What Makes an Effective Leader?

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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What Makes an Effective Leader?

To learn more visit www.NotreDameOnline.com

What am I good at?

What do I like to do?

What are my areas of weakness?

What do I dislike doing?

Assessment Questions


Leaders take stock of strengths and shortcomings

Great Leaders Perform Self Assessments

Knowing your area of weakness allows you to delegate to others’ strengths, creating efficiencies.

Great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills.


Weaknesses Create Opportunity

Working on your areas of weaknesses can improve your leadership ability.

… recognizing them makes you more human.


Effective leaders have a sharp perception.

They know how they are perceived.



Being an effective leader means being responsive to the team’s needs.

Some teams value trust over creativity.Others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer.


Team Building

To build a strong team, a good leader understands:

• Values• Goals• Needs of their team

Team Building


Effective leaders know the organization’s overall purpose and goals, as well as the agreed-upon strategies to achieve these goals.

They also know how their team fits into the big picture.

They know the part they play in helping the organization grow and thrive.

An effective leader has full knowledge of the organization – inside and out.

Knowing the Organization


Good communication is needed at every level of business.

Leaders must possess outstanding communication skills.

This is a skill that can be learned.



Putting together strong teams is another sign of a strong leader.

The opposite is also true. If a team is weak and dysfunctional. This is a sign of a failure of leadership.

Team Building


Inspiring others is the mark of a great leader.

Motivation is accomplished by example and guidance.

Motivating Teams


Great leaders take the right risks at the right time.

You can learn how to assess risk, and run scenarios that will help you make better decisions.

Risk Taking


Inspiring others is the mark of a great leader. Motivation is best done by example and guidance.A good leader articulates a clear vision...

…and takes the right steps to achieve the goal or vision.

Vision and Goal Setting
