What career transitions taught me

Post on 08-May-2015

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A brief presentation about what I learned so far from my career and the steps I took from one job to another. I also have added some lessons I learned from my transitions that I hope would be of benefit to others. This was originally presented to the Insead Graduates group in Riyadh. Please feel free to comment or write me.


Wh o   i s   B a d r ?  

*  From  LinkedIn  endorsements  


M y   c a r e e r   v i s u a l l y …  

1. I thought I knew everything

2. First Job: Welcome to the real world

3. The real world is in starting a business not in government

4. Merging 3 companies: All the Fun x 3

5. 2nd Start-up: Big bets can fail big

6. Yet can occasionally win: Won Telecom license

7. Aim for country transformation

9. Lead through influence

10. I still don’t know much

T e n   t h i n g s   I   l e a r n e d …  8. Climb the ladder

If  you  aren’t  learning  move  on  to  a  new  posi:on   progress  happens  when  you  change  posi:ons   :ming  your  change  is  crucial  

learn  how  to  sell   open  up  to  learn  from  others   be  driven  by  challenge