What Is Sound Doctrine

Post on 11-May-2015

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This lesson, written by Ronnie Hayes, points young people to the importance of teaching from the Bible and being faithful to the text. It is the 10th Lesson in the Lads to Leaders PEARLS book.


What is “Sound


Ronnie Hayes

Where is It Found?

• “…if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine” (First Timothy 1:10)

• “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine…” (Second Timothy 4:3)

• “Holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict” (Titus 1:9).

• “But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1).

What Does It Mean?

• “Sound”–“healthy,” “wholesome”

• “Doctrine”–“teachings”

So, “sound doctrine” is teaching that is healthy or wholesome for the hearer.

Also Called…

“the glorious Gospel”

First Timothy 1:11

Also Called…

“faithful saying”

First Timothy 1:15

Also Called…


First Timothy 2:4

Also Called…

“the faith”

First Timothy 4:13

Also Called…

“good doctrine”

First Timothy 4:6

Also Called…


First Timothy 4:13

Also Called…

“wholesome words”

First Timothy 6:3

Also Called…

“sound words”

Second Timothy 1:13

Also Called…

“good thing”

Second Timothy 1:14

Also Called…

“the word”

Second Timothy 4:2

Also Called…

“faithful word”

Titus 1:9

Do we get the idea that Paul felt it was important for these young preachers to understand that the truth is important to God?

The Source of Sound Doctrine

GOD and His Word•Galatians 1:11-12

•Second Peter 1:20-21

•Second Timothy 3:16-17

The Specifics of Sound Doctrine

“teach no other doctrine” (First Timothy 1:3)

•Galatians 1:6-7

•Acts 4:18-20

•Acts 5:27-29

•First Timothy 4:1

•Second Timothy 4:3-4

The Specifics of Sound Doctrine

Sound doctrine nourishes (First Timothy 4:6)

•Contrast with 4:1

•2 Timothy 3:14-15

•2 Peter 1:3

•Psalm 119:105

All things…

Pertaining to LIFE

If you want to be a better…











All things…

Pertaining to LIFE

If you want to be a better…











How to do that is found in the Bible!

All things…

Pertaining to GODLINESS

How do we know…

Stealing is wrong?

Sex before marriage is wrong?

I should sing in worship?

I should attend worship?

I should help others?

I need to be baptized to be saved?

When to worship?

How to organize the local congregation?

Gambling is wrong?

I need to repent of my sins?

I should love others?

All things…

Pertaining to GODLINESS

How do we know…

Stealing is wrong?

Sex before marriage is wrong?

I should sing in worship?

I should attend worship?

I should help others?

I need to be baptized to be saved?

When to worship?

How to organize the local congregation?

Gambling is wrong?

I need to repent of my sins?

I should love others?

They are found in the Bible!

The Specifics of Sound Doctrine

My responsibility to it (First Timothy 4:16)

•Acts 20:29-30

•Luke 8:12

•Matthew 13:15

The Spiritual Blessings of Sound Doctrine

1. Salvation

1. Salvation

•For us and for those we teach.

•Through Jesus only (Acts 4:12; John 14:6)

•Comes from knowledge and application of the doctrine of the Bible (Romans 1:16).

•Sound doctrine leads to sound faith.

2. Comfort

2. Comfort

•Even in the face of death (First Thessalonians 4:18)

•Psalm 23 (especially verse 4)

•Jesus will be with us! (Matthew 28:18-20)

3. Peace

3. Peace

•Philippians 4:7

•Even in prison! (Acts 16:25)

•Because God cares (Matthew 10:28-31)

Sound Doctrine is to be SecuredSound Doctrine is to be Secured

Sound Doctrine is to be SecuredSound Doctrine is to be Secured

•Second Timothy 1:13

•Hebrews 13:9

•By teaching that the Bible is ALWAYS right (First Peter 1:23-25)

•Jude 3

Sound Doctrine is

to be Shared

Sound Doctrine is

to be Shared

•Second Timothy 2:2

•The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16)

THAT is “Sound
