What Is Inbound Marketing?

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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What IsInbound Marketing?

Traditional Marketing

Marketing has been trapped in The Matrix – an outbound system controlled by a few media owners and based on paying for eyeballs. They create reality.

Outbound is broken!

Every traditional marketing and advertising channel is being replace or compromised by disruptive technologies.

People are getting better and better at avoiding your messages.

Draw a crowd

Inbound Marketing

What if instead of interrupting people, you could pull them to your website instead?


The Internet is offering you a red pill – Inbound Marketing. You can unplug yourself from The Matrix.

Power Shiftfrom owners to users

PowerShift:Moore’s Law accurately predicted that the number of transistors per chip would double every 18 months.

The result has been that the cost of storage and bandwidth are approaching zero. This is what makes Web 2.0 sites like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook possible. Democratization

PowerShiftEnabled by low cost storage and bandwidth, social media sites make everyone with a computer both a consumer and producer.

“It’s as if when you bought a book, they threw in the printing press for free.”- Clay Shirky

Web 2.0

PowerShiftThe Internet is a near-perfect democracy; every user has one vote and every vote counts once. In pure democracies, trust is the coin of the realm.

Where credibility can be bought, trust must be earned.


New Rules

A new ecosystem brings new rules

New RulesBusinesses are used to operating under purely economic norms. Social media is ruled by social norms.

Mixing norms results in conflict.

Mixed Norms

New RulesWhen you’re invited to someone’s home for the first time, what’s customary?

The most effective common means for humans to establish trust is though gift giving.

Gift Economy

Search EvolutionWired magazine’s “The Web is Dead, Long Live the Internet” article discussed how apps and APIs are replacing pure HTTP (web) traffic.

The end result is that less and less traffic is visible to search engines.

Search Evolution

Now what?


Create remarkable content


Spread ideas via social media


Convert visitors to customers & measure everything

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Create





Five Steps

Inbound MarketingThe playing field has been leveled and marketing success is no longer a slave to advertising budgets.

Wits vs. Wallets

Inbound MarketingHubspot reports their customers have realized a 60% reduction in average cost per lead.

Lower Cost Per Lead

Step One:ContentRemarkable means something worthy of being shared. Be generous.

Readable means short words in short sentences in short paragraphs with concise and interesting titles.

Shareable means including buttons to easily Tweet, Like, Digg, etc…



Blogging = perfect content machine

Step One:Content

Value vs. Volume

Step Two:OptimizeOrganic search rankings are approximately 65 percent based on inbound links.

Page URLs and titles account for another 24 percent.

Inbound Links


Page Titles


SEO Factors

Search Engine Optimization

Step Two:Optimize

Popularity vs. Payola

Step Three:PromoteThe Internet is not a single, giant blob of homogenous people. It’s a series of interconnected groups.

Ideas spread from group to group, not person to person. Focus on them to expand your online influence.

Social Media

Step Three:Promote

Selfless vs. Selfish



Step Four:ConvertLanding Pages are the key to converting visitors to leads.

They begin with a clear and compelling call to action.

The conversion form must be as “frictionless” as possible.

Landing Pages

1) Call to action

2) Conversion form

Step Four:Convert

Clear vs. Confusing

Step Five:AnalyzeFocus on measuring desired outcomes on your website and not just ordinary metrics like page views.




Crawl errors





Time on page/site

Bounce/exit rate

Conversion rate




A/B testing

Competitive Intelligence

If it can’t be measured,it can’t be managed.

Step Five:Analyze

Data vs. Dice