Wellness Strategy en Vol 0001 ADD 1 Bat i 1 Defeat

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cure cancer


  • Wellness Strategy

    Multimedia Email Journal

    Whole Wellness Strategy - EN

    I want to give two additions to Vol. 0001 - two very specific examples that clearly and unambiguously show that:Once the effective cancer cure already exists- that means: people are dying NOT FROM CANCER any more!People are dying now:- from lack of INFORMATION- and from DESTRUCTIVE AND FATAL ADVICE

    Clarification: I could give many examples of cancer cure using the methodology of Shevchenko, but here, in addition to Vol. 0001, I give only these two examples because they are particularly characteristic

    Vol. 0001 - Appendix 1 (this is the first example)

    1. In this appendix it becomes clear to everyone

    - What would happen to the father of Lydia, if they break the rule, revealed in Vol. 0001and followed the destructive and fatal advice of physicians who blindly followed the learned model - and HOW roughly against all logic they tried to apply on her father methods that have cured from cancer NO ONE - and can not cure cancer, even theoretically.

    - And what happened - how her father get cured - after Lydia received a proper information and followed the only method that can cure cancer

    2. Also in this appendix I give exact instructions:- WHAT TO DO After the First Battle And the First Defeat Over Death

    After the first battle and the first defeat over death we should not reassure ourselves with having won the battle so that we don't lose the war!

  • In this message I directly quote the information about Lydia and her father, who was ill with cancer but NO LONGER IS. How with God's help Lydia won her first battle for the life of her father - the first defeat over death. I've presented their case here with her permission, otherwise I keep strict confidentiality! I do not share all cases, only the ones thata) are particularly characteristic and that b) allow me to publish them.

    Why am I devoting particular attention to this case here?Because it's not just a case of a cancer patient! And not just cancer! This man was brought to an extremely serious condition - cancer in the colon, liver metastases, 5 bypasses to the heart!... But here, with God's help and with the True and effective means for curing cancer EVEN this man - brought to such a serious condition even he got cured!That's WHY I devote special attention here! (Details - in the text.)

    In this publication I have presented the case as it is in my archives in the original, without additions and comments.Only a few small cuts were made of personal nature about Lydia.

    i-120601-001_RAK-Defeated by God and us Glory to God!

    13 June 2012, 19:08

    Hello,I am writing to share that it has been 3 months since we started the application of the method of Shevchenko, my father is feeling great! 20 days ago he went for blood and liver analyses the HB from 110 before, is now 137 (amazing, but true) and all the other tests are excellent.

    At the beginning of taking the mixture he was very pale and I was scared. He already regained the pink of his face and fresh apperarance. Apparently we have started at the early stage to apply (THANKS TO YOU) the method and so rapidly for three months, Dad is recovering. What happened is almost a miracle! And the GP is wondering how it is that he is well and has a fresh and pink appearance like before.

    No need to write to you how happy I am thanks to you!!!

    I hope my Dad continues to be well in the future too. We will apply the method together with the diet that accompanies it for 2 years.

    God bless you and be safe and sound, I wish this to you with all my heart!

    With all my respect for you


  • Tel: 0893 === ===:))))______________

    THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF JOY for Lydia, who won the first battle for the life of her beloved father - against the disease of CANCER.

    And here's how it all began:- I got a troubled letter, it showed that the woman was very frightened, anxious about the life of her beloved father. The diagnosis is CANCER. The perspective - painful death. Lydia began to search the internet, hoping to find a means that can save the life of her father Thus she comes across our site and finds my address. And this is what she wrote me:

    Thursday, 2012, March 15 13:57:28 EET


    I read about you on the web, looking for information about metastases to liver..

    My father is 70 years old and last year underwent heart surgery and had a quintuple bypass.Six months ago he underwent a second surgery of the colon cancer with two liver metastases that during the operation were burned. After this operation, the onco committee prescribed chemotherapy with Xeloda pills / the Cardiologists did not allow CT with infusing because of the fresh operation with the 5 bypasses.After the pills CT we did a scan and it was found that all with the colon is okay but there have emerged 2-3 liver metastases, ie chemotherapy pills did not stop the reproduction of cancer cells in the liver.The doctors said that infusion chemotherapy must be done. The attendant cardiologist now allows infusion.My question is: If he undergoes chemotherapy infusion, can he between the infusions initiate treatment by the method of Shevchenko and has this method a Negative impact on patients with cardiac surgery - bypasses?I turn to you because I have no one else to turn to ....If you can help me to save my father, who is an incredible, valorous and wonderful man, I'd be very grateful.I believe that cancer is curable. I read a couple of times your emails and downloaded and read the book of Shevchenko.


    To this letter of Lydia I replied categorically NO about the chemo ! What unscrupulousness! Consider: He has colon cancer, liver metastases, 5 bypasses!... And in this situation these medics: a) Can see the serious condition(!) -

  • b) KNOW that in principle chemo DOES NOT WORK!c) get convinced that in this particular case also chemo does not work(! ) and nevertheless they wanted to infuse him with EVEN MORE chemo! - To a person with 5 bypasses! Why?Because obviously none of these medics tried to imagine in this man's place himself or his own father!!!What are they saying to themselves: "Well, go ahead, he is dying, what is there to think about it"

    I want to emphasize: Then Lydia listened to me! - Thank God! - Because IF she were misled by the irresponsible advice of these medics and if they had infused into him another dose of chemicals - now her father WOULD NOT BE ALIVE ! The organism would not stand more poison. And what to speak of the heart!

    But thank God Lydia listened to me! How are things now?- Three months passed and I received this letter that you read in the beginning. Thank God! Lydia had with God's help, overcome her hesitation, had shown persistence, following the precise instructions. Actually - that's all one needs to do to be completely heal ed from CANCER - with the existence of this remarkable and effective therapeutic Methodology!This is our diligence which we have to apply to God's help.And our hope always and in everything is first in God!

    This is the archive number under which I have registered in my Archive this special case:i-120601-001_RAK-Defeated by God and us Glory to God!

    To the joyous letter of Lydia I answered so:

    Hello, Lydia!

    I am very happy that with God's help, you have succeeded! Certainly not me, but - God has helped you! I just tried to do my ministry as I can.

    I am very happy for you because I considered you a very difficult case. That's exactly how I have "filed" you in my archive:

    i-120303-001_RAK-DG_Lidia ==== ======@=======.=== Taking care of her sick father. Colon cancer with metastases to the liver.Especially difficult case! Main reason: Fighting with stubborn medics whopersist for MORE chem o - although it is PROVEN (especially in this case):a) how futile and vain the application of this chemo is!b) Furthermore - it is dangerous for the patient's heart! He has 5 bypasses! - How can these medics be so IRRESPONSIBLE!!! They are not Doctors - they are outright preparing him for the grave! But, thank God, there were thinking cardiologists who prevented this murder - and yet attention(!) the respite is only temporary!

  • c) Particularly dangerous reason: Lydia herself is very scared and is constantly wavering! - Between the apparent Truth and the "advice" of the irresponsible medics who carenot about the life of the man but for their prestige and benefits in the pharmaco-business."

    Yet, with God's help you win! Thank God!

    However, keep in mind that the final victory has not yet come. So you properly say that for two years more your father must take the basic version to insure that everything is cleared.

    And to put things strictly methodically, let us arrange them in the following scheme - and let this be your Schedule on which to act:

    1. Here we are in the first stage of the struggle for life: The results that appear clearly testify to the occurring overall improvement. And these are the results of which you write and of which the GP as you write "is wondering how it is that your father has got well?"

    Tell me: Is that the same cardiologist of whom you wrote"... I spoke with his cardiologist and he said that the mixture can influence in different ways the heart as well."And about whom I replied to youMarch 28, 201210:30And does this cardiologist know at all what is "Therapy Shevchenko"? Has he ever heard those two words at all so he speaks such things?..."

    Is that him who is now "wondering"? Al-right, al-right - let him wonder - if there's nothing else he can do... what else is left for him now?But the essential thing that we have to draw as a conclusion from his wondering, is this: Do you see that they don't believe - these medics themselves do not believe that one can be cured of cancer! They themselves do not believe in their methods! Do they not read statistics? So they not only don't believe but they KNOW very well that their methods do not work! If he believed, when he prescribed you his medications (which he KNOWS to be ineffective), then why NOW on seeing healing is he wondering?If he believed that cancer can be cured at all - whether with his means (which he presents as the best) or with other - then: What is there to wonder now - when he sees that cancer really can be cured?...

    The truth is that they themselves DO NOT BELIEVE that cancer can be cured! And the fact that they prescribe they do it so that the pharmacobusiness is going! Profit - coming froma) the desperation of the people andb) The fact that the people blindly believe their authority

    That's WHY now as he sees the real cure AND HE WONDERS!...

  • Anyway - let's leave him to wonder, that's all he can do...But we will not be wondering, we - will act!

    2. Second stage.After the first battle and the first defeat over death we must not reassure ourselves with having won the battle so that we don't lose the war!

    Here we have received comforting news, we have ascertained that those things that Father John wrote there, were not seen by him in a dream, but - that cancer can really be cured!BUT!- from this we do not take comfort to relax but continue to act, and then - with the same strain. We will act as we have acted so far, with the basic version of the therapeutic methodology and adherence to the diet,we will not be falsely reassured and lull ourselves, but will continue to fight!Question: How long?

    Answer - clear: until tests show zero results on cancer activity in the body - in all directions = 0. This is a new, higher victory.

    Then with even more enthusiasm we will step on the third stage of the struggle for life

    Note: In this third stage, we need to know this important and vital truth which I will explain very shortly: THERE IS NO such index as "cancer activity = 0". I just write it thus briefly to avoid unnecessary babble. And will continue to use this expression rather than be verbose.In a nutshell: Do the standard tests. You know which they are.

    3. Third stage: Tests show zero result of cancer activity in the body - in all directions = 0At this stage we also do not stop the fight but continue until we clear the disease at the cellular level. That is - we pursue the disease on such a level that no test can find it, but we know (!) thatit still exists. The fact that tests do not see it, does not mean it's gone. We can not see it through tests any more because the tests themselves do not see it. But we "see" it - with the eyes of knowledge! We do not kid ourselves and continue to pursue it - relentlessly. Formerly we were scared by it - and now let it be scared by us, and we - no mercy on it!

    This is one of the tragedies of the predominant medicine, the inquisitorial and ineffective medicine: it fights against the symptoms (the manifestations the indications) of the disease, and not against the disease itself. It does not see that Johnny has in his body a hidden hearth of the disease. And since it does not see (although it knows) it washes its hands like Pilate - and lies: "Johnny you're healthy!'- Aah, don't do this! This is deceit! Why would we lie to Johnny like this? This way we kill him!

    Here's why: There's no need to fight against the symptoms of the disease! I say and sign

  • - Father John - I say: Symptoms are a good thing, not a bad thing (!) because they areinformation!- namely: they inform us that there IS a disease!Therefore, we will not fight against the symptoms rather - we will look for them!We will try to find them - to make sure to get a straight answer: IS there a disease or not? and will not close our eyes, bury our head like an ostrich and will NOT to seek a false self-reassurance...

    In contrast to the false self-reassurance of the ostrich - here's the reality:- There just do not exist tests which can detect the small groups of cancer cells the micro-hearths of the cancer disease. This is recognized also by the representatives of the Predominant Medicine. According to the official medical statistics (eg publications in the Russian "Medical Encylopedia") even in perfectly performed operations in more than 50% of the cases remain cancer metastases that can not be detected by any means. Further, this leads to the recurrence of a disease that on the outside seems supposedly defeated.

    From here it gets clear that if a person reassures themselves in consistency with the vicious style of the Predominant Medicine and at that, prematurely, before their fight was brought to a final victorious end - it can cost them their life!

    To defeat also those micro-hearths of the disease that are invisible to any tests, but which exist, we will continue the therapy for at least 2 more, and better yet 3 years. This period is vitally required!We will also not mitigate the dose and continue as before - 3 times a day 30 + 30 ml.And during that time TO FOLLOW - what's happening? To look for symptoms - are there any, are there not? To do regular tests.

    I call this the period of Active Prophylaxis - and it is a must (if of course one wants to live and has not planned to kill himself). It consists in a) Application of the same Therapeutic Methodology of Shevchenko in the same dose andb) Keeping the same Diet this must not be omitted!

    After this period of 2-3 years is over or also alongside it we begin to apply a lightweight prophylaxis.

    4. Fourth stage. Lightweight prophylaxis we can start it either after the completion of the third stage, or along with it.This Lightweight prophylaxis is also very important and if I were in Lydia's place - I would apply it to my father. And now I apply it to my Mother - who is the grandest woman in the world after the Virgin Mary and all the Saints. This is the same Mother of mine who last year made the journey from America, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece and back in only 8 days, and she did it after (with God's help) she beat cancer, did it at the age of 85 and this fall she intends (with God's help) to do it again.I wrote to you about it - right?

  • What does this Lightweight Prophylaxis consist in? It is in a slightly different area:

    - The ability of the body to heal itself is amazing!This ability that God has given the body to heal itself, is unattainable for any doctor, for any medicine! And to give the body the opportunity to do this it is sufficient - just to start:1) giving it such materials (food) from which it can do it2) stop giving it such materials that poison it.That's it - that's enough! Glory to God our Creator for so wisely and incomprehensible to the human mind having made the things and us!

    In a TV interview the American Physician Dr. Peter Glidden repeated virtually word for word the same statement (only he forgot to glorify the Lord!)Dr. Peter Glidden, death by Doctor the Original(see Additional Documents, Supplement 1.)and to make this idea easier to understand, he gave a car as an example:- If you pour diesel fuel in a car that runs on gasoline - it will break - even if it is a super Ferrari! (if it ever starts) There's no problem with the car - the car is completely al-right - just you have given the wrong fuel. So it is with the human body as well.

    And the important thing, on which I should focus at this stage is:a) We said what God has given the body in terms of ability to heal itself.Follows:b) How we respond and how we should respond to what God has given to our bodies as ability:Here are the facts:- We live in an age in which everything on the planet is poisoned, poisonous chemistry everywhere, in our life, in food - everywhere - and we sin against our organism a) through gluttony, overeating and eating foods that harm the organism andb) through the fact that - whether we want it or not - we fill the body with various poisons, toxic substances that are in the food, water, air, everywhere- Fact: Our bodies are already chemically modified compared to the bodies of the people who lived 50 years ago! REMEMBER THAT! I knowIt sounds exaggerated, but it is true! That is why, many drugs that worked 50 years ago - no longer work today! A Doctor and a Scientist who do not take this into account, have incorrect, incomplete overview of man as a whole, so their findings are also incomplete, and therefore - also the results of their work are poor or none at all!

    - IN ORDER THAT WE COMPLY with this fact - it is necessary to take measures for periodic cleaning of the body from these toxins. These measures are called detoxification.

    It's like optimization of the performance of my computer: I have an antivirus program installed, it works well, but still there penetrate some adware, cookies and whatnot, that, if I do not clear them periodically (and for my computer I do that several times a day),

  • then my computer will just stop working and I will not be able to finish and I will not be able to send you this letter that now I am writing - and here now putting the full stop to this sentence.

    And as the periodic optimization of the computer performance is achieved with different programs (not antivirus, but - optimization) and - some are effective, others not so much, just the same way the periodicdetoxification and optimization of the functioning of the organism is achieved by various ways and means - some are effective, others - not so much.

    Personally, I have researched and have reached to a means, which I am extremely pleased with. This is the tea of another American Doctor - Dr. Miller, Veloci Tea and Information about this tea can be obtained from a third American Doctor - Dr.James Chappell - he is a very famous Doctor with over 35 years of practice who for many years has treated the most famous people on the Planet.- Who are they? Can you guess?

    Now I'll tell you the answer and you will laugh, but it really is true:The most famous people on the planet and at that with the longest-lasting fame- ARE NOT the Presidents and Rulers of Countries and continents- ARE NOT even the Presidents of America- ARE NOT brilliant Scientists who made momentous discoveries determining the lot of the Planet altogether of the Ball as a whole and of its parts - no, no and no!- The most famous people on the planet and with the longest-lasting fame, are ... the Hollywood movie stars! (-: Actors, directors ... They are the most popular!

    It is of their health that for long years took care - Dr. James Chappell.Here I will give you the address of the Company Whole Wellness Club- Represented here by Iraklis NEANIDIS - Head of The Project Onkonline Clinic NEANIDIS - and one of my spiritual sons:www . zdravoslov.info www . cancercureclinic.info http://cancer- en .blogspot.com/

    - there on this site listen to what Dr James Chappell says: there are many audio lectures there- and also read what the father of Medicine - Hippocrates says about the healing of the body: HOW it must be treated!

    "The disease occurs when the body's systems are toxic and out-of-balance. We must treat the body as a whole and not as a series of parts."I ask: Is that what those medics do, whoa) have given the oath of Hippocrates on how to treat the patients, and yet - b) without much thought, cut off body parts of the cancer patient and discard them in the trash as junk instead of healing his whole body!!!

    But I do not want to spread myself and stray from the topic. The essential thing is that

  • Dr. Miller's tea for me is the best tool for full implementation of the Lightweight anticancer Prophylaxis we are talking about. I have read studies, and myself have researched it - and in practice have observed how it affects my body (although many reproach me that I too often experiment with my own body) not only do I use it myself but I also send it to my Mother and my sister. It completely - all 100% corresponds to the developed by me Wellness Strategy to which I am introducing you now.

    Details about the effect of Dr. Miller's tea can be found on the site to which I referred you. But of all the beneficial effects, here I want to mention three particularly important:

    1. Putting off the excess weight, easily simply and efficiently and done naturally. Please let me be understood correctly:- This is not about vanity! I am a Cleric and such things do not bother me!- This is a very important health issue! Excess body weight - either in the form of fat or any other material -is not always the result of gluttony or excessive consumption of food!

    I ask: Why do all such diets of vanity rarely succeed, and even if they have some temporary success, after the termination or mitigation of the inquisitorial diet the person quickly returns to the same or close to the same state?

    The answer is: Because in most cases the accumulated weight is the result of overt or covert unhealthiness of the body, of illness, or generally, of an imbalance in the system.In all such cases, when you find the right cure for this illness and optimitsation of the system, the drop in the weight is a natural and logical result a lasting result! A result of health! And with this reached state of health one does not need to resort to inquisitorial vanity diets - diets that in terms of result neither can compare with health nor themselves represent health.

    Therefore, the re-balancing of the system by the Tea of Dr Miller comes from a process that is primarily HEALTHY! It is quite normal in the first 10 days of using the tea to knock off 4, 5 or 6 kg of weight without changing your way of eating or type of food. And this is the result of improving your health, instead of abstaining from food.

    The process of permanent and effective normalization of body weight comes completely naturally because this prophylaxis normalizesa) the process of assimilation of valuable nutritional substances in the body andb) the process of disposing from the body of those substances which are excessive, unnecessary and even harmful to it. (Dr. Glidden's example with the car!)

    In other words - here we have:- optimization and quality of assimilation of nutrients entering the body and also healthiness and optimization of its functions- instead of inquisitorial reducing the amount of these substances and in doing so they neglect the care for the proper functioning of the organism.

  • Example: In the bolshevik times were shown many documentaries about concentration camps inmates. Among these inmates I did not see any rounded they were all thin as a match! But that does not mean that their body is healthy!

    Therefore, the taking of Dr. Miller's tea besides eliminating the morbid processes of accumulation of overweight, as a natural result leads also to:a) removal of many other diseases - for more details see the website - look for Products> Veloci Teab) bringing the body as a whole in an optimized functional state. And hence - natural and logical result of this state is holding back the processes of its aging and wear.

    2. The father of Medicine - Hippocrates: "Death begins in the colon."Protruding abdomen, "pot belly" - it does not necessarily mean accumulated fat!

    The medical term for this is bloat. Having too much fat around the mid-section is not the only cause of this extension. Most likely it's a serious build-up of toxic fecal matter in the intestines and colon.This condition called bloating is not the stomach making the belly stick out, for the stomach is located above the transverse colon, beside the liver. Bloat is the colon (large intestine) expanding due to the impacted fecal matter building up inside.

    There is a reported case of an individual who had colon cancer .The colon was surgically removed and they found the following: The diameter of the diseased colon had stretched to 9 inches (22.5 cm) from the normal 2 to 2.5 inches (4-5 cm), yet the orifice through which food was able to pass was smaller than a standard pencil!

    - when the beloved for many people singer/actor Elvis Presley died, the autopsy revealed that his bloated body had about 50 pounds (around 21 kg!) of impacted fecal matter in his digestive tract!

    - The same situation is said to have occurred with the famous Hollywood actor, John Wayne, who had even more pounds of toxic fecal matter in his digestive tract when he died.

    The gastro-intestinal tract is a Home for parasitesThis mass of impacted decomposing material becomes food for an immense number of bad bacteria, yeast, fungus, and intestinal parasites like amoeba, flukes and worms to thrive within the body.The timely and regular colon cleansing is very important

    Obviously, cleaning out the harmful fecal matter in your own body could contribute to a slimming of the abdomen and some significant weight loss. BUT the more important is, it might also save your life! It will certainly improve the quality of your life. The average healthy person who is not constipated will carry about 5 pounds (about 2 kg) of fecal matter in their intestines and colon at any one time. Many carry 6 to 12 pounds (2,6

  • 5,2 kg), but don't show the symptom of bloating because the colon will first drop down internally before it starts to expand outwardly when even more toxic waste accumulates.People who are constipated or irregular can be carrying up to 40 pounds (17 kg) or more of this toxic fecal matter which is continually poisoning their body and organs, providing an environment conducive to the formation of polyps and colon cancer cells, blocking the passage of waste material, and inhibiting the absorption of nutrients, electrolytes, and water.

    These are things we don't normally want to talk about or hear about - but the condition of our colon is vital to our health and well-being. When things go wrong, it is often the cause of death. Doctors are familiar with that ancient medical advice from Hippocrates: "Death begins in the colon." You may not hear people talking about their colons, but you can easily see the effects of a clogged colon in all those big bellies and bulging midriffs - and see how "widespread" this problem has become in our modern society.

    Cleaning your colon and rectum may also be the best preventive measure you can take against the risk of colorectal cancer, pre-cancerous polyps in the colon, and those painful diseases of the colon known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diverticulitis, Ileitis, and Inflammatry Bowel Disease (IBD) which includes Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

    Today, doctors have no known medical cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Ulcerative Colitis (other than surgery). Between 25 percent and 40 percent of people with ulcerative colitis eventually are subjected to colostomy surgery in which part or all of the colon is cut out and removed. In the USA, over 100,000 colostomy surgeries are performed each year to remove part or all of a diseased colon. The predominant medicine, as usual, focuses on treating the symptoms of a diseased colon with drugs or surgery, without getting to the real cause of the problem. BUT when you look seriously at this question - then it becomes clear:- Prevention is the only option and the Wellness Strategy successfully solves this question!

    It's hard these days to avoid over-processed foods loaded with chemicals, drinks laced with caffeine, and all the toxic pollution in the air and water. However you can do something to counteract their toxic effects: - simply through the Lightweight Prophylaxis by drinking Veloci Tea to help flush the toxins, parasites, and impacted fecal matter out of your body and restore your colon to optimum health.The primary function of Veloci Tea is to gently cleanse the digestive tract of this toxic waste material, restore a healthy digestive system, and reduce the risk of all the ailments that are caused by auto-intoxication. In fact Veloci Tea cleanses all the soft tissues of the body. Not dealing with this toxic build-up early enough could lead to serious and sometimes fatal diseases like Crohn's disease, spastic colon, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and cancer of the colon or rectum.

    For more details I suggest you visit the site! And I stop here and emphasize:- Too many people are suffering and dying horrible deaths while all that could be prevented by maintaining a healthy digestive system. The Lightweight prophylaxis with

  • Dr Miller's Veloci Tea significantly improves quality of life...

    3. In general, basically the Lightweight prophylaxis with Veloci Tea:Optimizes the relationship HUMAN BODY + SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT

    You understand that a main contact between the body and the surrounding environment is done through the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. And this is a very important way of contact! So important, that circumventing it which is so often done in the predominant medicine, is an abnormal phenomenon that leads to permanent fundamental damage of the whole body (eg with vaccinations - the presence of antibodies does not guarantee protection from disease!). But that is another subject and I don't want to digress. The essential thing I wanted to emphasize is that:- The proper implementation of this natural contactHUMAN BODY + SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT its natural implementation and maintenance in order, prevents the occurrence of many diseases. And if the body is neglected and these diseases have already occurred - then the optimization of the relationship done by Dr. Miller's Veloci Tea, facilitates their removal - WITHOUT having to take medications, each of which has some harmful side effects.And the tea HAS NO such adverse effects and the therapy through it takes place NATURALLY!

    Thus these two prophylaxes - Active and Lightweight, which are part of the developed by me Wellness Strategy - besidesa) strengthening the body as a universal fighter against any disease, b) are also directed to optimize the two main and most important areas ofCONTACT of the body with the environment:- The entry of oxygen into every cell - optimized entry!- The entry of nutrients and disposal of unnecessary and harmful substances.

    The question of optimizing the entry of oxygen into every cell in the body will be examined in detail in one of the following volumes.

    And we are moving on with the scheme.

    So, in total, in our Strategy of Good Health - and in the first place - the final and effective cure of the disease of cancer, we have the following stages :

    1. First stage: Active fight against the cancer disease - until the first signs of the started healing appear - we rejoice, praise the Lord, but do not relax, and continue fighting actively.2. Second stage: Active fight - until tests show zero cancer activity = 0

    After that there follow TWO types of prophylaxis:

  • 3. Third stage: Active Prophylaxis (obligatory Shevchenko full version) and4. Fourth stage: Lightweight Prophylaxis Wellness, it is strongly recommended. It continues for the whole lifetime

    This view of life - new for Lydia and her father and many others - is calledWellness Strategy and requires a change in the very consciousness -in the very way we look at health.The Wellness Strategy, developed by Father John refers to the proper, healthy, attitude of the person to their own health.

    This far was about Lydia's father, who now is going on to victory over cancer.

    But we should not limit ourselves to care of him there must be also:- Care of Lydia herself. We must not wait for Lydia to be struck by a disease and only then begin to panic, but we must prevent the coming of the disease!

    This refers TO EVERY PERSON who has a parent who has suffered from cancer!- Why? Because they are a genetic heir of their parent's body, that is - they are a heir ofthe genetic predisposition of the body of their parentto generate cancer cells

    But it might as well be said that: This applies to EVERY ONE inhabitant of our Planet!- Why?Because:- Now every 1 in 3 people in the world gets cancer,- but the trends are that this ratio will grow by 2020 to - every second personIn this situation - what is the guarantee that this person is not going to be exactly you?- Is it worth setting our mind at rest about the risk "still, it's more likely to not be me" - since EVERY cancer patient was previously healthy - and most probablyhad also counted exactly on this!

    Why not protect ourselves? Give me ONE good reason not to?

    To everyone who prefers the path of prudence I suggest one INVALUABLE in its usefulness and extremely PLEASANT way: - TWO types of prophylaxis:

    1. Third stage: Active Prophylaxis (obligatory - Shevchenko)For Lydia, it is necessary for the following reason: Lydia is a genetic heir of the body of her parent. Therefore, she is a heir of the genetic predisposition of her parent's body to produce cancer cells. To prevent cancer activity let her do at least 3 cyclesof active Prophylaxis (by the Therapeutic Methodology of Shevchenko)

    And after this course, both for Lydia, and for every inhabitant of the Planet, it is very useful to do at least one such course of three cycles every spring. Why every spring?

  • Because in the spring take place active changes in nature, in our environment: all living things begin to grow rapidly, including bacteria, in addition at that time flourish the grasses, it's the time when allergies, etc are particularly active - if we start to describe the reasons in detail it will become a whole separate book!

    Of course, during the rest of the year as well every person can do themselves such a course. There is also a mitigated version of this therapeutic Methodology, and it's suitable for anyone, and at anytime. It has an all-healing effect on the body as a whole. It consists in taking the mixture once a day - best in the evening, or twice a day - morning and evening. In this mitigated version is kept the same regimen in days - the taking of the mixture in this mitigated version of the Methodology also is done 15-30 minutes before meals and under the same schedule that is specified in the basic Methodology.

    WHY when you drink this medicine two or three times a day, you should drink it for at least 3 cycles? Because only for this minimum amount of time are usually cured small cancerous tumors, of which many people are unaware that they exist in their own body.But NOTE: For sure cure from cancer can only be achieved when the mixture is taken THREE times a day!

    The maximum duration of treatment, or of prophylaxis with this methodology has no limit! The longer time taken - the better! If you will - even for a lifetime.

    2. Fourth stage: Lightweight Prophylaxis - Wellness it is strongly recommended. It continues for lifetime. Because in general the Wellness Strategy, you understand, is associated with a change in the very consciousness - in the very way we look at health.

    Let us highlight some details: a) A means for detoxification and cleansing and providing a whole-healing impact on the entire organism. Dr. Miller's Veloci Tea not only do I use it myself, but I send it to my Mother regularly, and also to my sister - because she is a genetic heir of our Mother - and on the whole because she is a LIVING PERSON who lives in this poisoned world!I have checked in practice the effect of Dr. Miller's Tea for a long time now - and am constantly convinced of its extremely healthy effect on the whole body.And of course I'm not the only one. Some, observing the effect, say, "it rejuvenates the body." The truth is that the tea simply prevents the many harmful effects on the body coming from the adverse surrounding environment and from autotoxication.

    Everyone today needs this! I live in the mountains. Here I am protected from many different harmful impacts, which you in the cities are subjected to.(I live here not for protection, but - because I love it and all my life I've dreamed of it). But even I here, away from the pollution, stress, shock atmosphere of the city, also need a means of detoxification and preventing different impacts. And the optimal way is the Tea of Dr. Miller Veloci Tea.For me it is tested and proven and requires no more checks.

    And now let's emphasize something even more important -

  • b) Change in the way of thinking about health and - what underlies the Wellness Strategy.

    - The Wellness Strategy is free from the hysterics of the industrial age and is more like many of the health systems of the past, but it was developed by me and it is a general change in the way of thinking with regard to health. A different look at it. In a nutshell, it consists in the following:- No need to wait for the occurrence of a disease and only then to rush to fight it! Better take action in advance and do not allow the emergence of disease altogether. That's it. In a nutshell, indeed.

    And now some details - think for yourself: If we wait for the disease to occur and only then rush to heal it - then from the time at which it started to act in our bodies until the time we realize it - it will have inflicted some damage! And we usually find out about the disease precisely because we have perceived the damage caused by it. Why should we allow these lesions? Let's better prevent this evil before it occurs and set as our aim good and perfecting in it.This rule applies as much to our body, the more - to our spirit. But here and now we discuss and apply this rule to the body.

    This is the basics. If more details are needed (and they probably are needed!) it will have to be further read in various supplements - about the Wellness Strategy. In only a few words was until here. The rest in just a few words can not be said.

    And now let's say a couple of words on thanking.

    Twice in this short but full of joy letter, you write to me(THANKS TO YOU)"( THANKS TO YOU) the method and so rapidly for three months, Dad is recovering. What happened is almost a miracle! And the GP is wondering how it is that he is well and has a fresh and pink appearance like before.No need to write to you how happy I am thanks to you!!!"

    I fully understand your joy and share it wholly and heartily, but- The truth is:

    1. Thanks not to me, but to God happened this, and also every other cure of cancer.And it happens through a method, through a therapy thata) has a very simple form - almost ridiculously simple on the outside - but in realityb) is based on a strictly scientific basis - laws of nature that operate flawlessly it is enough for one to just follow them exactly. It is enough to show a little discipline - and with God's help the development will be just like this - just such are the laws, which were established by the Absolute Lawgiver.

  • And that Uncle Doctor will naturally wonder - "but how so?" there is nothing else he can do.- since he does not understand the laws enough he can do just that: wonder ...Thank God that not every uncle Doctor is like this!...

    2. To reach this result, the mentioned discipline is necessary, necessary is that human diligence - added to the help of God, which God always gives generously, but never forcefully - the man should himself apply diligence to what God gives him.

    That is why - regarding gratitude:- Give thanks always and for everything to God!Personally, I do not want anything and you owe me nothing.

    This letter was long BUT - ita) prevents deathand b) brings LIFE!

    God bless you!

    + Father John

    =========== Additional documents: ===========

    Supplement 1. Death By Doctor (Dr. Peter Glidden) EN Original

  • Supplement 2. Here is what Dr. Peter Glidden testifies about chemotherapy:Chemotherapy is a Waste of Money (Dr. Peter Glidden) EN Original

    And if this happens in a country with so advanced medicine as the USA what to say about our Bulgaria? This American Doctor anxiously talks about irresponsibility in the USA - and what will it be if compared with the irresponsibility of medics in Bulgaria! (And in Greece it is at all beneath criticism!) In the USA for such "advice" that they gave you for a man with 5 bypasses, in case of death (and it would inevitably be death!) people sue the medics and they pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But what is money compared to the fact that I will lose my father?

    Supplement 3. 26 July 2012, 16:06 (58 minutes ago)

    Hello Father John,

    I commend you for the idea and also I wanted to tell you one other thing.

    One week ago, our cardiologist took my dad for one whole day at the hospital where he had had surgery done last year.

    I send you the pictures of my father:

    The first was taken in March before the method

  • and the second is taken two months after the application of the method.

    They made full examinations of the colon, lungs, heart, and especially of the liver / to see to what level the metastases have reached /.

    And imagine those same medics who had discovered the metastases were now looking for them, searching and did not find any spots and there was no trace of them .... and just 4 months ago, these same medics after the scan said my father had 2 5 cm large patches of metastases.

    You know that I started treating my father about the end of March, by the method of Shevchenko.My father was discharged the same day with a medical history saying that he is NO MORE ill with cancer.

    You can understand how happy I am!

    And I want to say again that the main contribution to discontinue HT and start the method of Shevchenko are you with God's help, we coped with the cancer of the liver.

    God bless you and let's ask God to protect us from diseases / physical and mental/Amen!


    ========= Reply by Father John:

    Greetings to you too, Lydia!

    Greetings also to this boy I see here in this picture!He is about my age.

    When the tension drops in your CM job - come with him here to me on the mountain in Greece - WELCOME to the Mount!

  • I have prepared for him a wonderful rakia - so we drink it with a normal appetizer! - to the delight of heart and soul!AND NOT MIXED AND SHAKEN WITH UNREFINED OILwooow... ) -:

    We may have already become - former youthshowever, we continue to be- STRRRONG BOYSsss!

    Are you laughing now are you laughing - as you read my crazy-brained talks, hey?And do you remember how our conversation started?...

    Thank God for everything!

    + Father John

    ============ Additional findings, advice, goals ============

    Now, after the doctors' finding of which you write me - we should in turn make our findings and conclusions.Here is the finding of the doctors:"My father was discharged the same day with a medical history saying that he is NO MORE ill with cancer."I specify: this is THEIR statement! Don't forget how big the difference is in the quality level between - their goals and our goals!

    a) If they (the representatives of the predominant medicine) achieve even not this goal, but mange to achieve even something much less - just a remission = holding back of the disease (which however exists in the body!) - they would jump with joy and would shout throughout the world with their ads and bragging! Because they even such pathetic goals as they set themselves even them they can not achieve!

    b) And for us - their goals are extremely poor in terms of result - they are downright pathetic! - And for us, they can never be goals! For us this is just a stage - this is the second stage - and nothing more. Just as it is written in the Wellness Strategy that this is not at all a victory, but only a stage - here, I quote:"2. Second stage: Active fight - until tests show zero cancer activity = 0"That's all. Nothing more! From here on we continue our fight! I quote:"After that there follow TWO types of prophylaxis:3. Third stage: Active Prophylaxis (obligatory Shevchenko basic version) and4. Fourth stage: Lightweight Prophylaxis Wellness, it is strongly recommended. It continues for the whole lifetime "

    So now you enter the Third stage of our fight: Active Prophylaxis. I'm glad that along with it you decided to start the Lightweight Prophylaxis with Dr. Miller's Veloci Tea.

  • In this situation, my advice is - after a year to do the following:

    1. Another examination for cancer activity. Even if they tell you, "But you don't need..." - you reply: "Let us make sure!" and do it. The standard one.

    2. After you in the course of one year apply also the Lightweight prophylaxis with Veloci Tea - with your father in the course of one year will be doneOPTIMIZATION of the relationship: Man + nature (Surrounding environment)- Both optimization of the relationship supply-acceptance of oxygen into every cell of the body (through the Active prophylaxis)- And optimization in the relationship of entry of nutrients and disposal of excess substances and toxins (through the Lightweight prophylaxis with Veloci Tea)The optimization of these two relationships holds the aging processes and should sensitively relieve the organism in its entirety! And that means - relieving the work of the heart! And especially for your father, as we know, this is very important.Therefore I advise you to do a cardiac examination as well.- Just explain to the Cardiologist what the purpose is, and let him determine what examination to make - according to this purpose!- And after you tell me the results ALSO from these examinations - then you will delight me very much - and I seriously believe that these results will be joyful!

    Thank God for everything!

    And from the point we finish the Active prophylaxis, we begin with God's help to strive to live so that we do not get ill at all! We use for the purpose the instructions and rules of the Wellness Strategy of Good Health

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    Copyright 2011 Wellness Strategy, Author + Fr. John (Vasilevski), All Rights Reserved.