What is the meaning of life

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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What is the meaning of life?

Curated/Created by Javed Mohammed All images are from public domain and copyright of respective owners

Does this describe you?

Or this: Challenges ahead?

3 Questions • Where did we come

from? • Why am I here (Purpose)? • Where are we going?

What is the purpose in life? •Is it to have a fancy career, become rich and famous?

What is the purpose in life? •Is it to experience perpetual pleasure?

What is the purpose in life? •Is it to acquire power and control others?

Think About It …

• What sort of activities do you enjoy? Why?

What are your goals in life

Go ahead write them down.

My primary goal is to be a great climber

My primary goal is to travel the world

My primary goal is to raise my daughters

I’m working on world peace, thank you very much

But the pursuit of pleasure, power often results in:

• An Empty Feeling • Boredom • Anxiety • Obesity • Addiction • Bankruptcy • Depression • Rehab Centers • Suicide

So are you saying I don’t need money, control in life, etc etc?

Nope, just saying perspective and balance

YourLife Mission Statement

• Ask what is lacking in your life right now?

• What values are most important to you?

• Go ahead write it down

The Necessity of Faith “… only in faith can we find the meaning and possibility of life.”

Faith gives “an infinite meaning to the finite existence of man; a meaning that is not destroyed by suffering, deprivation or death.

Tolstoy, A Confession (1879)


• No God • No necessity of God for


Meaning OF life cosmic purpose [need God]

Meaning IN life having your own plans, goals, ultimate aims [don’t need God]

Religious Skepticism

Religion and Spirituality can and do coexist

But aren’t the worlds conflicts caused by religion?

Not really, it is extremist utopian interpretations of any faith

Religious Commitment

Religious Engagement

Religious/Social Conservatism

Religious Struggle

I thought life is about the pursuit of happiness?

Actually happiness is a byproduct of bringing goodness into others lives, family, friends, community

Caring of others

Charitable Involvement

“Money can buy everything” is a myth

I am powerless, “There’s nothing I can do”

Never underestimate what the Defiant Human Spirit can


Happiness often entails suffering

Many times in life we face setbacks and we wonder

Sunrise? Or, Sunset?

Only time and perspective will let you know


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