What hurries are hiding

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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What the hurries are hiding.By David Navarro.

The urgent thing kills us.

Its avidity has no limits.

It trends to invade us like

a voracious cancer

The urgency enters through the door...

... Through the telephone, calls that demand an immediate answer...

works that must be made with prowl

meetings are advanced to its scheduled time for non sense reasons

e mails asking for reception confirmation, and immediate answer

...interruptions of all type that, cheeky...

enter without callingto steal our time

invading us under the shelter of a label that seems to justify the harassment:

“It is urgent!”

requiring incessantly that werun marathon to rate of sprint.

Diverse studies maintain that it is possible to lose until 80% of the working day in interruptions generated by the apparently urgent thing. In most cases is evident that it was not critical at all. There are really urgent and important questions, but are less of those than we think.

The causes of this daily mess are multiple

Without doubt, one of most common isthat there is who lives to cause the chaosand the anguish from the urgency to assure itscontrol, its power and its position,becoming in reality an impertinent mosquito, a pain maker

These profiles pretend to show authority positions

but with a lack of abilities that disable them to be really competent.

The professionalismand the efficiency tend to be discreet, humble and elegant

Plain speaking, to be urgentand to tighten are the same thing, and the ones that does not know to manage in anefficient and human way...

trend to tighten unnecessarily people surrounding them,

to become the dominant alpha of the herd

The urgency is in many casesan eloquent disguise of the incompetence, the cretinism and the own inner emptiness.

there are more and more people depressed in the laboursurroundings due to the pressure and to the anguish, clear symptoms of the urgency

This is so popular, that in many professionals abounds phrases in the line of “in all theday I have not had a little while to go to the restroom” (Can you imagine?)

“Next week I can neither be ill nor have a crisis: I have full agenda already”“I am late to my yoga session: what stress!”

Expressions that show the folly of the human being and an insane life style.

Voices of stressed anonymous professionals, imprisoned or victims of “ the urgentthing “ brought by a third party and often,also, by themselves.

A part of the problem is the haste that everybody has

Many people have not foundthe sense of their lives; for that reason, they run constantly looking for it.

Many are enslaved thinking about the next car, the next house, the next work. Later they discover that those things also are empty, and continue running

Instead of looking for the deep and intimate causes of the urgency in our inner self, it iseasier the use of analgesics or cheap disguises to mask the acute pain

Or even the use of milky products or multivitamins that promises to reinforce ourdefences, so we do not stop until we burst.

Sadly enough, that is valid for the small ones of the house, that must go all the day to top.

In addition, we live in a society in love with the techniques that provide short cuts, and is hard to us to accept that quality of life will not arrive from the way of the short cuts. But the temporary lightening that the short cuts contribute to us, gives us forces that we use to be more and more occupied in other things, without even stop to think deeply if what we do is, in reality, the most important thing, what it brings more value to the project, to the task, to the relationship, to the environment, to ourselves.

Hardly the quality of life is based on the rapidity, and less on the urgency. It has more importance what you do, and how you do it, than the speed in making it.

There is a paradox that by misfortune occurs very frequently in our days: good professionals, that apply enormous amounts of time and resources to analyze and to manage even the smallest detail of their company, even of each product and service, are incapable to manage with a minimum of common sense their own life.

Why is that? Perhaps by laziness, ignorance, haste, fear. Or because to reinvent themselves is anexercise that requires much honesty and bravery. Or because they did not even haveconsidered it. Or because nobody has told them that it is possible and it is not foolish.

When the essential stops the urgent thingAll we know that someday we will die, but it is hard to believe it.

Probably only when life does a strong attention call to us through the unexpected disease, the serious accident or the death of the loved being, only then we face the essential, the crucial subjects of life that normally have to do with the common sense, with what do we live for, or with love.

Then the urgency suddenly goes to hell, and the important things,the essential, arises with a clearness that makes to be embarrassed the so-called wise people

William James said “to be wise is the art of knowing what to ignore”

Perhaps we livecausing the urgency to fill the emptiness that causes our avidity, self enslaving us.

The feeling ofpermanent urgency disappears when we realize that with the essential things,

with what cannot be seen, with our affections, even only with ourselves, it is enough to us.