What is quantum computing

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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What is quantum computing?

Requirements of quantum computing

What is a quantum computer?

How quantum computer works?

Why quantum theory in computing?

The differences

What is a qubit?

Quantum properties used…


Quantum computing is the area of study focusedon developing computer technology based on theprinciples of quantum theory, which explains thenature and behavior of energy and matter on thequantum (atomic and subatomic) level.

Computers based on this theory are so smallerand faster than digital computers.

Calculation based on the laws of Quantum Mechanics.

Uses Quantum Mechanical Phenomena to perform operations on data.

Operations done at an atomic/sub-atomic level.

Many kinds of numerical problems like algorithms cannot

be solved using digital computers.

Requirement of faster technology

Requirement of smaller calculating devices

National security require advance supercomputers

Require advanced technology for civilian, business, trade,


A quantum computer is a machine that performs calculations

based on the laws of quantum mechanics, which is the

behavior of particles at the sub-atomic level. A Quantum is a

smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property

Quantum Computing. Computation depends on principle of

quantum theory

In a 3-bit register of a classical computer one of the eight

numbers can be stored, but in a quantum register all eight

numbers can be stored in one register at the same time and

operated on simultaneously.

Classical(Newtonian) Mechanics deals with macroscopic

system while Quantum Mechanics deals with microscopic

system-atomic and subatomic level.

Computer system/components are becoming smaller and

smaller from mechanical computer to vacuum tubes, to

transistors then to IC’s that Classical theory fails to explain.

Thus Quantum theory becomes essential..

A qubit is a quantum bit. As a bit is the basic unit of

information in a classical computer, a qubit is the basic

unit of information in a quantum computer.

A physical implementation of a qubit could use the two

energy levels of an atom. An excited representing |1> and a

ground state representing |0>.

The biggest problem.

States that if a coherent (superposed) state interacts with

the environment, it falls into a classical state without


So quantum computer to work with superposed states, it

has to be completely isolated from the rest of the universe

(not observing the state, not measuring it..)

Most important property in quantum information.

States that two or more particles can be linked, and if

linked, can change properties of particle(s) changing the

linked one.

Two particles can be linked and changed each other

without interaction.

Quantum systems are so small.

It is impossible to measure all properties of a Quantum

system without disturbing it.

As a result there is no way of accurately predicting all the

properties of a particle in a Quantum System.

Quantum computer has more to offer.

Advantages outweighs disadvantages.

Wide range of applications.