What Makes ME Creative?

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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Ogilvy’s Associates program asked its applicants in a creative exercise to answer "what makes you creative?" Here’s my answer. I opted for the PowerPoint format since in the corporate setting, we’re about presenting and conveying information through images. But we cannot be boring. Not only do I want to show that I can be in the setting to present my ideas to team members and clients, but that I want to go the route that others may not have chosen as their "creative option." The choice in platform was also one that was made on the basis of which community I would be sharing my exercise with. Showcasing my talent to the right demographic - the creative professionals that can be found on SlideShare - meant that I would be much more likely to be noticed and recognized in the community, as can be seen by the fact that the presentation was marked as one of the top three during the week of January 16th. Had I chosen to go the route of a YouTube video, I would be competing with the thousands of hours of other programming uploaded each day, as well as a varied and diverse public. In effect, I would not have had as much success as I did. In addition, taking a look at the colour palette, you’ll be quick to notice that I’ve picked up some colours from the Ogilvy Associates page - the deep red and light grays (that are almost white). I think about complementing in terms of call (you) and response (me).


what makes me creative?

ogilvy, you askedso, i’ll tell


first����������� ������������������  things����������� ������������������  first


(psst! i’m in grey)


barbara leung new media and fashion fiend

lives in new york city

speaks french and english

senior at nyu steinhardt

studied abroad in paris for two years

majors in comm and french

from canada, eh?

second����������� ������������������  things����������� ������������������  second

i’ve gotworkexperience


linkedin can tell you what i’ve done

but not necessarily what i know

through my work...i’ve gotten to know the lay of the land of traditional marketing and new media

i know the boundaries of technologies, so i can hop on over’em

i’ve learned when to employ certain strategies for optimal results

i’ve also learned how to communicate my message across while staying minty fresh

third����������� ������������������  things����������� ������������������  third

job didn’t exist?no problemo! i created my own opportunities


how’d i do it?sometimes opportunities are just waiting to be dug up

i look for weaknesses in a strategy that my strengths can help fill in and improve

then i propose solutions to’em and sit down with’em for more discussion

want proof?

two examplesthat nyu job came from me opening discussion on how student blogs could drive interest and traffic

and that writing gig came from me mentioning that more “live” coverage of fashion week(s) would be possible what with me moving back to paris for a year

and����������� ������������������  lastly

i have a way of getting people’s attention


here’s just one example

once����������� ������������������  upon����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  time...

porter airlines had a RT contest on twitter


porter airlines had a RT contest on twitter

so i entered


porter airlines had a RT contest on twitter

so i enteredand lost


but����������� ������������������  i����������� ������������������  also����������� ������������������  tweeted...

this photo of my buddy at the billy bishop airport lounge

“even����������� ������������������  wild����������� ������������������  boars����������� ������������������  love����������� ������������������  flying����������� ������������������  porter����������� ������������������  airlines!”

they loved it so much that...i was awarded with my own free flight!


so����������� ������������������  there����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  have����������� ������������������  it

i’m cleverexperienced


all of which makes for a great combo for creativity, no?

so����������� ������������������  ogilvy,����������� ������������������  think����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  i����������� ������������������  am����������� ������������������  your����������� ������������������  next����������� ������������������  craftsman����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  culture?

so����������� ������������������  ogilvy,����������� ������������������  think����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  i����������� ������������������  am����������� ������������������  your����������� ������������������  next����������� ������������������  craftsman����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  culture?craftswoman

web: www.hirebarb.comemail: me@barbaraleung.comtwitter: @barb_leung

then ring me up!