What is blogger engagement?

Post on 08-May-2015

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These slides are relevant for organisations and brands interested to strengthen their digital presence using blogger engagement as part of their Public relations strategy.


What is Blogger Engagement?

Blogosphere Engagement

Is the process of connecting, participating and interacting with blogs and bloggers that are relevant to your value proposition.

Is the act of getting influential bloggers to talk about your brand.

What is an influencer?

a person who has a say in the decision-making process.

The individual(s) who will influence(s) the decision but may not necessarily use the product

Individuals who affect purchasing decisions, usually the ones that have conducted research on specifications and pricing

Why engage bloggers?

It's just good customer service. When people blog about their opinions, it shows that engagement about the brand is real and authentic.

Why engage bloggers?

there are blogs which are increasingly as influential as the press.



The rise & influence of bloggers



Bloggers becoming more mainstream

Diner en Blanc saga reminded us about the influence and power of Bloggers

90% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know and 70% of them trust consumer opinions that are posted online.

Why is CGM important?

11(Nielsen BuzzMetrics)

Some compelling facts

Brand mentions on the internet are the best way to get users to visit your site to learn more about your brand.

Ninety five percent of the top 100 US newspaper have reporter blogs.

Four in five bloggers post brand or product reviews, with 37% posting them frequently.

184 million people world wide have started a blog

Double-edged sword

Engaging with bloggers can, though, be a double-edged sword. Get it right and the perception of your company can be improved.

Get it wrong, and word will travel fast.

Are you ready?

You don’t really have a choice if you want to build a strong online presence about your brand.

How to do it properly?

whether your company is actually ready to launch itself on a blogger engagement programme?

To understand who you should be approaching.

Decide on the approach.

Craft the content.

Three Simple principles for success



Transferrable value


Treat every blogger equally Treat each blogger as the expert Take at least 10-15 minutes to read

their bio and a few posts. Don’t talk above them Encourage transparency Expose yourself, don’t hide your real

personality in the shade


Bloggers are connected Stuffing an email down their throat

isn’t the best way of going about things.

Try to figure out the optimal communication medium for connecting with them

Transferable Value

Offer them something that is of relevant value

Talk to them because they are of relevance

Be Creative

Top 5 bloggers in Singapore

No. 1 Xiaxue


No. 2 Lester Chan

IT GadgetsElectronics

No. 3 Lady Iron Chef


No. 4 Mr Brown

No. 5 Ieat. Ishoot.ipost – Dr leslie Tay

Blogger campaigns are becoming more popular…

My Melbourne Experience

Best Job in the World

Maximum Creativity with my Exilim

So how do we go about doing it?

Engage bloggers?

Engage a PR agency to manage your blogger management projects.

Want to Engage Bloggers?

Create a master list of bloggers and be sure you know their specialisation (i.e Food, Lifestyle, Beauty, Travel, Business, Parenting, etc)

Engage bloggers?

Focus on the transferable value. Why should they care about your brand?

Engage Bloggers?

Make friends with bloggers. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Engage Bloggers?

Design a blogger contest that will make them and their readers excited.

Engage bloggers?

Think Editorial. Provide bloggers with social press releases and invites.

Engage Bloggers?

Give them the space to express themselves. Never ask them to show you their work before they publish.

By dennis toh, a Social Media and PR practitioner in Singapore.