What do you know about Hinduism? Mindmap your knowledge.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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What do you know about Hinduism?

Mindmap your knowledge.

Introduction to Hinduism

• To know some key facts about the religion of Hinduism

• To explain core beliefs of Hinduism

HW Design a “Title Page” in your exercise book. Title – Hinduism Research some symbol, gods and add in key words from this lesson.

Where do you think Hinduism started?

Northern India, on the banks of the river Indus

What do you need to have a religion?• A founder (a particular person to

start it off)• A holy book • A leader organising everything

from the top eg a Pope • Followers who all agree to

believe the same thing

Started sometime in the Indus river valley in India, but no one

really knows exactly when (maybe 2000-1500BCE)

The stories in the Holy books were told by God to many holy men over many years. They passed down the teachings they received, which eventually got written down.

There are many holy texts of Hinduism, but the Vedas are the holiest of all the books.

Although there are priest and religious teachers in Hinduism, there is no-one “at the top” like a Bishop or Pope, correcting false beliefs.

All Hindus do believe in some basic ideas, they also differ a lot about which gods they believe in and who God really is.

1. Bullet point 5 facts about Hinduism.

2. Explain 2 important ways that Hinduism is different from other religions.

**Which of these differences makes the most difference, do you think?

No single person is responsible for starting the religion. The holy men simply passed on what they had learnt.

Check your learning…Does Hinduism have..

• A founder ?

• A holy book ?

• A leader ?

• Followers who believe the same thing?

B.. One God, many faces. Hindus believe in many different gods, but they are all really one god

You have 1 minute to memorise your sentence. Don’t write it down!

E. Reincarnation: after death, you will be re-born

C. Dharma: do your duty

D. Karma: what you do today, will affect your future

A. God is in everything, - so everything is “God”

1. Write down the 5 core beliefs.2. Choose one belief. Explain what

you think it is saying.**How is one of these beliefs are

similar or different from what you believe?

What are Hindu core beliefs?

Give an example of each one of these beliefs.

Plenary Activity






use keywords from this lesson to write an acrostic poem!