What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business ?

Post on 11-May-2015

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In our discussions with our clients we often hear - What is Responsive Design? This is why we made a presentation showing the business value of responsive design. We combined our experience and know-how with external sources of information to create an easy to understand presentation for people in the marketing and management area. We hope you enjoy it!


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What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business?

In Jan. 2014 42% of US adults owned a tablet and were actively browsing the Internet on it.

Till the end on 2014 almost 1.76 billion people will own and use a smartphone.

Multi-screen is the new norm now.

—We shop on our tablets while we watch TV.

—We check our social stream on our phone while we work on our laptop.

Is your website prepared for the mobile revolution?

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Here comes Responsive Design

Responsive design is a web design approach aimed at creating sites that provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. 

The same site works on the mobile phone in your pocket, tablet in your backpack and computer at your office. 

Responsive web design adapts the site’s layout, text, media, ads to the size of the window through which you are exploring the Internet.



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Here are some live examples

Full-screen harvard.edu website

Half-screen harvard.edu website

Mobile view of harvard.edu website

Full width view of time.com

Half-screen, mobile view, menu view and mobile view after TAP

Full-width view salesforce.com

Half-width view salesforce.com, mobile view and menu view

Want more examples?Visit these websites:






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Why is Responsive Design vital for your business?

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1.The same brand experience on all the platforms

“The users expect to

have a seamless

experience across all

their devices”

– Google B2B


They want to:— see the same


— navigate through a similar layout;

— have access to the same options and possibilities across all their mediums.

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Google made a research on customers opinions regarding mobile sites

When you have a

mobile friendly site:

74% say that they’re

more likely to return to a

mobile friendly site.

67% say that they’re

more likely to buy a

site’s product when

visiting a mobile friendly


When you don’t have

a mobile friendly site:

48% say that they feel

frustrated and annoyed.

36% say that they’ve

wasted their time

visiting that site.

52% said that a bad

mobile experience made

them less likely to

engage with that


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2.Use less resources. Save more time

When you have a responsive site

You don’t have to make updates on different platforms;

You don’t have to make different SEO and ad campaigns;

You don’t have to worry about timing your updates on different platforms.

Having one platform to rule them all

Once you updated your content, all your clients receive the same information.

Consumers expect to have the same content and offers on all the platforms. With responsive design you make them happy.

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3.Responsive websites drive conversion

The total number of mobile users is huge

They are cross-platform

shoppers and they are

visiting your site.

They gatherinfo from various channels.

Your website is a

valuable resource and

you have to exploit this


27% of shoppers expect to increase their purchase via mobile phone.

49% of retailers have purchasing capabilities on their mobile site.

36% percent of customers find shopping via mobile easy. 

60% are interested in posting to social media while shopping in store.

So what does this mean for you ?

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4.Google likes it

Just to be sure you knowWith an astounding global market share Google remains the main actor in the search market.

Being on the good side of Google means more organic search traffic and more leads for your company.

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But why does Google like Responsive Design?

Using a single address

for a piece of content

makes it easier for

your users to interact

with, share and link.

A single address makes

Google’s algorithms

work easier and this

means that your

content gets indexed


If you have a responsive

design the users don’t

get redirected to another

website, thus the

loading time

decreases and the

chance of a bounce

appearing decreases.

When you have one

address, Google’s

crawlers need to access

your pages only once,

thus saving resources

for both your

company and Google.

When you share from a mobile site, chances are

that a person from a different medium, like a tablet

or desktop, will access the link. They will get a

bad version of your site and bounce

immediately right out of it. This increase in

bounce rate can hurt your Google ranking for

that page and for your site.

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5.Prepare for the unpredictable

We do not know what are the future screen

dimensions that will appear on the

mobile/tablet/pc market. This uncertainty

does not scare us. We know that

responsive design can tackle almost

any screen resolution if it’s done


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So how much does a Responsive Website cost?

Here are 2 examples from our experienceWe made for a client a

desktop version of a site.

After we delivered, they

wanted a mobile friendly

version. The cost

increased by 30%.

Another client requested

a responsive website.

The final cost was 10%

less than if we would

have made a desktop

and a separate mobile


A responsive design might cost you more in the development stage of the project but on the long run:

— It will save you money for site maintenance;

— You will use less HR resources and the updates will be easier;

— The stress and chances of mistakes will decrease;

— Will generate more leads and it will be Google Friendly.

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In the end we give you the same advice we give to our clients.

Choose Responsive Design.

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Sites given as examplehttp://www.time.comhttp://www.Harvard.edu


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Thank you.You rock !