WELLDON PARK: NEWSLETTER · 2018-04-20 · bigger KS2 playground, Welldon Park’s Got Talent...

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Summer 1 ISSUE 01 20th April 2018 2018 EMAIL: office@welldonparkprimary.harrow.sch.uk


ASSEMBLY THEMES THIS WEEK ARE: Guru Nanak and Summer Term - Fresh Start!

Highlights from this week:

The warm weather meant we have been able to do our first outdoor assemblies of Summer Term!

We received our new Pupil Fit Bit sport technology packs which will be

an exciting way to inspire PE across the school. Watch this space!

The children are enjoying the new KS2 playground space!

WELCOME BACK Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful holiday period and all the children are raring to learn this week! We have a lot to look forward to in the Summer

term and key dates are shared at the end of this newsletter. Some of the main events and highlights include our Year 2 and Year 6 National Curriculum tests, our new Parenting Workshops, Sports Days, the FIFA World Cup, Y6 concerts and Year 4 class assemblies, a bigger KS2 playground, Welldon Park’s Got Talent contest, a Royal Wedding Picnic Cele-bration, a Summer Fair, the new sports hall and classrooms will begin to shoot up and much, much more! Please check the newsletter weekly for key dates and our many notable events. We have also re-scheduled our previously advertised FUTURE FOR WELLDON MEET-INGS to happen on Wednesday 2nd May and be repeated on Thursday 3rd May. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @WelldoneWelldon to see the amazing pictures each day of life in school.

Staffing Update

We have welcomed our new Y2 teachers, Miss Marsh and Miss Sage to the school this week. We look forward to welcoming our new Y5 teacher Miss Bryson on Monday 23rd

April. We also welcome Miss Walcott who will be working to support Phonic and Maths in-terventions in Year 1. We are sure they will be brilliant additions to our Welldon Park


Weekly Safeguarding Lessons

Each week, as part of our PSHE program children will be completing an age appropri-ate lesson with the children. This week the children have been look at the five adults

in school that they trust to discuss any problems or worries they have.

Have a chat with your child and ask them what they have been learning! A reminder will be in weekly newsletters.


We are extremely excited to welcome Uzma Malik to our school next Thurs-

day morning to host a coffee morning for all our parents to discuss the brand new Parenting Workshops.

These workshops are for any parent interested in being the best parent

they can be! They will cover a wide range of parenting topics from how to help your child engage with homework, how to manage tricky behaviour at

home and much more! Come along for Free tea, coffee and cake and to hear a bit more about

what will be on offer at Welldon Park every Thursday morning from here on in!


Thank you to everyone who took part in ,

helped to organised and worked so hard to en-

sure our Spring Fair was a success. Because of

the popularity of the event and the fact we

managed to raise over £580 in 90 minutes we

have decided that we will be hosting :


Friday 6th July


If you are interested in helping to organise the

event, have some creative ideas of ways in

which we can raise funds for our school then

please come along to the planning meeting on

Monday 30th April 2018 in the Kingsley (Infant)

Hall at 9.00am.

See you there!


We have some inspiring ideas for how

we can make our Y6 pupils last few

weeks at the school as memorable as

possible. We have scheduled a date in

for a Y6 concert, Y6 Disco and a few

more top secret surprises we don’t wan

the children to hear about just yet!

If you would like to be involved in help-

ing to celebrate the time your child has

spent with us at Welldon, please come

along to discuss with Mr Rogers at the

Y6 End of Year planning meeting on

Monday 30th April 2018 at 8.30am in

the KS2 (Wyvenhoe) small hall.

See you there!


Please remember to top up your ParentPay account weekly so that your child can order their lunch quickly and smoothly during the school morning.

For any family experiencing financial hardship or difficulty, temporary or

permanent—we are here to help. Please contact Mr Rogers directly on ht@welldonparkprimary.harrow.sch.uk should you wish to discuss your fam-

ilies circumstances.

Similarly, for any educational trip, visit or excursion we don’t want money to be a reason that a child cannot participate. We are more than happy to discuss ways in which we support your child to ensure they have the best

possible learning experience at Welldon park.


Y6 parents will receive a letter this week detailing a breakdown of the SATS test-

ing timetable and details of our SATS week breakfast. We will open school to Y6

Pupils at 8.15am so they can come in and calmly prepare for testing and have

something warm, healthy and filling to eat!


We will be marking the Royal Wedding of Prince

Harry and Meghan Markle with a picnic in the Play-

ground on Friday 18th May 2018. Lunch will be as

normal but we will provide light snacks and refresh-

ments and watch the Welldon Park’s Got Talent Fi-




We will be hosting our very own talent contest over

the coming weeks with the final being on 18th May

2018! Ask your child for more information over the

coming weeks...


We will be launching our

brand new online Maths

tool—Mathletics, with the

children, in the coming



Look at the calendar at the end of the newsletter for the full list of upcoming events in school!

Fundraising The mother of one of our Welldon families, Mrs Bark, who has had a long connection with Welldon is completing a charity head shave for a fantastic cause and needs your help to raise money!

Mrs Bark says “I am shaving my head to donate my hair and raise money for The Little Princess Trust, they provide wigs for children and young people who have lost their hair through ill-ness, our daughter Helena was fortunate enough to receive wigs from them when she lost her hair during cancer treatment so I am doing this in her memory.”

If you would like to help support this fantastic cause, in loving memory of Helena, please visit the following internet link to find out more:


As always, if you have any concerns, meet your child’s class teacher first – speak to the office and they will ar-range an appointment for you. If there is something more urgent or private, a senior member of staff will always be made available to see you. Thank you for your con-

tinued support.

Mr J Rogers

Associate Headteacher ht@priestmead.harrow.sch.uk

Attached to the newsletter:

SUMMER Calendar 2018



Wednesday 25th April

9.00am Year 5 Parent Meeting providing information about the Sayers Croft Residential Trip. All year 5 parents welcome—Kingsley

(Infant) Hall. REPEATED THURSDAY 26th April at 3.40pm

Thursday 26th April

9.00am Parenting Workshop Coffee Morning— ALL WELCOME! Kingsley (Infant Hall)

Workshops run every Thursday thereafter!

Thursday 26th April


Year 5 Parent Meeting providing information about the Sayers Croft Residential Trip. All year 5 parents welcome—Kingsley

(Infant) Hall.

Monday 30th April

8.30am Year 6 End of Year Celebration Planning Meeting, Kingsley (Infant) Family Room

Monday 30th April

9.00am Summer Fair Planning Meeting— Kingsley (Infant Hall)

Wednesday 2nd May

9.00am Year 4 Churchill Class Assembly—Kingsley (Infant Hall)

Wednesday 2nd May

6.00pm The Future for Welldon Park Meeting with Sash Hamidi, Ex-ecutive Headteacher and Marie-Louise Nolan, Chair of Gov-


Thursday 3rd May

9.00am The Future for Welldon Park Meeting with Sash Hamidi, Ex-ecutive Headteacher and Marie-Louise Nolan, Chair of Gov-


Monday 7th May

All Day School Closed—Bank Holiday Monday

Wednesday 9th May

9.00am Y5N Class Assembly

Monday 14th May

8.15am SATS Breakfast begins with Y6 National Curriculum testing Week

Tuesday 15th May

Evening Ramadan begins. If you are celebrating and your child is participating please let us know if we can support your

child in anyway.

Thursday 17th May

Lunch Welldon Park free Pizza Day! (See letter in due course) Last day of Y6 Tests

Friday 18th May

Afternoon Royal Wedding Non Uniform Day, picnic and Welldon’s Got Talent Final


Monday 21st May

9.00am Year 2 SATS will be completed this week

Monday 23rd May

9.00am Year 4 Dianna Class Assembly

Tuesday 24th May

3.40pm Relationship and Sex Education Briefing for Parents

Friday 25th May

3.25pm End of Summer 1 Half Term


Monday 4th June


Tuesday 5th June

N/A Relationship and Sex Education taught at an age appropriate level to all pupils this week

Wednesday 6th June

6.00pm New Nursery Parents Welcome Meeting

Monday 11th June

All week Y1 Phonics Screening Tests take place

Wednesday 20th June

9.00am Year 5/6 Harrow Junior Citizen Event

Wednesday 27th June

6.00pm New Reception Parents Welcome Meeting

Tuesday 3rd July

Various Times

New Nursery children come for Stay and Play sessions

Wednesday 4th July

Various Times

Children Meet their new class teachers

New Reception children come for Stay and Play Sessions

Monday 9th July

10.40am—11.40am, 12.40pm—


Nursery Sports Day Sessions, Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th July

AM EYFS, Y1 and Y2 Sports Day on Wyvenhoe (Junior) Playground 9.00am—11.30am Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th July

AM Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 Sports Day on Wyvenhoe (Junior) Play-ground 9.00am—11.30am Parents Welcome


Friday 13th July

End of Day End of Year Reports, Data and New Classes sent home today

Monday 16th July


Monday 16th July

2.00pm Year 6 Concert performance for Parents

Monday 16th July

3.40pm Optional Parent Drop Ins with teachers to discuss reports

Tuesday 19th July

11.00am and 3.00pm

Nursery Graduation Assemblies! (Kingsley Hall)

Tuesday 19th July

5.30pm —7.30pm

Year 6 leavers Disco Event (Kingsley Hall)

Friday 20th July

11.00am Year 6 Leavers Assembly, Year 6 Parents Welcome to attend