Welsh dragon tale

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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The Tale of the Welsh Dragon

Many years ago, there were lots of dragons, happily living

in a welsh village.

Then, a white dragon found the small village and decided to live there too.

The Dragons were very happy about the white dragon living with them.

However, the white dragon was a very angry dragon and had the power to

freeze everything in his path.

But… what the white dragon did not know, was that in the small village,

lived a red dragon, who was sleeping in his cave.

The red dragon was the strongest, bravest and most powerful dragon in the village.

Six months later, the red dragon woke up to find that the white dragon had

frozen the village.

The other dragons were scared

The red dragon challenged the white ice dragon to a fight at the top of the

hill the next day.

The red dragon won the fight!

And the white dragon flew away

All of the other dragons were very happy

However, the red dragon was in pain, so he went to sleep, but he never

woke up.

Wales will always remember the legend of the red dragon, who saved Wales from the evil, white, English
