Wesak 2016 Reflections and Aspirations

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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1 That Mind precedes everything we must realize.May our Dhamma Practice help Wisdom rise.

2 There is Kamma, The Law of Moral Causation.May we purify our mind, speech and action.

3 In The Noble Eightfold Path there is Right View or Samma Ditthi.

May we all strive on in the Dhamma so that the Truth we can See.

4 Dana or Generosity is the first Parami.May we all reach out to give, help and serve selflessly.

5 It’s unwholesome to harbor anger, ill-will or hate.

May we let go or forgive the mistakes others make.

6 The Ego or Self in us is a root cause of Dukkha.

May we meditate most ardently to realize Anatta.

7 The Past is dead and gone and the Future is yet to be.

May we train the mind to be in the Present mindfully.

8 No one but ourselves can chart our mental peace.

May we not let others cause us mental Dis-ease.

9 Khanti or Patience is a most praiseworthy quality. May we not stop or give up

to practice diligently.

10 Sati or Mindfulness is the Path to Deathlessness.

May we practice the Satipatthana with earnestness.

11 Determination and Effort are needed in the Dhamma Path. May we not slacken and

let the defilements conquer our heart.

12 Sila or Morality is the base for mental development.

May we observe the Precepts well as we strive for Enlightenment

13 Dangerous are the poisons of Greed, Hatred and Delusion.

May our training of Sila, Samadhi and Panna lead to Liberation.

14 Equanimity or Upekkha is a high Brahma Vihara.

May practicing the Sublime States help end all Dukkha.

15 Dispelling Ignorance gives rise to Panna or Wisdom

May we walk the Dhamma Way until Enlightenment.

Happy Wesak 2016Theme

Promote Social HarmonyThrough

Buddhist Unity

May we grow in Compassion and Wisdom