What i learned from the Mole

Post on 06-May-2015

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Each month At Screen Interaction, we have a competence lunch where members of staff give presentations on a variety of topics. In December, 2013, James Mole McConnell gave this presentation. It was focused mainly on personal development, group dynamics and feedback. This reminded the staff of various tools and methodology that can be used to strengthen relationships and create a great working culture. You can find out more about the adorable Mole character featured in the presentation here. He is indeed a wonderful role model for anyone. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(Zdeněk_Miler_character)


What I learned from the Mole.


• Group dynamics • Johari window • Reflection • Feedback • You


• and some presents along the way


It sometimes goes a bit too

Why do you drink so much water?






Be Flexible

Be Committed

Be Reliable


What and How


What and How

Task Result


What and How

Task Result


What and How

Task Result



What and How

Task Result



What can you start doing in our projects to streamline processes, improve our working relationships and focus more on what we produce?


1. Dependency and Inclusion

2. Counter-dependency and Fight

3. Trust and Structure

4. Performance and Productivity

5. Termination

Energy on other stuffEnergy on task

Group Development


Make a steering document at the start of a project. !

Discuss everyone’s skills, goals, last experiences, strengths and weaknesses.

Johari Window

Johari Window

What others DON’T KNOW about me

What I know about me

What others know about me

What I DON’T know about me

Johari Window

What others DON’T KNOW about me

What I know about me

What others know about me

What I DON’T know about me


Johari Window

What others DON’T KNOW about me

What I know about me

What others know about me

What I DON’T know about me


Johari Window

What others DON’T KNOW about me

What I know about me

What others know about me

What I DON’T know about me



Johari Window

What others DON’T KNOW about me

What I know about me

What others know about me

What I DON’T know about me




Johari Window


ReflectionDon’t analyse, don’t evaluate. Concentrate on how an experience affected you, how it made you feel and why. What didn’t you do and what held you back. !

Alone or in a group.


Feedback - why do it?

Regular, good quality feedback is one of the most important ingredients in building constructive relationships and in getting jobs done.

Feedback - why do it?

The aim of feedback is to help yourself and others to do a better job or keep on doing the great job you already do.

Feedback - what is it?

Giving feedback is about what you do and not about who you are. !

Feedback - what is it?

The sticky note method. !

“I really like that you…” !

“I appreciate that you…”

Feedback is owned

I feel worried about what you said. It would help me if I could ask you about it so I can understand what you meant.

Feedback is owned

Everyone clearly feels uncomfortable about your actions.

Feedback is specific

When we started the meeting, you seemed to interrupt quite often when I was explaining the problem I had. I didn’t feel listened to. Perhaps it would be more effective if I gave you the full picture first.

Feedback is specific

As usual you’ve ignored what I have to say. You never listen.

Feedback is balanced

Your contribution was really useful - I like the way you gave lots of relevant examples, but I didn’t find your summary at the end very clear. It would have been clearer for me if I had more dates and details. !

Feedback is balanced

You lost us all at the end of the presentation, that was a waste of an opportunity.

Feedback is timely

Can I catch some time with you after the meeting? I’d like to talk to you about how it went. !!

Feedback is timely

I’ve been wanting to tell you how badly I think you’ve handled this for some time... !

Feedback is solution focused

Because of the implications, it would be good for you to ensure the whole team understands the issues. Can we discuss some ideas about how we can make this work in practice... !!!

Feedback barriers

Feedback skills

• Active listening • Observation • Clear verbal expression • Structure your message • Plan and prepare your message

One more (little) thing(s)…


Thank you