WHAT IS ONEBIZ.COM?...the source cell. The second essential part of OneBiz is thus, an online and...

Post on 03-Aug-2020

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WHAT IS ONEBIZ.COM? “The secret of success? Being different from the others.“ (Woody Allen)




With an increasing amount of information, the va-lue of perception and attention increases. Whether brand, product or service: More public visibility means appreciation, and thus increase in percep-tion and attention, and may eventually be passed on as traffic to one’ s websites. The sole purpose of OneBiz is to solve the traffic demands of the market as efficiently as possible.

OneBiz – The new platform for building traffic and visitor generation – combines the best elements from the worlds affiliate, content and network mar-keting, franchising, MLM and Gamification, deeply molded in a viral system and united in a new plat-form. All your future campaigns may become united into a fully automated, time-saving and powerful single platform under your control. The continuous use of the OneBiz platform assures long-term and sustained attention on the Internet and reduces dependence on paid traffic.

OneBiz basically offers two options:

Automated content, traffic and link building via timed publication of any content

Unique multi-stage commission and bonus program


OneBiz.com AGJakob Signer-Straße 5CH-9050 Appenzell, Schweiz

Commercial register: CHE-307.267.669Chairman of the Board: lic. jur. Emil NispleOberer Graben 26, CH-9000 St. Galleninfo@onebiz.com


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The OneBiz cloud service offers the opportunity to virtually connect with any profile on the internet. In these profiles users can share their favorite con-tents automattically, time-based, and thematically fit numerous Scheduler (also Submitter or distribu-tion tools) in any social communities, articles, press, video portals, blogs, forums, RSS directories, social bookmarking and podcast directories or web direc-tories. All contents can be created by timing (sche-duling), or even months in advance entered.


All text contents can be automatically analyzed, altered, spinned or remixed with other contents. The spinned contents will reach a uniqueness factor of approximately 70-80 %! The published contents across all portals and profi-les will also be „unique”, because a powerful text spinning tool has been inte-grated into our system. Millions of words, phrases and synonyms can thus be made SEO and reader friendly at the push of a button. If a user decides to publish an expert article in 20 article portals, then each of these portals will receive a different spinned version of the original.


The cloud service offers hundred thousands of content variations, snippets and PLR articles, all as part of its huge content search engine for OneBiz users. Contents can be utilized as an advanced base, spinned and later on published. All spinned variations flow back into the search engine and will be available for all other users. Other users thus have the opportunity to recycle these ma-terials and republish them. An exponentially growing „Content Cloud“ around OneBiz thus arises. The more users use the library, the more contents are available for all.


• Articles• Blogposts• Forums• Documents• Audio & Video• Press• Store directories• Web Directories• Search Engine• Ping Services




OneBiz is based on the considerations of fractal growth, duplication, multiplation and replication of nature. Each user account is self-similar and provi-des a natural „cell“ of the fractal growing communi-ty of OneBiz. The aim was to add a viral component to this „cell“ (account) so that it grows out of itself, divides itself and multiplies. All emerging „cells“ are connected for life with the cell source. This means that, if a OneBiz cell recommends the OneBiz eco-system and thus creates new „cells“, these cells are associated life long with the cell source. Every „nut-rient“ that flows via these new cells, is also good to the source cell. The second essential part of OneBiz is thus, an online and offline oriented multi-stage commission and bonus program, which is based on the principles of network marketing. An unusual combination, if one thinks of the high commissions in digital products as well as the residual income effect for large networks.


OneBiz completely reverses the mechanism of online advertising and the ads market. Typi- cally, Google or Facebook Ads are posted in relation to selected keywords and paid accor-ding to appropriate impressions or clicks. If payment is set, the ad display and the resul- ting traffic flow are removed from the network at payment expiration. This, thus cut lead buil- ding and website sales. OneBiz on the other hand, makes it possible for users to create their ad space themselves, and permanently and

fractaly growing by publishing targeted and con-text-sensitive matching content on selected sites at any time. This finely granular coordinated con-tent and link building increases visibility on major search engines and ones own content is found in the results at an increasing rate. Content that was published on OneBiz persists even after the cessation of payments or accounts dissollution. Therefore, traffic flow, lead building and website sales remain intact. The longer you use OneBiz, the stronger the effects.


Branch network Affiliate world (online)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


B1 B2 B3

C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3

OneBiz consists of an offline and an online-based franchise system, which are intelligently fused together. The online system trains fran-chise members on a long term basis, while the offline system adds new users to the online system via hosting of regional seminars. These two self contained and inherently viral systems (online and offline) are very intertwined with one another and support each other through permanent viral loops. Networker and part-ners thus benefit from both worlds. A comple-tely new dimension of compensation claims, commissions and long term achievable residu-al income opportunities is created.

Ready-to-use advertising materials

Every OneBiz user automatically receives a partner ID and a derived partner link. He may find this link within his account. This is already linked to numerous finished promotional ma-terials such as journal articles, blog posts, vi-deos, press releases, social news and banners and is able to share it immediately online. Eve-ry new user, who is registering through such a partner link, will now be added to the sponso-ring person’s team structure.

The 3-matrix system

Conceived as a 3 part matrix, OneBiz pays com- missions unto the 14th level. 7 levels bene-fit directly and immediately, while the last 7 levels can be activated through appropriate activity and points.

Recruits a new user for user A, so this is registe-red at position B1. If 2 more users are recruited, they will land in the structure at positions B2 and B3. As soon as he recruits the fourth user, this user will end up at position C1.

Global Leaderboard & Points System – The Gamification Principle

The concept of gamification from the gaming industry was integrated in all of the OneBiz ecosystem.

Users receive points for various activities, they may reach higher levels and receive awards, recogni-

tion, bonuses, downloads, free tickets, VIP materials and avatars. All OneBiz users have access to the

so called leaderboards, which display the “best” users from various categories, regions or countries. All

leaderboards are dynamic and are updated live and on a constant basis, depending on who within the

OneBiz community has accomplished certain actions.

Team strengthening with extensive training system

OneBiz has a comprehensive training program

for users of cloud services as well as for partners

and franchisees on board. This gives you access

to ready elaborated seminar and webinar docu-

ments, seminar manuals, training concepts, par-

ticipant lists and manuals, checklists and much

more. Network marketing is a training system,

so a partner finds much contents and training

materials to use to train himself as well as his

team members for the promotion of OneBiz.

The topics of the training sessions are manifold:

Team building, employee motivation, telephone

training, sales training, proper presentation, pro-

ject management and communication.

Payout by the OneBiz Debit Card

Every OneBiz user account is equipped with a

so called eWallet. All earned commissions from

the multi-level commissions and bonus pro-

gram flow into this digital wallet. It does not

matter whether the affiliates have created this

revenue via online users or offline branches

from the international franchising system.

Within your account you may create an inter-

nationally usable Debit Card for free in order

to take out earned commissions. With this card

you may visit your favorite restaurant, pay bills,

go shopping or get cash at cash machines.

You may of course transfer your commissions

directly from your eWallet to another account.


BronzeBronze SilverSilver









OneBiz offers its best and most successful partners to partake in its exclu-sive bonus and leadership program. The first trip will take the most acti-ve partners to the first OneBiz Dubai Summer Mastermind. Meet the best people in the industry! The OneBiz core team as well as the brains behind the innovative traffic-cloud-service can be met live and at a highly exclu-sive location in Dubai: The luxury hotel Atlantis Palms. All further informa-tion about becoming eligible to take part and how to qualify as soon as possible may be found within your OneBiz-Account under “Information”.


„Successful people are like a mirage and lead a life of EXTREME. No „cozy movie night“ or „boring Gameday at home“. True personalities with charisma leave their own comfort zone regularly and with big steps. You are time here and been there ... as the known mirror images in the desert. And yet your goals are real and of great precision!“ – OneBiz is coming!

Benoit Mandelbrot discovered the principle of fractals and that the whole of nature, and even the universe and the emergence of the entire galaxy, runs exactly according to frac-tal patterns. The mathematician was thus the first to demonstrate measurable means that could show nature evolved according to pre-dictable patterns and unfolds in a mathema-tically predictable way before creation. Gran-ted, this sounds a little like „magic formula“. But, the interesting thing is that apparently some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time apply these principles precisely in the context of a business or organization. Our aim is to add a viral component to this „cell“ (account) so that it grows out of itself, divides and multiplies itself. All new „cells“ are now connected for life with the source cell. This means that: if a OneB iz ecosystem

via a OneBiz cell will continue to be recom-mended and subsequently creating new „cells“, these new cells will become life-long associated with the source cell. Everything „nutrient“ that flows through these new cells, is also good to the „source cell“. OneBiz.com is based precisely upon the considerations of fractal growth, duplication, of multiplying and Nature’s fractal replicating charachte-ristics. OneBiz is a cloud service at the core, which allows you, initially to a great extent, to automate your projects, traffic, content, and build links. Your OneBiz account repre-sents a „cell“ that contains all the necessary functions of life-support, duplication and self-organization.


„Some people dream of great deeds.Others are awake and run it!“

[Thomas M. Duda]

„Take your chances, ride your luck, never, never, never, never, never give up.“

[Heiko Häusler]

„I could imagine that someday attention will be a form of currency on the Internet!

Because this is – next to time – pretty much the only one on the web, which you can not save, upload or download.“

[Tobias Knoof]


One Life-One Biz.