What is Collaborative Self-Study

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. Simba
  2. 2. You will learn the value and effectiveness of collaborative self- study. You will be able to identify key characteristics of a self-study community.
  3. 3. Collaborative learning recognizes the interdependent nature of teachers work. (Robinson, 2011). The critical question is not Do we Collaborate? But rather What do We Collaborate about?
  4. 4. What is Collaborative Self-study? Self-study research is a mode of scholarly inquiry in which teachers examine their beliefs and actions within the context of their work as ed- ucators (Whitehead, 1993)as cited in Louie, 2003. Self-study research encompasses many research approaches and methods, allowing [educators] to build upon their existing research expertise (Louie, B. et al, 2003). It is part autoethnography, autobiography and narrative inquiry. It requires a reflective stance.
  5. 5. Think of a learning experience you have had Record those remembered details . . . Notice what you focus on . . .
  6. 6. Share your story What questions arise? You may amend your story . . .
  7. 7. Search for themes within your story . . . Threads of meaning may lead to insight . . . Hermeneutic analysis may uncover implicit theories and hidden beliefs [that] have stronger influence on teachers' practices than their con- scious cognitive reasoning. Consequently, a clear understanding of the reasons and motivation for their actions may improve their teaching performance (Candy, 1991) as cited in Louie, 2003.
  8. 8. Its not what we do it is a philosophy Trust develops and deepens Supportive Conditions Risk-taking is encouraged Takes time for collaboration
  9. 9. philosophy Trust Support Risk-taking Collaboration Notice anything? Does this connect to student-centred leadership? In what ways?
  10. 10. Growing With Collaboration Collabor ative Teams Princi pals Lead ers Reflective Journal Consider Do you see self-study in your future? Why or why not? Is there a way for you to use self-study? What limitations are there to self-study? Are there concerns of validity?
  11. 11. Further Reading Bullough, R.V. Jr. and Stefinee Pinnegar. (2001). Guidelines for Quality in Autobiographical Forms of Self-Study Research. Educational Researcher, April 30. pp13-21 Freese, A., & Samaras, A. (2006). Self-Study of Teaching Practices Primer. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Freese & Samaras text Louie, B., Drevdahl, D., Purdy, J., Stackman, R. Advancing the scholarship of teaching through collaborative self-study. The Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 74, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 2003), pp. 150-171 Published by: Ohio State University Press Link to Louie article self-study in teacher education S-STEP