire Social Prescribing for Mental Health Development Group: Multi-agency group Examine the evidence base Reach, comprehensive, sustainable & embedded Identify the opportunities and resources Make the connections Develop the pathways, systems & evaluation framework Build capacity Promotion materials Make the process as easy as possible

Potential Benefits of Well Connected?• Improving self confidence and self esteem• Reducing low mood• Reducing feelings of stress• Helping people deal with the problems that are causing

low well-being such as money worries, loneliness and unemployment

• Helping people develop positive ways of coping with the challenges of life

• Increasing opportunities for social contact• Learning new and useful skills• Improving community spirit• Increasing the number of people using arts, leisure,

education, volunteering, sporting and other activities


• All 50 libraries signed the see me pledge and action plan

• All librarians trained in mental health awareness

• Information prescribing programme launched 2010 across all Lanarkshire Libraries. (1000 resources borrowed every month).

• 200,000 wallet cards produced.• 100,000 stress and depression self-

help leaflets distributed to be given at point of contact. Further 12 leaflets accessible via elament.

• elament redeveloped (receiving 1,500 hits per month).

• Base-line for expanding Well Connected

Reaching Communities: Libraries & Beyond


Reach, comprehensive, sustainable & embedded

Stress Control

Action on Depression

Breathing Space


Green SpaceBenefits, Welfare &

Debt Advice

Arts & Culture



Physical ActivityLeisure

Healthy Reading


We are on our way……..


• Locality briefing from Occupational Therapy Colleagues

• Introduction to Mental Health (On-line) http://www.northlanmindset.org.uk/

• Suicide Prevention Intervention Training – For further information contact:

North Lanarkshire Choose Life Co-ordinator, greg.burgess@samh.org.uk

South Lanarkshire Choose Life Co-ordinator, Isobel isobel.mccarthy@southlanarkshire.gsx.uk

• Mental Health First Aid Training • Healthy Reading – in all Lanarkshire Libraries

Access to Free Training Opportunities: Building Capacity


Supportive Resources: Booklets and Concertina Cards

Side 1

Side 2

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

Supportive Resources: Information and Pathways

• To value, know and understand about SP• To identify people who would benefit• To embed within programmes and

communities• To discuss the benefits with the person• To provide the appropriate information and

support to help the person access SP• Check/ follow up if the person used and

benefited from SP where appropriate

Roles & Responsibilities (Sign-posters)


Remember you already do this on a daily basis

• Provide a supportive response

• Assess the customers immediate needs and interests and support into next stage

• Agree a plan with the person

• Maintain a supportive and reassuring relationship throughout

Roles & Responsibilities for Providers



Stress Control

Action on Depression

Breathing Space


Green SpaceBenefits, Welfare &

Debt Advice

Arts & Culture



Physical ActivityLeisure

Healthy Reading


“None of us are as smart as all of us.” Japanese Proverb

Tony McLaren, National Director

Pledge Ceremony

Suzie Vestri, National Director, ‘see me’

Closing Remarks!