What is the connection between these images? How might they all linked? Goats Marasmus and...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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What is the connection between these images? How might they all linked?


Marasmus and Kwashiorkor


How can food supply be improved in countries which have food


By the end of the lesson it will be...

Good if you know where Tanzania is located within Africa. Even better if you understand how national debt can lead to hunger. Amazing if your can explain how Goats can improve both food supply

and access to education.

Stick in the map of Africa across a double page.

Locate the following African countries and annotate on a world map


Tanzania and Debt...

Examine the statements on the cards. Working with a partner place the statements in what you consider to be a logical order

Once complete create a flow diagram which shows how national debt can lead to hunger.

Give your flow diagram an appropriate title

Resource 11a - Farm Africa

Read resource 11a

Discuss with a partner what you consider to be the main advantages of the Farm Africa project.

You have 10 minutes!Working in a small group create a puppet show or

a radio advert which explains how through the Farm Africa project, a Goat can help to provide an

education for a child and improve food supply.

Discuss the following with a partner...

How might the involvement of local villagers be important for helping to improve food supply in Tanzania?

Visual clue...

Involves villagers directly

Provides training in farming practice

Makes use of Goats rather than


Explain how the Farm Africa project goes some way in helping to improve

food supply in Tanzania (6 marks)

Provides training in farming practice. This has helped improve food supply in Tanzania because...

Makes use of Goats rather than Cows. This helps improve food supply in Tanzania because...

Involves villagers directly. This is helps improve food supply in Tanzania because...

Add additional concepts or links to your concept map following the lesson today.

Bring your exam questions in for marking next lesson or submit them to


How can food supply be improved in countries which have food


By the end of the lesson it will be...

Good if you know where Tanzania is located within Africa. Even better if you understand how national debt can lead to hunger. Amazing if your can explain how Goats can improve both food supply

and access to education.