What Happens When Marketing And Advertising Collides With Pop Culture

Post on 10-May-2015

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A gathering of marketing and advertising predictions the likes of which have never been seen before.


RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! The world of marketing &

advertising is colliding with

the world of pop culture…

A collection of some of the

brightest minds in all of marketing

& advertising was asked one

simple question:

What is your prediction for the

year 2014?

There was just one catch…

They each had to “marry” their

prediction with a pop culture

reference from any of the

following references:

Song Title

Song Lyric

Movie Title

Movie Quote

Presenting the most

unusual marketing

predictions you have

EVER seen in your life.

“Everybody’s watching, watching

to see the fall out, even when

you’re sleeping, keep your eyes

open…” – from the song Eyes Open by

Taylor Swift

“The adage has long been, ‘the only constant is

change itself.’ It’s time for an update. It’s not just

change that is the challenge for marketers and

marketing anymore, it’s the pace of change and the

required pace of adaptation. Whether it is

responsive design, or agile marketing, or

understanding and managing new social channels

(snapchat & whisper anyone?) we need to be more

on top of what our customers are doing, how

technologies are changing, how to be more excellent at more

things more of the time than ever before. Keep your eyes

open – even when you’re sleeping. The only constant is that

you are behind already.”

- Dwight Griesman, CMO, High Street Partners

“Say something, I’m giving up on

you.” – from the song Say Something by A

Great Big World

“2014 needs to be the year of a stellar customer experience. Marketers need to stop talking

about customer experience and start creating interactions that are customized, personalized,

relevant and omni-channel.

Customer expectations have evolved and customer needs cannot be an after-thought. Focusing

on the customer can’t be JUST a great tagline in a CEO’s report to the street. It must become

part of a companies DNA. Know your customer, use that knowledge to create meaningful dialog

that actually ‘Says Something’ to them. Do away with the practice of creating pointless digital

experiences, (like the countless number of purposeless apps that are created) just so you can

say that you too are doing what others are doing. If we as marketers don’t make the commitment

to clean up our mass approach to engagement and start producing real-time, relevant, individual

and purposeful customer interactions – our customer will stop listening to us, no longer look for

us – they will give up on us….

So, to all the talented marketers out there I challenge you to make it your mission to ensure that

2014 be the year you actually ‘Say Something’ meaningful to your customer through a robust,

dynamic shopping experience that showcases a relevant customer first strategy.”

- Patrick Adams, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Victoria’s Secret

“Help me… help you” – Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise), Jerry Maguire

“Today’s customer is increasingly invisible. Hiding

behind the anonymity of a Google search and the

consumption of digital content without the need for a

subscription. They’re self educating and companies

must shift their sales & marketing efforts aways from

selling and into helping these customers make the

right buying decision by providing trackable, helpful

digital content.

Then by tracking this content consumption,

companies are helping the prospective customer

send buying signals the company can leverage to

increase sales of its products and services.”

- Tom Martin, author of The Invisible Sale

Alice in

Wonderland (movie title)

“When Alice confronts the white

Queen, Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use

trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe

impossible things. I dare say you

haven’t had much practice,’ said the

[white] Queen.

The future more than ever, one could

argue, will be created by those who

believe in the impossible, as crazy as that might


- Gregory Carpenter, James Farley/Booz Allen

Hamilton Professor of Marketing Strategy at the

Kellogg School of Management

“Do you ever get the feeling that

there’s something going on that

we don’t know about?” - Timothy Fenwick, Jr. (Kevin Bacon), Diner

“It strikes me as such an appropriate thought for marketers and agencies as we

head into 2014. Bottom line: THERE IS something going on that we don’t know

about, especially if we aren’t paying close enough attention. If we aren’t studying our

competition. If we aren’t mining data. If we aren’t keeping up to speed on the latest

technology. If we aren’t getting closer to the customer. 2014 should be the year where all

marketers stop the practice of incrementalism – adjusting last year’s plans up or down,

turning a few dials here and there. It is a time to throw the old marketing plans in the trash

and start from scratch, because competition has changed.

Data has gotten richer and easier to use. Technology continues to advance and evolve at

light speed. And customer behavior is shifting maybe more than ever before. The point:

keep up. You have to. Even if you are keeping up, there is still something being developed

that we don’t know about. That’s hard to control. But the best marketers are the ones that

know they have to keep up and work at it.”

- Joe Saracino, CMO, Erwin Penland

“You should be kissed…and

often…and by someone who

knows how.” – Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), Gone with the


“Today, products reach parity faster than ever. Real lasting sustainable advantage comes from creating real differentiation at the service level to constantly ‘kiss’ the customer at relevant Touchpoints between their needs and your brand. Marketing’s greatest impact in 2014 and beyond will be to ‘know how’ to properly inspire customers, to work with them to understand their needs and enable them to easily find and evaluate your offers and support them all along their pre sale to post sale journey. Doing this often and across the touchpoints that matter most to customers will make sure you don’t find your value proposition ‘Gone with the Wind.’” - Randall Rozin, Global Director Brand Marketing, Dow Corning Corporation

“And all the while I feel like I’m standing

in the middle of a crowded room,

screaming at the top of my lungs, and no

one even looks up.” - Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet), Titanic

“I think that’s where we are at now with marketing. No-one cares about our products and services, they care about themselves. We can shout all we want, but it simply doesn’t work anymore. The consumer is in complete control. For all the talk about brands developing epic content, for the most part we are looking for large groups of the right people and throw a content grenade in the middle of the room with the hopes that it goes viral. Viral happens after 1,000 pieces of amazing content. 2014 will be the year of patience. More brands will realize that consistent delivery of amazingly useful and entertainment content is what builds long-term relationships with customers. We will see a number of amazing content platforms launched in 2014, as well as a number of brands that actually go out and BUY media companies instead of developing content factories on their own.” - Joe Pulizzi, Founder at Content Marketing Institute

“A ch-ch-ch-ange is gonna’ do you

good.” - from the song A Change Would

Do You Good by Sheryl Crow

“It’ll be another 12 months of audience

empowerment, hyperfast change and

associated reactivity in a lot of areas – not

necessarily bad things, mind you. The smart

and resourceful marketers and their valuable

partners will drive the trends or at least

negotiate the landscape with vision,

understanding, and a lack of surprise. The

less-prepared will reveal themselves to

be…less prepared, and will spend another

sizeable chunk of the year playing catch-up.”

- Rich Romig, Executive Creative Director,


“Show me the money” - Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), Jerry


“This line has taken on new meaning

for marketers, as we realize that

awareness building alone can not

drive a business. We must build

response at every touchpoint.

Every interaction with our customers

needs to build the brand, deliver core

benefits, and drive conversion.”

- Barbara Goodstein, CMO, Vonage

“This dizzy life of mine keeps

hanging me up all the time.”

- from the song Hanging Tree by Counting


“The lyric is esoteric but for some reason it was the first line I thought of when I heard

this question. I’ve thought quite a bit lately about how social media is affecting not only

our digital lifestyle but also our analog, everyday way of life. I think that it’s easy to get

caught up in this dizzy life that is digital. We embrace every trendy network and struggle

to find time to share a slice of our life across everything. I think that in 2014, we’re going

to fall deeper into the sea of accidental narcissism, where we share and over share

blurring the line between reality and the digital reality we share.

At some point, whether it’s 2014 or 2015, we’ll each undergo a self-evaluation of what it

is we put into social media and what it is that we hope to take away from it. My

prediction, and my hope, over the next year is that we reassess and reprioritize a value

system that delivers greater value to those who follow us and those whom we follow.”

- Brian Solis, Principal Analyst, Altimeter Group

American Hustle (movie title)

“While we continue to plod along in this false economy, marketing

and advertising professionals and their communications are a

welcome escape from the realities of another downturn in the

economy just waiting to happen. It’s not if…it’s when. Hence, it is

going to be a tougher climate for marketers as major corporations

continue to sit on hoards of cash rather than investing in the

economy and innovating our way out of it, and in turn give us the

next great innovation to market. Also, if they continue sit on cash

and behave like banks, unemployment and (more importantly )

under-employment will never return to levels which will instill the

kind of consumer confidence we need to prosper.

So my prognostication is another tough few years until government steps in and makes it

attractive for companies to innovate again. Innovation spurs new products and services,

employees people, gets the engine going, fuels a strong consumer economy, that in turn,

needs us to market in a competitive environment.”

- Jan Talamo, Chief Creative Officer, Star Group / M&M

Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (rock musical)

“What does Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark have to

do with the future of advertising and marketing?

According to over 200 thought leaders who

participated in the Wharton Future of Advertising

Program’s Advertising 2020 project—responding

to two simple questions: what could/should advertising be by 2020 and what

should we do now for that future—advertisers and marketers will have to shift

from traditional approaches to one in which their primary role is that of a

network orchestrator.

Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark also demonstrates a bold willingness to

experiment that advertising must cultivate if it is to succeed in the era of

empowered consumers. But just like the play’s own protagonist, we as

marketers must not be daunted by early failures; indeed, these are a necessary

part of the development of any hero’s story, including that of the brave pioneers

of marketing 2014.”

- Jerry Wind, Lauder Professor, University of Pennsylvania

“The key to this business is

personal relationships.” – Dicky Fox (Jared Jussim), Jerry Maguire

“Marketers in 2014 and beyond will need to

focus on making the value exchange with

the customer come to life across all that we

do, especially as touch points and new

media become broader all the time. With a

proliferation of media, it’s a real and

growing challenge to keep teams and

agency coalitions working together.”

- Tom Lamb, CMO, Lowe’s

Contradiction (song title), Macklemore

“In 2014, marketers will continue to increase their influence

across the organization, yet they will struggle more than ever to

demonstrate the ROI of their efforts. In fact, in a recent Domo

survey, 82 percent of marketers told us they are held

accountable for ROI on marketing spend – but only 33 percent

have access to marketing contribution to revenue..

So while the expectation on marketers is greater, their budgets

are bigger and they touch more areas of the business

(operations, customer experience, relationship management,

competitive and so on), they’ll be in more of a panic about how to

prove value. Why?

Here’s the contradiction: Marketers have more channels, more partners and

more data than ever before to manage, and yet they still don’t have the

information they need. It’s imperative that marketers get the data they need

and know their numbers to prove their value. That’s a challenge. But they’ll

eventually get there. They have to.”

- Josh James, CEO/Founder, Domo

“What we’ve got here is failure to

communicate.” - Captain (Strother Martin), Cool Hand Luke

“Social needs to become more ‘social’ in 2014. Communication

and relationship building are the keys that will set your brand

apart, add value, and lead to trust and loyalty. The brands who

wake up and take advantage of these opportunities, instead of

looking at social as just another place to advertise, will increase

the lifetime value of their customers.

It has taken some push-back from people who use social channels, but

many brands seem to be finally figuring out the importance of Return On

Relationship (#RonR) in the social space, the opportunities that live there,

and that using social platforms as blast media channels can be effective,

but wastes the true value that lies there waiting to be leveraged. There’s

been a lot of complaining on the part of lazy marketers that still try to take

short-cuts, but the rewards for good social behavior are just too big to

ignore. Spammers are getting penalized, and good networkers and

community builders are reaping the benefits of engaged consumers,

influential followers, and dynamic advocates.”

- Ted Rubin, Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Brand Evangelist

& Acting CMO of Brand Innovators

“You keep using that word. I do not think

it means what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), The Princess Bride

“I’ve noticed that what passes for content and marketing

is too often remarkably close to advertising. The most

innovative content marketing in 2014 and beyond is truly

rooted in customer empathy: It’s useful, enjoyable, and

inspired, as I’ve talked about a lot this past year, from

Istanbul to Austin. What it’s decidedly not is just

advertising: One-way messages that (while often clever)

usually aren’t really helping the customer make decisions,

or should their burdens, or ease their pain.

Content and social tools represent an entirely new opportunity for

how businesses communicate with the people they want to talk

with — and it’s an enormous one. Let’s not squander that, okay?”

- Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs

“Won’t Get Fooled Again” By The Who

“The message of the song captures my views on ‘Big Data’ quite

nicely for it’s (supposedly) a massive revolution that everyone has

been longing for:

We’ll be fighting in the streets, the change, it had to come. We knew

It all along. We were liberated from the fold, that’s all. But in the

end, everyone will be disappointed and life will be pretty much the same as it was before.

And the world looks just the same. And history ain’t changed. Cause the banners, they

are flown in the next war. And we look back and realize that we were being fooled (or just

fooling ourselves) the whole time, and we promise that we won’t get fooled again.

But of course when we meet the new boss (or newfangled management/technology

paradigm), we will eventually realize that he/it is same as the old boss. And this cycle of

hype then disappointment/resignation will continue on and on. It happened 15-20 years

ago with CRM, and now the same exact thing is happening with ‘Big Data.’ And I have

every reason to believe that every generation will have its own ‘new boss.’ And, worse yet,

with each cycle, the hype will grow larger, the disappointment will be deeper, and the time

between cycles will likely shrink.”

- Peter Fader, Professor of Marketing, co-director of Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative

“Show me the money” - Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), Jerry Maguire

“ROI happy. Not a new trend for 2014. But

one that hopefully fizzles by the end of the

year. Marketers are getting squeezed to do

more with less money in their budget. There’s

been an even greater emphasis on ROI and

it’s not slowing down. This has driven the

desire for more measurable tactics in their

marketing plans regardless of their efficacy

or fit for the brand or product. As long as we can measure

it. I’m hoping the trend takes a smarter turn to plans that

build strong brands, instill preference and drive sales- not

just increase hits, views or likes.”

- Sean Donahue, Partner /EVP/Creative Director, DDCworks

“No man, they got the metric system…

They call it a Royale with cheese.” – Vincent Vega (John Travolta) Pulp Fiction

“Marketing is increasingly about context and knowing

your customer. In 2014, we’ll see advertising networks

that use context to proactively deliver messages from

marketers that are personalized to each user’s needs

at that very moment in time with the user’s explicit

consent to receive them.

If these networks do their job, these “advertisements”

will be indistinguishable from content we actively seek out. They will be

welcome additions to our day, saving us time, money and informing us

about new services we’ll immediately fall in love with.”

- Sam Shank, CEO/Co-Founder, HotelTonight

“Houston, we have a problem.” - Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks), Apollo 13

“When I hear these words, I don’t think of the challenge

posed by the near-fatal malfunction that beset the Apollo 13

mission in 1970, I think of the tremendous collaborative

effort required to get the NASA astronauts back home. I first

connected the Apollo 13 mission with social business in

early 2012, arguing that while the business world may have

been experiencing a time of challenge, they would eventually

see great advances in social employee empowerment by

embracing social business philosophies.

In our book The Social Employee we show how those social employee cultures

are beginning to emerge and what they look like. I predict that 2014 will be the

tipping point in social collaboration, the year when businesses embrace the

idea that they cannot communicate externally unless they first learn to

communicate internally. It starts by keeping your employees safely in orbit. Now,

let’s send the message home.”

- Cheryl Burgess, CEO/CMO, Blue Focus Marketing

“I made him an offer he couldn’t

refuse.” – Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), The Godfather

“Publishers are under more and more

pressure to provide efficiency and value

around all advertising, especially digital.

As advertisers look to target and

retarget in digital campaigns, and

monitor ROI and viewability, publishers

will be required to offer advertisers

opportunities that break down

inefficiencies and allow lasting value.”

- Marc Jenkins, Vice President, Digital


“No One’s Listening” By Goo Goo Dolls

“While thankfully there are exceptions to the rule — most brands

will still view marketing as a monologue they control, not a

conversation they’ve been invited to join. We are slowly chipping

away at the old entitlements and habits but they aren’t going to

disappear in 2014.

Those of us with marketing or communications in our title can preach the

Unmarketing/Youtility/Think Like a Rock Star gospels but in the C-suite, it’s still a sell more and

sell faster mentality. Those two viewpoints aren’t exactly aligned. In fairness — we’ve brought

some of the misalignment on ourselves. Listening, being helpful and following the editorial

calendar isn’t enough. We have to also build a sales funnel that gives the prospect an

opportunity to buy. If we don’t do that, we aren’t marketing, we’re chatting.

Yes — we must be the first to provide value and yes, we need to consistent and sincere in that

effort. But we can’t forget to give them the opportunity to buy. There’s nothing dirty or wrong

about doing that. If we marketers play our part well and show the C suite it can and does result

in sales…maybe they’ll be ready to listen.”

- Drew McLellan, Top Dog, McLellan Marketing Group

“It’s The End Of The World As We Know

It (And I Feel Fine)“ By REM

“There have never been as many channels for reaching

consumers directly, and never more ways for brands to

understand how the consumer who uses their products and

services really feels about them.

The old adage that past predicts future behaviour just doesn’t hold true anymore. Both

consumers and brands are figuring out new ways to behave in myriad new channels, often at the

same time. Control has gone out the window, as the consumer and the influencers they follow

take charge of the conversation. Brands have always told stories about their products and

services, in highly controlled and paid environments.

Now, consumers are the ones telling the stories. The good news for brands is that the consumer

is engaging with them to a greater degree than ever before. Strong brands that are bold,

confident, have great stories to tell and that are initiating social conversations with consumers

are extremely well positioned to lead innovative new approaches to marketing. So – yes – it’s the

end of the traditional marketing world as we know it. But the brand stories and channels we can

co-create with our consumers are more powerful, emotional and real than ever before. And that

makes me feel just fine.”

- Elizabeth Pizzinato, Global Luxury Consumer and Digital Marketing SVP, Four Seasons Hotels

and Resorts

“Changes” By David Bowie

“We’re seeing technology begin to exceed

the speed of light. One week

Healthcare.gov crashes and two weeks

later three young guys in California develop

an end-around. This will have a significant

impact on marketing communications

because smart brands and marketers are

always looking to capitalize on trends and

how people are digesting tools and

information. This will only continue and so

we’ll see the landscape broaden and shift

in terms of influence and market share.”

- Aaron Perlut, Partner, Elasticity

“I’m A Believer” By The Monkees

“I’m a believer that technology

will make measuring what used

to be unmeasured, possible. The

beauty is that when you have the

data you want, and you can run

experiments too, you can answer

questions in the field, with real

data, and in real time.”

- Eric Bradlow, K.P. Chao

Professor of Marketing,

Statistics, and Education,


Planes, Trains & Automobiles (movie title)

“As we continue to consume information on the go

via smartphones and tablets, many analysts expect

that the mobile web will dwarf traditional desktop

Internet usage by 2015. With this prediction looming

over the heads of marketing managers everywhere,

2014 will be the year that companies of every size

embrace responsive web design or create

alternative mobile versions of their website to

ensure that their brand provides a consistent cross-

platform experience.

Those who continue to turn their back on the mobile user, and

allow their competitors to adapt to this trend, will undoubtedly

find themselves standing alone on the proverbial train

platform like John Candy in Planes, Trains & Automobiles

hoping to be reunited with their customers.”

- Chris Carragher, Founder/Brand Strategist, Alpha Brandz

“Can’t Buy Me Love” By The Beatles

“2014 is going to ring in a new spotlight and even

greater importance of relevant, empowering,

entertaining, inspirational and responsive content. It

is becoming more difficult for brands to truly engage

their fans and drive the desired action. Brands must

inspire their audiences to connect with them with a

goal of helping their audience achieve their goals.

It is then and only then that they will achieve their

objectives by default. You can buy likes, but you

can’t buy love. Social media and marketing always

has been and always will be about the people. You

can never go wrong by investing in real community and the

human beings within them. Brands will only receive as much

love as they are willing to earn and give.”

- Pam Moore, CEO/Founder. Marketing Nutz

“Wrecking Ball” By Miley Cyrus

“Companies will continue to violate the most basic

fundamentals: having something authentic to say before they

plan on ‘going viral.’ In other words, authenticity isn’t created

by a committee brainstorming in a boardroom. The sequence

is passion, creation driven by passion, having something to say

vs. developing something to say and ‘filling in the missing


And Miley’s words apply perfectly to many corporations and

campaigns that come in like a bull in a china shop (my translations are in italics in


I came in like a wrecking ball, Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung.Left me crashing in a

blazing fall, All you ever did was wreck me. Yeah, you, you wreck me (you fickle consumer, how

dare your needs and preferences change?)

I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in (after we sweeten up the deal with

add-ons). And instead of using force, I guess I should’ve let you win (perception vs. reality).

I never meant to start a war (except with our competition at whatever price; anybody wanna

get naked on a metal ball?) I just wanted you to let me in, I guess I should’ve let you win.

- David Brier, President/Creative Director, DBD International, Ltd.

“I’m kind of over getting told to throw

my hands up in the air, so there” – from the song Team by Lorde

“Lorde is an amazing young artist that all the cool kids

are listening these days. She is relatively outspoken

about pop stars who talk about their fame and fortune.

Lorde is trying to ‘keep it real.’

Dancin’ around the lies we tell. Dancin’ around big eyes as well. Not very pretty, but we sure know

how to run free. Living in ruins of the palace within my dreams. Instead of writing about herself, she

writes for her audience of mainly teens and young adults (and apparently young-adult-wannabees

like me) who are struggling with simple, everyday problems.

And you know, we’re on each other’s team. I’m kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the

air. So there I’m kinda older than I was when I revelled without a care. So there

With her haunting voice and down-to-earth lyrics, Lorde is foreshadowing the evolution of marketing

in 2014. Where we’ll continue to move from all the flash and pomp and product pitches of

Madison Avenue ad budgets to realizing that when it comes to our customers, we’re on each

other’s team. We’re tired of creating content that only supports what the business thinks it wants

instead of what we know our customers need. We’re kind of over getting told to throw our hands up

in the air. So there.’”

- Michael Brenner, Vice President of Marketing and Content Strategy, SAP

“Let’s Go” By Calvin Harris featuring Ne-Yo

“Technology is moving faster than

organizations can keep up and

consumers are evolving faster than

brands. The brands that take the

risk to embrace this reality and re-

invent their marketing strategy and

organizational structure to evolve at

the speed of their customers will

thrive. Those brands that do what they have

always done will become irrelevant. ‘It’s not

about what you’ve done, it’s about what

you‘re doing. It’s all about where you‘re

going no matter where you’ve been. Let’s


- Will Seccombe, President & CEO,

Visit Florida

“If you don’t know who I am, then

maybe your best course would be to

tread lightly.” - Walter White (Bryan Cranston), Breaking Bad

“For years, marketers could get by playing the volume game. To drive

up revenue, all you needed was a few thousand more email addresses

and a big red “send” button. Unfortunately, over time every marketing

department within every company, from the email team to the display

team to the mobile team joined the game, volume has gone through

the roof, and there’s no one left to look after the individual customer

experience at the receiving end of this onslaught.

In 2014, the companies that will own leadership positions are those that follow

Walter White’s advice and prioritize getting to know consumers at the individual

level before reaching out with marketing messages. With the myriad of

technologies available today, there’s no reason why marketers shouldn’t have

robust profiles built with behavioral and preference data. Armed with this data,

the imperative then becomes shifting the focus to the individual consumer,

breaking down silos within marketing departments and delivering orchestrated

experiences that span digital as well as physical touch points.”

- Scott Olrich, President Marketing & Platform, Responsys (full disclosure, my


“You told me to go back to the

beginning.” - Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), The Princess Bride

“The reason I chose this particular line is I think marketers and

advertisers the world over need to go back to the beginning – literally

and figuratively. The world of course is a highly digitized place and with

all the spectacular and life-changing technological advances comes it

with an undeniable sense of desensitization.

Perhaps it was only natural that as technology progressed so too did

the distance between people; between those on the selling side of the

cash register and those waiting in line. I read a story not long ago but the practice

some retailers are taking which in essence says they will not wait on a customer

who is on his/her phone as they approach the register. I love it.

I love it because this goes both way kids. Yes we are all marketers and

advertisers but we are also consumers. Collectively we need to go back to the

beginning; to a time where people matter most. Living, breathing people who

have emotions and feelings and sentiments. I am by no means advocating not

using all digital channels available to us. Of course not. I am merely saying the

customer has to be put first, front and center. We must collectively shrink that

line of desensitization once and for all.”

- S.O.

Thank you for your time…

Questions, please Tweet me

@steveolenski or email me


Named one of the Top 100 Influencers In

Social Media (#41) by Social Technology

Review and a Top 50 Social Media Blogger by

Kred, Steve Olenski is a senior creative

content strategist at Responsys, a leading

marketing cloud software and services

company. He is a also a member of the

Editorial Board for the Journal of Digital &

Social Media Marketing and co-author of the

book StumbleUpon For Dummies.