What is Recruitment & Selection?

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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PPT on what is recruitment with its details.




What is Recruitment ?

Recruitment is the process ofdiscovering the sources of manpower required & tapingthese sources i.e. attracting thepotential candidates towards aparticular job.

Sources of Recruitment

1) INTERNAL SOURCES 1.1) Transfer 1.2) Promotion 1.3) Layoff2) EXTERNAL SOURCES 2.1) Waiting List 2.2) Campus Selection 2.3) Jobbers & Contractors

1.1) TRANSFER - It refers to shifting of an

employee from one job to another within the organization.

1.2) PROMOTION - It refers to shifting an

employee to a position carrying higher authority, responsibility, rank or rate of compensation.

1.3) LAYOFF - It refers to the temporary

separation of the employee from the employer on the initiative of the employer.

2.1) WAITING LIST - The record of unsolicited

applications also provides source of external recruitment.

2.2) CAMPUS SELECTION - Conducting interviews of the students directly from the school, colleges, professional & technical institutions.

2.3) JOBBERS & CONTRACTORS - Under this source, recruitment is fulfilled through jobbers & contractors on payment of commission to them.

What is Selection ?

Selection is the process of discovering the most suitable & promising candidate to fill up the positions vacant. Its purpose is

to select the most suitable candidate for the job.

Selection Process

1. Scrutiny of applications received - It is a sorting process to eliminate the unsuitable candidates from the list of candidates for further process.

2. Preliminary Interview - After sorting process, preliminary interview is done to eliminate the unsuitable candidates from the beginning itself. It is the first barrier for an applicant along the path of employment.

3. Specialized application form - After preliminary interview, those candidates who meet all the requirements of job are provided specialized blank application form. These forms are devised according to job requirement and is to be filled by the candidate. It contains questions related to job.

4. Testing - A test implies a comparison with a given standard. Test is a means of evaluating the skills, knowledge, experience, aptitude and personality of applicant.

5.Interview - It is an important tool of selection in which a group of experts examine the candidate on various grounds.

6. Checking References - The next step is checking the references i.e. asking the person whose reference have been given by the applicant .

7.Medical examination - It is done to examine physical health of applicant to discover physical fitness of the candidate for the job concerned.

8. Final Selection - All those candidates who clear all the above are finally selected for the job.