What is Aframe?

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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What is ?

Video management software, hosted in a secure private

cloud, accessible from anywhere in the world.

Say what now..?

Let us put it another way:

“We heal your video pain”

We solve complex video problems

We solve complex video problems in a simple way.

Working with video is hard. Really hard!

There are loads of different fileformats, codecs, wrappers and other annoying complexities.

But, your problems are only just starting…

The files are ENORMOUS and are *really* difficult to move around.

There are so many. Where do you start?

All people want to do is

Get video

in to one place

Get to work on it

Then play it out when they’re done

Why can’t things just be simple?

At Aframe, we believe

there is a better way.

Our platform is built across three simple stages:

Our platform is built across three simple stages:


Our platform is built across three simple stages:


Our platform is built across three simple stages:


Imagine removing the hassle of collecting media from lots of

different places

These inputs could be different cameras

Or FTPs…

Or from different productions via drives and DVDs

Instead, how about gathering it all up into one simple central, compartmentalised hub?

We call this Aframe In

Which is a lot easier to say than ‘com part men tal ize∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ’

Spend less time jumping through hoops and more time just being


When you want to WORK, we’ve got your back there too.

Everyone on your team can access the footage, wherever they are

That means the WHOLE team can pull the project into shape

Take this work into the Edit to make the process even faster.

But, what’s the point of all that effort without it being seen?

We’ve solved that little conundrum too.

We call this Aframe OUT

Whether you’re embedding video online or delivering for TV broadcast

We help you broadcast to the world.

Unlike other cloud providers, Aframe has no


No limits on file sizes: The largest file we’ve hosted is 500GB+

No storage limits: Our largest client project has over 6,400 hrs of full resolution footage

No limit on users: One client project has 187 team members.

So you see, video isn’t always a big complicated mess

You just need the right tools for the job.

We’ve been solving complex video problems in this simple way since 2010.

We help production companies, broadcasters, brands and


Tell us your pain, we can help.