What is Electricity?. Where does Energy come from?

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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What is Electricity?

Where does Energy come from?

Electricity is one type of energy

In the same way you eat burgers and chocolates to keep you going, machines and gadgets eat

electricity to keep them going.

Where does it come from?

Wind Turbines Power Stations


Solar Panels


Electricity is very busy, it has always somewhere to go!

There are certain things that electricity travel through very easily. These things are called conductors.

Conductors are materials like metal, water and things with lots of water in them, like animals or people.

How does Electricity travel?


There are some things electricity does not can not travel through. These things are called non-conductors.

Non-conductors are materials like wood, rubber, glass, plastic and wax. They are covered in plastic to help keep you safe.

When electricity is used unsafely…

It can create a fire hazard

Or can give a painful shock, burn or electricity can kill.

How can you be safe around Electricity?

Do not play with power points or appliances.

Power points can shock, give a zap that will hurt, burn or kill. Power points need to be protected where there are babies or small children.

How can you be safe around Electricity?

Lots of electrical cords in one socket are dangerous.

Instead of using a socket with

many plugs, use a powerboard.

How can you be safe around Electricity?

Tell a responsible adult about broken electrical plugs or cords.

Always get an electrician to fix broken or damaged electrical equipment. To try and fix electrical equipment yourself is dangerous.

How can you be safe around Electricity?

Water and electricity do not mix. Together they are a very dangerous combination.

Never touch electrical appliances or switches with wet hands.

Keep extension cords, or portable

appliances (like electric radios or televisions)

away from the bath or pool.

What did we look at today?

What is Electricity?Where does it come

from?How does Electricity

travel?How to be safe around
