Wh Explorers

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# 3 U n it E x p lo r a t io n a n d

D is c o v e r y

Reconquista Retaking of the Iberian Peninsula by Christian soldiers

after 732 AD (Battle of Tours) Completed by Portugal – early 1400s Completed by Spain – 1492

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Iberian Muslims – called “Moors” Christian Soldiers: Conquistadores

Used by Spain and Portugal to explore Africa and the New World for the “Glory of God”

Kings also needed to get them off the Iberian peninsula – they could cause trouble with no one left to fight

Reconquista Image


Key to wealth in the Renaissance world

Highly desired by Europeans in an age before refrigeration

Grown in what is today Indonesia

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Spice Trade was controlled by Muslims (remember – Mecca had been a trading center before Islam came to Arabia – the trade flowed through Arabia and Egypt and into the Northern Italian City States)

Pepper – worth its weight in gold by 1492

Cloves and Cinnamon both very expensive – used for “medicine”

Modern Spice Market in Turkey

Factors that lead to Exploration Demand for gold, spices, and natural resources

in Europe.

Support for the diffusion of Christianity

Political and economic competition between European empires

Innovations in navigational arts (European and Islamic origins)

Pioneering role of Prince Henry the Navigator

Map showing Spanish and Portuguese Explorations of Africa and the New World

Let’s start with the rivalry between Spain and Portugal

Portugal is first out of the gate-They didn’t have the Spanish Inquisition-They take anyone who thinks they can make sailing better-They are the 1st to sail to Africa then to get to India and Indonesia

Prince Henry the Navigator Portuguese prince – Son of

King John I (first king of Portugal)

Started a school of navigation in Portugal

Wanted to bring the Renaissance to Portugal – needed money to do so

spices = money Dreamed of sailing around

Africa and reaching the Spice Islands of the Indies

Prince Henry the Navigator and the Portugal Empire

The Portuguese yearned to find a sea route to India to thwart Arab middlemen who controlled overland routes, keeping prices of pepper and other spices high by keeping supplies low.

CARAVEL-A multi-sail ship that can sail in different directions regardless of which way the wind blows. Larger, sturdier than previous ships.

ASTROLABE-(invented by the Muslims). Shows latitude by position of the stars.

COMPASS-(Chinese) Shows direction by always pointing due North.

Better maps-maps began to include the western continents!


Portuguese Explorations

Series of explorations sent down the coast of Africa – looking for the route around it to India

Portuguese Explorations

Ran into islands off the coast of Africa (Madeira and Azores)

Found the bight of Africa in the 1450s (before Henry’s death)

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Kingdom of GhanaPowerful and wealthy African coastal kingdom

found in the Bight of AfricaThree major trading items

Salt (used for preserving meat and milk)Gold (will fund Portuguese exploration)Slaves (minor trading item in the 1450s – not

really important until the discovery of the New World and the establishment of sugar plantations)

Slavery out of Africa12 million slaves taken:

1450-1880Portuguese ran the trade Middle Passage – from Africa to

Havana, CubaWhere did they all go?

1 million never reached land3 million to Brazil2.5 million to Caribbean3 million to New Spain2 million to Europe (various

places – many as domestic servants , coachmen and other house laborers)

500,000 to what is today the US South

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The Middle Passage

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The Middle Passage is the slave trade route from Africa to the New World

Africa Europeans, especially

Portuguese established trading posts along the coasts

Traded in slaves, gold, and other products

Trading posts became center of slave trade

Slavery and the Middle Passage


Slavery and the Middle Passage

Slavery and the Middle Passage


The Portuguese just keep going and going and going….

Map showing Spanish and Portuguese Explorations of Africa and the New World

Portugal and the Search for SpicesAfter finding Ghana the

Portuguese continued down the coast of Africa

1498 – Vasco Da Gama rounds the Cape of Good Hope and establishes trade with India and Indonesia

Portugal quickly became Europe’s spice traders

Huge money to be made by Portugal in trade (salt, slaves and spices)

Africa’s Indian Ocean Coast Arabs had already established

trading posts Swahili was the common

language of tradeQuickTimeª and a decompressor

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Africa’s Indian Ocean Coast

Intrusion of the Portuguese--established trading posts

Impact on Spain and international trade■ Spain wanted the

gold, spices, wealth of the Portuguese.

■ Sent out expeditions to compete with Portuguese


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Asia India, the East Indies,

and China were colonized first by small groups of merchants

More merchants and army followed

Portuguese, Dutch and British established trading companies■ Dutch East India,

British East India Companies

Indian textiles influenced the British textile industry-cotton, design

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The British will eventually discover a route to India and they will defeat all others to take over the country.

They will change the world with the East India Tea Company

So how did the East India Tea Company end up changing the world?

East India Tea Company

What comes to mind when you hear the word "corporation?" Maybe a giant, faceless conglomerate? Ruthless captains of industry? Perhaps you think of corporate scandals like Enron and WorldCom.

In fact, the unscrupulous plundering done by some modern-day corporations pales in comparison to the activities carried out by one of the world's first corporations: the British East India Company


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East India Tea CompanyThe concept of corporations was first

established under ancient Roman law [source: University of Virginia].

But it wasn't until England emerged from the Middle Ages that it created what we recognize as the modern corporate structure.

It all began on Dec. 31, 1600, when Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the British East India Corporation, naming the corporation "The Governor and Company of Merchants of London, trading with the East Indies."

The corporation conducted business in the East Indies (land that we now consider India and the Middle East) at the behest of the queen


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East India Tea CompanyThe East India Company established a few

major precedents for modern corporations. But it also shaped the world in countless other ways.

With both the financial and military support of the Crown, the EIC served as an instrument of imperialism for England.

The company had its own private army and raised soldiers in the areas it subjugated. Its expansionism spurred several wars that produced at least two sovereign nations.

Among its many claims to fame (and notoriety), the EIC indirectly built Yale University, helped create two nations and was the world's largest drug-dealing operation in the 18th century.


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China Chinese created enclaves

(certain areas) to restrict foreign influence and control trade

Portuguese, Dutch, British competed for trade in China

Official imperial policy established to control foreign influences and trade

China didn’t need anything from the western world so they had no strong desire to trade

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Japan Japanese society characterized by powerless

emperors ruled by military leaders (shoguns) Adopted policy of isolation to limit foreign

influences Foreigners (Dutch) could only trade in Nagasaki

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Let’s go back to the rivalry between Spain and Portugal

Spain is behind the game- even with what will be the #1 navy (called the Spanish Armada) in the world.

That armada will later be sunk by fate, bad weather, and Elizabeth I of England in 1588 - never to rise again!


In 1598 Philip III of Spain offered a prize and a lifetime pension to anyone who could discover a way to find the longitude at sea.

Later the English through Parliament and the scientific societies did the same.

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Meanwhile on the other side of the world…the unknown world

Christopho Columbo From a common family in Genoa, Italy (a sea trading city with

connections to the Spice trade) went to Portugal early in the 1470s Worked for the Portuguese sailing from Lisbon to Iceland – hears tale

of the Vikings and western settlements Believed that the Vikings had actually settled north of Japan on the

east coast of Asia Heavily influenced by the Journal of Marco Polo, an Italian who

traveled overland to China in the 13th century Developed a plan to sail west to reach the Indies Pitched his plan to the Portuguese crown – turned him down (Portugal

is already going around Africa and dealing with Ghana) 1486 – Arrives in Spain – Reconquista is not finished – has to wait –

Queen Isabella liked the idea, but would not fund it until the end of the Reconquista

1492 – Two Worlds Collide Jan 1492 – Granada surrenders – Reconquista is

over and the Spanish crown agrees to fund Columbus’ venture

Columbus was given three ships: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria

October 12, 1492 – land sighted Columbus named the island “Hispaniola” and

claimed it for Spain (most experts believe he’s somewhere in the modern Bahamas)

He’s convinced that he’s somewhere off the east coast of China

Called the natives “Indians” – named after the Indies (where he believes he is)

Christopher Columbus:a critical assessment Crazy? He saw Asians in

the Caribbean Visionary? He opened

the way to the West Heartbroken? He sailed 4

times to the New World, yet always believed that he was just off the coast of Asia

Died Penniless in Spain Did he really “discover”

anything? Why is he so important?

Nueva Espaňa

Three reasons to come to the new worldG o d : Christianize the American IndiansG o ld : gold found in Central Mexico

(Aztecs) and silver found in Peru (Incas)G lo r y : glory for the Conquistadores

Nueva EspaňaSuper colony –

stretched from today’s Utah to the end of South America

Capital: Mexico City

Spanish really focused on the gold and silver mines of central and south America


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It’s a lot of Gold….

It’s a lot of gold and silver coming from the new world to Spain

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It’s a lot of Gold….

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The vast amounts of natural resources discovered in the New World inspired envy among Spain’s European rivals, especially France and England. Spanish shipments of silver ( plata ), gold, gems, spices, and other exotic goods soon became prey for pirates and corsairs intent on stealing their share. To counter this threat, Spain developed a formal convoy system as early as 1537 to protect its merchant vessels from predators. At least two armed escorts, a capitana or flagship sailing at the front of the fleet and an almiranta or vice-flagship in the rear, accompanied the heavily laden ships across the Atlantic. Additional armed galleons often protected large fleets. To pay for this protection, merchants whose cargos were carried in the fleet paid a tax on their goods to the Spanish Crown

How much gold and silver?

$2.35 Trillion in today’s money


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Remember that rivalry between Spain and Portugal?

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

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The Treaty of Tordesillas was a treaty to solve the land dispute between Castile (present-day Spain) and Portugal.

1) It clarified the spheres of influence and rights of possession in the New World.-

2) it reserved Brazil and all newly discovered lands east of Brazil to Portugal.-

3) it granted all lands west of Brazil to Spain.

The treaty was organized where the land would be divided by a hypothetical north-south (longitudinal) line around the world.

Spanish Missions The Spanish used a series of missions to link the parts of

New Spain together Many of the cities of the American southwest were

originally missions San Diego, San Antonio, Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Santa

Barbara, San Francisco Missions

1/3 Church 1/3 fort 1/3 school

Alamo (San Antonio)

Nueva EspanaIndigenous - native - people became enslaved on plantations where they worked until they died. These mega-farms or mining plantations were called encomienda - labor system used by the Spanish to colonize the New World

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Map of New Spain

Meanwhile other nations are discovering this new world…

Especially England and France

North American Colonization

Six European Countries colonized North America – 3 were minor settlements

R u s s ia – Alaska – fishing and whalingS w e d e n – New Sweden (along the

Delaware River) – now southern parts of New Jersey

( )N e t h e r la n d s D u t c h – New Amsterdam – becomes New York in 1664

European Colonization of North America

Major European Settlements in North America

• Spanish – Nueva Espana – stretched to Utah – included Florida (has oldest city in the US)– This territory was not where Spain concentrated its

resources• French

– New France (along the St. Lawrence Seaway)– Louisiana (along the Mississippi River)– Mostly settled for trade with the Indians– French saw the Indians as allies and partners– Colonies run by Absolutism – governors had complete


Map of New France

Map of New France

English Settlements

Most were founded for religious choice

Puritans – wanted to clear the Anglican Church of its Catholicism

Quakers – went to Pennsylvania

Only Rhode Island founded for religious freedom

Gives America the idea of the “city on a hill” – we’re God’s chosen people

Generally founded for economic reasons

Cash crops Tobacco Indigo (blue dye) Rice Cotton (after 1793)

Heavily dependent on labor Will turn to slavery by 1640

– it makes economic sense Home of the “American


Northern Colonies(Massachusetts)

Southern Colonies(Virginia)

Map of the English Colonies before 1763

What purpose did the colonies serve? Why did they exist?

Mercantilism – economic system whereby colonies exist solely to serve the mother country in terms of providing raw materials and as a market for finished goods. The “needs” of the colony were secondary to the needs of the mother country.

Mercantilism and Triangle Trade

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Triangle Trade

The Columbian Exchange O ld Wo r ld t o N e w

Wo r ld N e w Wo r ld t o O ldWo r ld

People – colonists / slaves

Horses and other draft animals

Agricultural products – wheat

Religion – ChristianityDiseases – especially

smallpox Ideas behind

government and culture

Agricultural products -- corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes

Diseases – syphilis

Columbian Exchange

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