Post on 05-Aug-2020

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1) WELCOME TO FRONT PAGE SPORTS FOOTBALL..............................................P32) THE BASICS............................................................................................P43) GAME INTERFACE.....................................................................................P54) Let’s Play.............................................................................................P65) FINANCES...............................................................................................P66) YOUR TEAM.............................................................................................P77) PREPARE YOUR TEAM...............................................................................P88) PLAYERs’ POSITIONs...............................................................................P119) CONTRACTS...........................................................................................P1410) PREPARE THE MATCH ..........................................................................P1511) WATCH A MATCH....................................................................................P1812) BUY ADDITIONAL ITEMs, DEVICES, KNOWLEDGE...........................................P19

WHAT IS FRONTPAGE SPORTS FOOTBALL?Frontpage is a web browser game, you don't have anything to download, you just play online from yourweb brower, wherever you want.

FrontPage Sports Football just requires installing Microsoft Silverlight official plug-in (4 MB). You willbe asked to install the plug-in only once, when you launch the game for the first time. Don't forget torefresh the page once you have installed it. You can refresh the page by using the F5 key or by rightclicking your browser and selecting "Refresh page".

CREATE YOUR ACCOUNTOnce you have finished signing up, you'll receive a confirmation email with your password. Log into thegame by entering your login and your password.

Note: depending on email settings, the password email may arrive directly into your "spam" or "junk"email folders. Please check these folders if you don't receive it.

FIRST STEPS IN FRONTPAGE SPORTS FOOTBALL#1 - First you must first create your character (you are the coach) and choose a team to coach.#2 - Once inside the game, check-out the Calendar at the top-right of the screen. The figure in redshows the current day within the game.The game is linked to this calendar, so you will have to connect aften to the game in order to prepareyour matchs, watch the results, recover and coatch again your team#3 - Then let yourself be guided by the « TO DO LIST », which is just next to the calendar.#4 - Do use the tutorial, available on each new page that you visit, to learn a bit more about the pos-sibilities of the game.

Should you feel a bit lost, try-out the FAQ; there is plenty of information to provide you the chance ofa gentle take-off.

MAIN ACTIONS OF THE GAMEThe main actions to be carried out are the following :

#1 - First go through the "Budget" page in the "Team Info" menu; #2 - then take a few minutes to find out about the players on your team on the "Roster" page inthe "Your Players" menu. #3 - Finally, make a quick visit to the "Calendars" page in the "League Info" menu to find out thename of your opponent for your first match.#4 - At the end of each day (real and virtual) on the calendar or the next day, re-connect to accessthe results of your match (and those of the other teams); to read though a detailed match report and,even, to view a full replay.

That's it ! You've taken your first steps. Now you can explore the various pages given over to tactics,the draft, stats, . . . At your own speed and without any unnecessary pressure since nothing is obli-gatory.

Enjoy yourself and see you soon on the field.

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For the launch of the Beta, you will be able to create only one team. Later, depending on the progressin the development process, we will certainly allow you to create additional teams. Please note thattechnically, you will be able to manage up to 6 teams in total.

During the beta period, every account will be credited with 1000 Cyans, the virtual in-game curency(see page 19). So enjoy it! Please note that all the accounts will be reseted at the end of the Beta period.

We are counting on you to participate in the forums... and have fun playing this game!


Your world is made up of 3 leagues. A Novice league, an Amateur league and a Pro league.

• The Novice league contains 128 teams which can be played by Head coaches (you, me, . . them!).Players are on a team for 4 seasons after which they put themselves forward for the Amateur leaguedraft.• The Amateur league contains 64 teams managed by Head coaches. Players are on a team for 4seasons after which they are automatically put forward for the Pro league draft.• The Pro league contains 32 teams managed by Head coaches. Players finish their careers in thisleague and they retire when they stop playing.


• OverviewA season is broken down into 'days' and proceeds thus: Day 1 = Start of season with announcement of new calendar and order of the draft. You may changethe team philosophyDay 2 and Day 3 = DraftDay 4 and Day 5 = Voluntary off-season campDay 6 and Day 7 = Training campDay 8 and Day 9 = Pre season matchesDay 10 up to and including Day 28 = Season's matches, Payoff if it’s Pro or AmateurDay 29 = BowlReturn to Day 1

• Variations depending on the league A Pro or Amateur season is made up of 2 pre-season matches, 16 regular season matches, 3 playoffmatches and one final. During the playoff and final periods, the eliminated teams play exhibitionmatches. A Novice season is made up of 2 pre-season matches, 19 regular season matches one final.

• Beginning of seasonThe calendar for the new season is published and the order of the draft is announced.It's the day when each team manager will find out how much money he has for the coming season.The actual sum depends on results from the previous season.It is also worth noting that you may change the team philosophy right up to the end of the draft.

• DraftThe list of players and rounds of the draft are published one day before it starts.

The draft is spread over two days.Drafted players must sign before they can join your team on the pitch and a rookie will always refuseto train as long as his contract is not valid.

• Voluntary and Training campThe periods of voluntary camp and training camp are often period of intense player transfers and ex-changes.This period is extremely important for training and players will progress more plus during this short pe-riod than during the whole of the rest of the year!

• Pre season Matches2 matches to test your players and eventually to make tactical adjustments.

• Number of Matches playedThere are 22 matches to a season, which always ends with the crowning of a champion.



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1) Your profile2) Language: choose the language of the game3) Calendar: essential to plan your team schedule4) Modify/Create a profile, visit the forums,consult the FAQ, activate the automatic tutorial,visit the shop...5) News, Info, statistics, finances of your team6) Tactics: prepare your team for the future game7) Manage your team players8) Consult and compare the statistics of yourleague9) Participate to the Draft and maybe recruit the

future "go to" player of your team10) Get information and statistics about yourchallengers11) All you have to know about the current andthe past seasons12) The main window where all the informationwill be displayed

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The first thing to do is to check the team finances as money is key to what you can, and cannot, do.You'll find the information in « Team » « Budget ».

Next thing to do is to check out your « Roster », again in the « Team » «Player » menu, and to crossreference this with team stats. It should give you a good idea on the various strengths and weak-nesses.

Once you've got an idea of where you stand financially and how your team shapes up, you should de-fine your priorities to make the team even better.- Look for new players or try to hang on to the ones you've already got? - Redesign team game plans and playbooks?

A team with bad finances is going nowhere! There are 2 notions which must be understood: the Sa-lary Cap and Cash. The [Budget] and [Salary] pages will provide you with all necessary informationon your team finances.

All teams are subjected to a salary cap of $115 million. The salary cap is ceiling above which you can-not go and which represents the sum of all wages paid to all players on the team.

Cash is the amount of money at your disposal for a season. These funds are used to pay players' wagesas well as to pay signing-on bonuses to players you recruit.

A certain amount of cash is blocked to pay wages; the rest can be used to sign new players.

When you sign a new player for your team, your wage bill will increase and more money will be blockedfor wages in cash.If the signing of a new player would push you over the salary cap, then there is only one solution: re-lease one or more players and thus free-up funds.At the start of each season an amount of money is paid into the team coffers. This represents your solesource of revenue for the whole season. The amount of money a team receives is defined by 3 factors:1) Every team receives $105 million, no matter their size or results.2) There is a variable sum, which is a direct result of the team's final position in the previous year'sleague. (used also to define the picking order in the draft). The team which came Division Championwill + $2 millions, Conference Champion + $3 millions and Bowl + $5 millions.3) There is a sum which is related to victories in each matches (playoff and exhibition matches inclu-ded). Each victory brings in an extra $1 million.

So now you understand why matches outside the regular season are so important. Play to win or youlose more than just a match!


Size = Useful for Pass block + Reception + Interception + Passer visionWeight = Useful for Running block + Frontal collisionFame = Value showing the fame of the player. The higher it is the greater his renown.Exp = Number of years the player has played at this level

Coordination = Capacity to coordinate eye/movement. Useful for Tackle + Pass + Reception + In-terception + Kicking accuracyDiscipline = Capacity to respect orders. Useful for Penalties + Zone cover + Passer vision + Kick-offaccuracy + Punt distance + ReactionsIntelligence = Capacity of player to analyze match situation. Useful for Fakes + Assignment + Coverman + Passer visionMorale = Capacity of player to maintain good spirits. Useful for MotivationPlaymaker = Capacity to play well at decisive moments. Useful for Pass accuracy + Kicking accuracy+ Avoid tackle + Reception + Interception

Acceleration = Capacity to reach his maximum speed. Useful for Acceleration + Speed of ball on apass.Agility = Player's Agility. Useful for Pass block + Dodge + CutSpeed = Maximum speed of player. Useful for Running + Back pedalJumping = Player's Leaping ability. Useful for Reception + InterceptionEndurance = Capacity to resist match fatigue. Useful for match fitnessStrength = Strength, power of the player. Useful for Block + Tackle + Long snap + Kicking distance

Arm = Capacity in arm techniques. Useful for Pass accuracy + Speed of ball on a pass + TackleKicking = Capacity in kicking techniques. Useful for Kicking accuracy + Kicking distanceHands = Capacity of player in handling techniques. Useful for Running block + Hand-off + Reception+ Interception + FumbleFootwork = Capacity of player in footwork techniques. Useful for Pass block + Back pedal + Cut +Field goal accuracy + Field goal distance

Injury = Accumulated weeks spent in sick bay due to injurySuspension = Accumulated weeks suspended due to behavior problems


• # = Player number• ACC = Acceleration• AG = Agility• ARM = Arm• C = Center• CB = Cornerback• CdeP = kick• CO = Coordination• DE = Defensive End• DIS = Dicipline• DT = Defensive Tackle• EXP = Experience• FB = Fullback• FO = Foot• FS = free Safety• G = Guard

• HA = Hands• HB = Halfback• INT = Intelligence• JUM = Jump• K = Kicker• MLB = Middle Linebacker• MOR = Moral• OLB = Outside Linebacker• P = Punter• PASS YDS = Yards by pass• PLAY = Playmaker• POS = Position• PTS = Points• QB = Quaterback• RUSH YDS = Yards by rush• RZ = Red Zone

• RZ TD = Red Zone Touchdown• SCK = Sack• SP = Speed• SS = Strong Safety• ST = Strenght• T = Tackle• TE = Tight End• TO = Turnover• WR = Wide Receiver• YDS = Yards


You can find training via the “Your Players” “Training” menu.

Training takes place every day at 4pm (in the afternoon) as set by your league. You can change trai-ning programme at any moment. However, the parameters used are those in operation at 8am.Training is broken down into a maximum of 10 slots for which you can give your instructions. You start

with 5 training slots, butyou can increase thenumber by purchasing «CYANS ».There are two majorforms of training. The firstprogresses your playersover a long period andthe second provides alarge bonus, but only forthe next match.Depending on the trainingprogramme selected, youmust choose to whom itapplies. You should notethat if you decide to applythe same training pro-gramme to the sameplayer on the same day,you will see its effective-ness reduced.

The effectiveness of a training programme is also affected by the period in which it is applied.During the Voluntary off season camp or the training camp the effectiveness of training is 220% whe-reas it falls to 40% during the season.We don't think that we need to underline how important training is outside the regular season!!


The draft is an event which takes place at the start of each season, on day 2 and 3. It enables allteams to recruit young players over 7 draft rounds.The order of draft picks changes each season and depending on the final league rankings of the pre-vious season. The least successful team has first choice and the champion has final choice. Rounds 1and 2 take place on the first day of the draft whereas rounds 3 to 7 take place on the second day.

Players you acquire in the draft move directly to your development team. They cannot make theirleague appearance until they have signed a contract.


All information on a player is available on his data sheet, except for one vital element: his Mind-set. Aplayer's mind-set impacts on the entirety of a player's career: training, during a match, in the dres-sing room, . . . . and outside the stadium. There are 2 methods to discover a player's mind. If he's inyour team you can keep an eye on him or, if he plays for a competitor, you can send a scout to watchhim.On the « Team Info » « Recruitment » « Scouts » page you will find a scout whom you can send to as-certain the mind-set of a player. A scout can watch one player per day.At the start of your management career, your team has a single scout.It is possible to purchase another 4 scouts with real money.



There are 3 parts to the answer: know the opposition, adapt the team to the match and adapt trainingto the match.

Knowing the opposition means knowing its strengths and weaknesses. You have 2 ways to find out:1) The easiest is to look at the team stats on the « League » page.2) The second takes more time as it requires you to watch the opposition's matches to see which tac-tics are used at key moments.

If you can work out a pattern you should be able to make the required adjustments to the « Game plan», the « Playbook » and, perhaps, even to players on the field or on the bench in « Depth Chart».

Your team should be pretty much ready for the match. Now, all you have to do is to adjust your « Trai-ning » to strengthen your team. There are several types of training: Physical, Video and Meeting. Thesedifferent types offer all that you require to meet your preparation objectives.


You access team philosophy via the « Team Info» « Philosophy » menu.

The team philosophy can be changed at the start of a season, but only one time, after it's fixed for therest of the season.

The team philosophy is defined in 3 successive stages which allow you to hone the orientation of theteam in offense and defense. Team philosophy procures a large training bonus in the domain of learning team plays.You should therefore decide on your team philosophy with care since if you don't pick up the bonus itwill make training less effective.




When one of your players is injured he will appear on the « Info Team » « Injuries » page.

There you will see the injury, the impact on his performance and the time required for full recovery.Except for those with a serious problem, injured players can therefore still be active. However, they willtake twice as long to recover. Moreover an injured player who is injured again will see the severity ofhis initial injury increase.

To rest an injured player, all you have to do is to click on the « Rest » button and the player will be pla-ced in the development team.In certain cases you may recall an injured player, but he still runs the risk of seeing his initial injurymade worse.

After the specified rest period, the player becomes available for selection once more.


A player's affinity represents his level of attachment to team and team mates. It can vary from 1 to99.

Each day your team earns a certain number of Affinity points which you can allocate to the players ofyour choice.. You can check your players' affinity on the « Your Players » « Roster » page. You use the« Contact » button on the « Player Data Sheet » to allocate affinity points.

A player's affinity towards his team will vary according to certain events.

Affinity may fall for tworeasons:- after the player has hada poor match (for exam-ple the player never tou-ched the ball).- if a new player, is recrui-ted to the same positionwith a better salary, eventhough he is supposed tobe a worse player (accor-ding to his stats).

It is possible to increaseaffinity thanks to:- the player having a goodmatch.- signing a new contractwith the player.- giving the player Affinitypoints.

When the affinity of a player is low he may refuse to sign a new contract, or worse, he may even re-fuse to play for the team!

On the other hand, when affinity is high, the player gains a significant bonus in Morale.


OFFENSIVE PLAYERSRole of each position on the pitch and ways to recognize good offense players

• QB (Quarterback)The QB is the offense player who is most in the eye of the spectator and he is often though of as cap-tain of the offense. He must hand-off the ball to a runner or pass it to a receiver. His passing skills, inpart, determine the effectiveness of the team in the air.The QB must essentially be a good passer. For that he requires good stats in Coordination, Arm, In-telligence, Playmaker.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• HB (Halfback)The HB is the player who carries the ball during most of the running plays. He is sometimes used asan extra receiver or blocker in passing plays. Quick and agile, the HB is very difficult to tackle and oftenthe HB will make up more than 90% of running yards gained by the team.The HB must essentially be a good runner with the ball. For that he requires good stats in Coordina-tion, Agility, Strength, Playmaker.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• FB (Fullback)The FB is the powerful runner on the team. He is used to block defenders, but he may sometimes beused to try and force his way through a defense in the wake of the offensive line. Heavier and morepowerful than the RB, he is also slower and less agile.The FB must essentially be a good, powerful runner who is also a good blocker. For that he requiresgood stats in Hands, Weight, Strength, Playmaker.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• WR (Wide Receiver)The WR is the player capable of running towards the opposition end zone and of losing his markers inorder to receive a pass from the QB. A quick runner, he is also a good ball handler, able to catch it inthe most difficult of situations. The most gifted amongst them are able to completely transform thestate of play with a single action.The WR must be a tip-top athlete with good hands to catch the ball. He requires good stats in Speed,Acceleration, Jumping, Hands.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• TE (Tight End)The TE is a player of two roles. He must be able to help in blocking in a running game and he must beable to play as a receiver in a passing game.This position is considered to be most technically and physically difficult because the player must mas-ter all facets of offense.The TE must be both a good blocker and good receiver so the position demands great versatility. Herequires good stats in Size, Agility, Strength, Hands.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• C (Center)The C is the linchpin of the offensive line. He must know how to block for both passing and runningplays, but he must also have a deft touch because it is he who puts the ball in play by means of thesnap. The best C are able to adjust to events as they happen and they have the gift of recognizing adefensive blitz.

The MLB must be powerful and a good tackler in order to contain the opposition running game. He re-quires good stats in Weight, Strength, Intelligence, Discipline.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• CB (Cornerback)The CB is the player who has the responsibility of taking care of the opposition receivers, to preventpasses to them from being completed. It is a technically demanding position as the player must stickto his opponent like a shadow and intervene at the last moment to prevent a successful catch. The bestCB can, not only prevent a successful pass, but also make an interception and thus change the courseof the match.The CB must be excellent at covering against a pass. He requires good stats in Speed, Acceleration,Hands, Coordination.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• SS (Strong Safety)The SS must not only combat the opposition passes but must also quickly move to support when a run-ning play has been attempted. A physical all-rounder he must also have the intelligence to quickly un-derstand the nature of the opposition's play.The SS must be good at covering against a pass but must also be strong enough to help against a run-ning play. He requires good stats in Speed, Strength, Intelligence, Agility.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• FS (Free Safety)The FS is often in the position of last defender and he must be quick enough to help his team-mateswho are in trouble. His main task is to prevent a pass being completed but he must especially be ca-pable of interpreting opposition fakes so as to never be taken by surprise. The FS must be excellent at covering and must be a faultless tackler. He requires good stats in Speed,Discipline, Agility, Coordination.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

KICKERSRole of each position on the pitch and ways to recognize good kickers

• P (Punter)The Punter comes into play when the team must get rid of the ball. Generally this is on a 4th down withseveral yards to be made by the offense. The punter must kick the ball far downfield towards the op-position end zone with the ball going as high as possible and without it leaving the field of play.A good P must obviously have excellent kicking skills. He also requires a minimum of Strength, Coor-dination, Intelligence.

• K (Kicker)The Kicker comes into play when the team must kick-off or when the team is within distance to scorea Field Goal. At kick-off, he must kick the ball far downfield towards the opposition end zone with theball going as high as possible and without it leaving the field of play. For the Field Goal, he must kickwith enough accuracy to place the ball between the uprights.A good K must obviously a have excellent kicking skills. He also requires a minimum of Strength andCoordination and must have good Footwork techniques."


The C must be an all-round blocker for both passing and running. He requires good stats in Hands,Footwork, Agility, StrengthHowever, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• G (Guard)The G is certainly the most important element when it comes to blocking on running plays. Heavy andpowerful, he must literally take the opposition defense apart in order to open the way for the runner.The best G add mobility to their blocking skills, moving around behind the other offensive linemenupon the start of the play.The G must be a faultless blocker if a running play is to succeed. He requires good stats in Hands,Weight, Agility, Strength.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• T (Tackle)The main role of the T is to protect the QB as he prepares to pass. Thanks to his sharp reactions, heshould be able to block defenders who manage to outflank the offensive linemen. Their size is a majoradvantage when it comes to repelling opposition attacks.The T must be a faultless blocker if a running play is to succeed. He requires good stats in Footwork,Size, Agility, StrengthHowever, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

DEFENSIVE PLAYERSRole of each position on the pitch and ways to recognize good defense players

• DT (Defensive Tackle)The DT is the fulcrum of the defense. He must be heavy and powerful in order to prevent the opposi-tion playing a running game through the center of the line. His role is to resist opposition blocks. If thisplayer is agile or fast, he may be able to put pressure on the opposition QB as he sets himself up fora pass.The DT is the basis of a solid defense against running plays. He requires good stats in Hands, Weight,Agility, Strength.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• DE (Defensive End)The DE must be able to put pressure on the opposition QB before he can pass and he must also be ableto resist blocks in the case of a running play. The quickest DE may be used specifically on passingplays whereas the heaviest will be used on running plays.The DE must be able to put pressure on the opposition QB if he has chosen to pass. He requires goodstats in Footwork, Size, Agility, Acceleration.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• OLB (Outside Linebacker)The OLB must be a very versatile player. Depending on the game situation he may called on to covera receiver, blitz the opposition QB or perhaps to block a running play. A physical all-rounder, he mustalso have the instinct of a hunter to fulfill his role of pass rusher.The OLB must be both mobile and powerful in order to adapt to a variety of game situations. He re-quires good stats in Speed, Strength, Intelligence, Playmaker.However, you should not forget to look at his other stats, an all-round player will always perform bet-ter.

• MLB (Middle Linebacker)The MLB must be an excellent tackler. It is usually he who takes care of the opposition RB. Only playerswith intelligence and discipline can shine in this position which requires lightning-quick reactions inorder to upset opposition fakes.


EXCHANGE A PLAYERHow do I exchange a player?

The player has qualities and should definitely interest another team.Use the « Contact » button on the « Player Data Sheet » in order to access the « Transferable » but-ton. The player will be added to the list of transferable players and any team may contact you.In order to speed up the process you should indicate what you require in exchange: rounds of thedraft or another player.

Another owner may make a counter-offer and, if you accept, the exchange becomes immediately ef-fective and is binding! You may make a counter-offer if you do not agree with the latest proposition.

RELEASE A PLAYERHow do I release a player?

The player has no qualities and should definitely not interest another team.You can either wait until the end of the player's contract so that he becomes a free agent or you maydismiss him with immediate effect. If you wait for the contract to run its course, there are no additio-nal costs. However, if you dismiss a player you must pay him a penalty equal to 15% of his annual sa-lary. Use the « Contact » button on the « Player Data Sheet » to access the « Release the player »button.


• Player RotationIn the Players page, Depth Chart, you will be able to choose the frequency in your player rotation, andthe good conditions that will force one player to be on the pitch at the right moment. A tired playerwill not be useful for your team, so do not ignore to plan your player rotation.


RECRUIT PLAYERSWhich players may sign a contract with the team?

There are several types of contract to suit the different possible statuses a player may have:If the player is already in your team, you simply prolong the contract.If the player is with another team, it will be a transfer and the player retains the terms of his contractwith his current team.If the player has no team, he is a Free Agent and he signs a normal contract.

EXTEND A CONTRACTHow do I extend the contract of an existing player?

If a player is under contract with your team you may ask him to sign a new contract.This would allow you to re-sign the player before he quits the team. To carry out this action, click onthe « Contact » button when the « Player Data Sheet » is displayed when you pass over a player'sname.There you will see the contract conditions demanded by the player as well as the desired signing bonus.It's up to you as to whether you accept or refuse.


• How do I sign a player who is on another team?

If the player belongs to an opposition team and has been declared 'transferable', his name will be dis-played on the « Search » page of the « Team Info » menu. Again, you can use the « Contact » buttonon the « Player Data Sheet » and you have the opportunity to negotiate.

The owner of the opposition team will ask for some form of compensation such as rounds of the draft,another player or both! You may accept his demand or you may make a counter offer. Be careful, if your counter offer is ac-cepted it becomes binding and cannot be reversed.

• How do I sign a player who is without a team?

In the case of a player who is a free agent, you should look on the « Search » page of the « Team Info» menu. Again, you can make an offer to the player via the « Contact » button on the « Player DataSheet ».There you will see the type of contract he's looking for and you may offer a signing-on bonus. Thisbonus starts as zero so if the displayed figure is zero, you can deduce that you are the first person tocontact the player. If the value is above zero, you can deduce that another team owner has contactedthe player.

A player will join a team 12 hours after the first offer is made. However, he will join the team whichoffers the highest signing-on bonus. You can track the level of this bonus and change your offer onceper hour.

You can see how a player's thinking evolves by looking at the indicator beside his name on your «Scouts » page.

OFFENSE AND DEFENSE PLAYBOOKHow does the Offense and Defense playbook work?

Your Offense playbook contains 85 different plays and the Defense playbook contains 60. The full listof plays is visible on the right of the page. When you click on a play an explanatory diagram is displayedat the centre of the page.Each play has their statistics displayed just below the diagram allow you to gauge the effectiveness ofthe play and how many time its use in match.

If you wish to change the content of your Offense playbook you must always replace one play by ano-ther so that you have 85 plays in Offense and 60 in Defense. Should you not have the required num-ber you will be unable to save you changes.

SELECTION OF TEAM MEMBERSHow does the selection of team members work for the playbooks?

Note that the figure next to the name of the player in ‘Select Starters’ shows the knowledge of this playby this player. The higher the figure the more effective the player will be on the execution of this playduring a match.


• What do the Offense diagrams mean?

The white circles are the positions of your players on the pitch with the line of scrimmage being the 50yard line.

The black line shows the path of your ball carrier.The light blue line shows the path of a blocker.The line pink shows the path of the player who will move to block an opponent.The red line shows that this player will be the main target for a pass and will be considered first by thequaterback.The orange line shows that this player will be the second target for a pass.The yellow line shows that this player will be the third target for a pass.The green line shows that this player will not the main target for a pass and will be considered last.

• What do the Defense diagrams mean?

The white circles are the positions of your players on the pitch with the line of scrimmage being the 50yard line.The green line which ends inside a black circle shows that the player will move into this zone and willtry to defend against a pass in this zone.The red lines show that the player rushes or blitzes the ball carrier right on the snap.The green line with green end, shows that the player has the responsibility to cover an opponent, manto man, to prevent a pass.The green line with red end, shows that the player has the responsibility to cover an opponent, manto man, to prevent a pass and moreover he should slow him down on the line of scrimmage.The pink line shows that the player has the responsibility to ‘Contain’ his side, which means that hemust ensure that the opposition ball carrier is not able to pass on his side to get around the defense.The light blue line shows that the player will try to maintain control of this point of the line of scrim-mage and prevent the ball carrier from getting through.


• Game planThe game plan allows you to fix team strategy for the next match. A game plan is kept from match tomatch, but can be changed whenever you want.On the « Tactics » « GP Offense » « GP Defense » « 4Th Down » page you fix the game plan choicesto be applied during the match. There are 2 levels of application, one general, the other specific to givenmatch situations and, thus, more precise.You can modify a game plan at will and so it is a vital tool in adapting your play to that of the opposi-tion.

• PlaybooksOn the « Playbooks » page you can choose the plays which your team applies during its matches.There are up to 85 plays for offense, 60 for defense.Spend time building your playbook according to the players at your disposal and don't hesitate tochange the list of selected players. A playbook which is in perfect harmony with the capabilities of eachof your players is certainly your best weapon towards victory.

You can make whatever changes you want to your playbook and at any time you wish. Don't hesitateto tweak it in reply to your opponent's play.


The Cyan is the virtual currency for Frontpage Sports.


You can use Cyans to purchase various items available and to unlock some features on the game. Cre-dit your virtual wallet by buying Cyans and purchase items to upgrade your features, skills or equip-ment and earn victory!

WHAT CAN I PURCHASE WITH MY CYANS? You can upgrade the skills of your players, buy affinity points and healing points... The Cyan tariff va-ries in relation to the advantages given by item you unlock. For example, you can buy 100 affinitypoints for 8 Cyans, the Tactical Pack for 20 Cyans, the Champion Pack for 65 Cyans …

1. Main information about your profile including Nickname, name of your team and your amount ofCyans2. This yellow button means you can purchase additional items, devices, knowledge to upgrade yourteam. Numerous kind of items are available : one time use (affinity points …), permanent for the sea-son (increase the character slot, s…) and rechargeable ones (training slot, scout slot; …)


How to watch a game already played?

In the menu “League” and “Schedule” you can select the game you are interested in. Then click on oneof the proposed buttons: “See details” or “See Replay”.

Watching replays is just essential for your progression. Watch the replay of your future challenger andtry to find his weaknesses. Watch your own games, and see what strategy worked and what strategyyou will have to leave behind.



