What is Web 2.0? FUN Internet tools, gadgets, websites Easy to use You can generate your own product...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Students need more engaging ways to learn.

Generating a new product to demonstrate learning was limited.

Free tools needed to create exciting products.

Unbelievably BORED!

FUN, exciting, learning!


Learning is engaging

when students

generate a

creative product.

Use what students use to present

learning: social media.

Web 2.0 tools are easy to use.

“Bottom-up” technology: anyone can use Web 2.0 tools

(not just computer programmers).


Most Web 2.0

tools blocked by

school internet


Who: Students, teachers, teenagers, adults


Web 2.0 Example:

Production & Manufacturing

The InternetIdea of Jason SmithCo-Producers: Jodie & Adam Smith

Marketing & Distribution

TeacherTube Community Members, search engines, word of mouth, technology conferences

Rate of Adoption:


Webpage Designers

Early Adopters

Media Specialists

& Teens

Why Adopt Web 2.0?

*Better than traditional Web 1.0

*Compatible to changing needs and changing technology

*Easy to use

*Try it, you’ll fall in love with it

Rate of Adoption:

Laggards: School

Administrators& Teachers

Laggards: Mainstream

Commercial Web 1.0

Strategies towards Adoption of Web 2.0

—Web 2.0 is compatible with the 21st

Century education.

—No additional training or expense need occur to implement Web 2.0.

—Web 2.0 tools are free to try and acceptor reject without cost.

—Web 2.0 is already inundated in the world of technology.

Microsoft Office and other commercial companies will not choose Web 2.0 because of the no cost tothe consumer. Such commercial entities will (or have) found a way to make a profit from Web 2.0.





Rate of Adoption:Which combination of perceived attributes would be best for helping Web 2.0 meet critical mass in


Source: Web 2.0 S Curve: Christopher Rollyson

S Curve

Adoption of Innovation:


Web 2.0 should be managed and maintained

by the classroom teacher.

Adoption of Innovation:


& Students

Key Change Agents in Education

Adoption of Innovation:Who should be recommended as key change

agents in education and how can the seven roles of a change agent be used to effect positive

social change?

Develop a Need for Change

Develop Rapport

with Clients

Make learning interesting, engaging, and interactive

Web 2.0 is a reliable and effective collection of tools to incorporate into the learning environment.

Diagnose ProblemsWeb 1.0 does not provide a richselection of applications that areuser-controlled and user-oriented.

Adoption of Innovation:Who should be recommended as key change

agents in education and how can the seven roles of a change agent be used to effect positive

social change?Create Intent

to Change

Translate Intent into

ActionStabilize Adoption &

Prevent Discontinuance

Achieve Terminal


Web 1.0 expensive; Web 2.0 free and creative

Free, creative, readilyaccepted and familiar to studentsFree! Easy to Use! Creative! Students already use Web 2.0!

No contracts to sign. No training needed. No tech person needed to install.

Needs:Web 2.0

The Solution:School is boring!

Presenting learning is limited.

Generating a presentation is usually a skit,

speech, poster,diorama,


Schools have limited budgets to purchase software.

Web 2.0 schools are creative.

Plenty of Web 2.0 tools.

Web 2.0 tools are fun and can even be used at home.

Web 2.0 tools are

F R E E ! ! !