What Matters Most: Are Future Stream Temperatures More … · 2020. 1. 28. · Some studies show...

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  • What Matters Most: Are Future Stream Temperatures More Sensitive to Changing Air

    Temperatures, Discharge, or Riparian Vegetation?

    Steven M. Wondzell, Mousa Diabat, and Roy Haggerty

    Research Impact Statement: In the western United States, restoring forests along streams lacking shade cancool streams so much that future stream temperatures could be colder than today, even under a warmer cli-mate.

    ABSTRACT: Simulations of stream temperatures showed a wide range of future thermal regimes under a warm-ing climate — from 2.9°C warmer to 7.6°C cooler than current conditions — depending primarily on shade fromriparian vegetation. We used the stream temperature model, Heat Source, to analyze a 37-km study segment ofthe upper Middle Fork John Day River, located in northeast Oregon, USA. We developed alternative future sce-narios based on downscaled projections from climate change models and the composition and structure of nativeriparian forests. We examined 36 scenarios combining future changes in air temperature (DTair = 0°C, +2°C, and+4°C), stream discharge (DQ = �30%, 0%, and +30%), and riparian vegetation (post-wildfire with 7% shade, cur-rent vegetation with 19% shade, a young-open forest with 34% shade, and a mature riparian forest with 79%effective shade). Shade from riparian vegetation had the largest influence on stream temperatures, changing theseven-day average daily maximum temperature (7DADM) from +1°C to �7°C. In comparison, the 7DADMincreased by 1.4°C with a 4°C increase in air temperature and by 0.7°C with a 30% change in discharge. Manystreams throughout the interior western United States have been altered in ways that have substantiallyreduced shade. The effect of restoring shade could result in future stream temperatures that are colder thantoday, even under a warmer climate with substantially lower late-summer streamflow.

    (KEYWORDS: climate change; global change; stream temperature; riparian forest; shade; riparian restoration;native salmon and trout; riparian management.)


    Populations of salmon, steelhead trout, and charhave been listed as threatened or endangered through-out much of their native range (Nehlsen et al. 1991),including the Columbia River Basin (Figure 1a). Manyfactors have contributed to the decline of these popula-tions, including loss of high-quality freshwater habitatfor spawning and rearing (Federal Caucus 2000). Habi-tat factors are multiple and complex so that no single

    factor can be identified that accounts for populationdeclines (Gregory and Bisson 1997). However, waterquality, especially summer maximum stream tempera-ture is one factor that is clearly implicated in these pop-ulation declines (Richter and Kolmes 2005; McCulloughet al. 2009). Further, high water temperatures havealso been identified as a critical barrier to species recov-ery. Simply put, summer maximum stream tempera-tures are near lethal or sublethal thresholds (Hicks2000; Richter and Kolmes 2005) for these species inmany streams throughout the interior Columbia River

    Paper No. JAWRA-18-0063-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received April 10, 2018; acceptedNovember 12, 2018. © 2018 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.

    Pacific Northwest Experiment Station (Wondzell), USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon, USA; and College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmo-spheric Sciences (Diabat, Haggerty), Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA (Correspondence to Wondzell: swondzell@fs.fed.us).

    Citation: Wondzell, S.M., M. Diabat, and R. Haggerty. 2019. “What Matters Most: Are Future Stream Temperatures More Sensitive toChanging Air Temperatures, Discharge, or Riparian Vegetation?” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55 (1): 116–132.https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12707.





  • Basin and elsewhere throughout much of their nativeranges in the conterminous United States (U.S.). Thereis great interest in restoring salmon and trout popula-tions within their native range. Combined, restorationprojects within the Columbia River Basin constituteone of the single most expensive recovery efforts everundertaken within the U.S., costing many billions ofdollars (GAO 2002, Rieman et al. 2015). Climatechange, however, raises serious questions about thelong-term outcomes of restoration because projectedincreases in air temperature could make many of thesestreams and rivers uninhabitable for salmon and troutwithin a few decades (Battin et al. 2007; Mantua et al.2010; Isaak et al. 2012).

    Climate change projections for midlatitudes consis-tently agree that air temperatures will warm in thefuture. However, projecting the influence of air tem-perature increases onto stream temperature is diffi-cult. Various approaches have been used to predictthe magnitude of change in stream temperature thatshould be expected given projected changes in airtemperature. These approaches include developing

    regional-scale relationships between air temperatureand stream temperature (Mohseni and Stefan 1999;Mohseni et al. 1999; Mantua et al. 2010), regional- tolocal-scale modeling approaches used to relate a vari-ety of landscape, stream network, and channel met-rics (e.g., elevation, channel slope, geographiclocation, etc.) to interannual variation in stream tem-peratures resulting from coincident variation in cli-matic drivers among years (Ruesch et al. 2012;Hilderbrand et al. 2014), or even more direct analy-ses of stream sensitivity to interannual variability inclimate (Luce et al. 2014; Garner et al. 2015). How-ever, these approaches are based on past temperaturepatterns which may not be stationary in time, espe-cially in the face of long-term changes in climate. Infact, stream temperature responses to the observedchanges in climate that have occurred to date appearto have been quite complex. Some studies show regio-nal increases in water temperatures that appearrelated to coincident changes in air temperature(Isaak et al. 2012); other studies have demonstratedthat streams, including streams in relatively pristine


    0 20105

    A B


    RKM 37

    Unconstrained reach MFJD stream gauge Austin climate station Tipton Snotel station

    RKM 14

    RKM 0




    FIGURE 1. Site location map. (a) The location of the upper Middle Fork John Day (MFJD) catchment (white fill) within the John Daycatchment (bright blue fill) and its location within the Columbia–Snake River catchments (gray-blue fill) of northwestern USA andsouthwestern Canada. (b) The upper MFJD with the simulated study segment shown in bold. (c) Close-up of the study segment

    showing the location of unconstrained valley reaches that have been converted to meadows. RKM, river kilometer.



  • catchments, have actually cooled over past decadesdespite well-documented warming of regional air tem-peratures over the same time period (Arismendi et al.2012). Further, the regression equations appear to bepoor at predicting future temperatures (Arismendiet al. 2014).

    Mechanistic stream temperature models provide analternative to regression-based air-stream temperaturerelations for predicting stream temperatures underfuture climatic regimes (Sinokrot et al. 1995). Mechanis-tic models route water down the channel and attempt toquantify all the heat fluxes into, and out of, the stream,and thus predict the stream temperature. These modelsare data intensive and usually, only a few of the neededparameters are measured within the stream reach beingsimulated. Therefore, the model is parameterized usingavailable data, parameter values gleaned from the liter-ature, and climatic data from stations located some dis-tance away. The intensive data requirements and thefact that the models are tuned to fit a limited set of cali-bration data have led some to question their utility(Luce et al. 2014). However, the calibrated models oftendo a good job of reproducing observed temperature timeseries. Consequently, sensitivity analyses of calibratedmodels may be effective at analyzing the relative impor-tance of different factors on future stream temperatures.

    Studies examining stream energy budgets and therelative influence of different energy terms show thatshortwave radiation, especially direct-solar radiation,dominates the stream heat budget and is therefore thesingle biggest determinant of stream temperature onsummer days. The result of such studies are empiri-cally confirmed by reach-scale studies of stream tem-perature responses to forest harvest with and withoutbuffers to provide shade (Moore et al. 2005; Gomi et al.2006; Janisch et al. 2012) or from experimental shad-ing (Johnson 2004). The results of these studies suggestthat changes in shortwave radiation might have largerinfluence on stream temperature than would changesin air temperature.

    Changes in the height or canopy density of forestedriparian vegetation shading streams can result in largechanges to stream thermal regimes. Thus, the loss ofexisting shade would amplify the increase in streamtemperatures expected from warming air temperatures.Conversely, increasing shade where it is currently lim-ited or lacking could mitigate expected changes instream temperatures. Wildfire episodically removesriparian forests causing elevated stream temperaturesfor many years (Dunham et al. 2007) and the extentand severity of wildfire is expected to increase as aresult of future changes in the climate (Westerling et al.2006). Land use and the management decisions thateither increase (planting) or decrease (forest harvest)stream shade could also have substantial influence onstream temperatures.

    Future climate change may influence stream tem-perature through indirect effects on stream discharge(Mantua et al. 2010). Ensembles of multi-model andmulti-emission scenario simulations tend to projectslight decreases in summer precipitation for the Paci-fic Northwestern U.S. However, these projections arehighly variable (Hamlet et al. 2010). These modelensembles also forecast warmer winter air tempera-tures which would decrease accumulated winter snowpacks and lead to earlier snowmelt. Analyses of theseclimatic forcings with the Variable Infiltration Capac-ity (Liang et al. 1996) model suggest that climatechange will increase the length of summer low flowperiods and reduce summer stream discharge. Streamdischarge is also directly, and indirectly, influencedby land use. Water is diverted from many small riv-ers and streams for irrigation and these withdrawalsare largest during the growing season — the timewhen stream discharges are already low, thereby fur-ther accentuating the sensitivity of the stream tochanges in its energy budget.

    These factors — increased air temperature,decreased stream discharge, and loss of stream shade—all have the potential to increase stream temperaturesin the future. However, the relative magnitude of theinfluence of each factor is poorly documented. Further,the potential for riparian restoration to mitigate poten-tial changes is also poorly documented. The objective ofthis study was to examine potential changes in streamtemperature resulting from increased air temperaturesand changes in both riparian shade and stream dis-charge. We identified realistic scenarios for changes inair temperature, shade, and discharge and then con-ducted a sensitivity analysis using the mechanisticstream temperature model, Heat Source (Boyd 1996;Boyd and Kasper 2003). We examined interactionsamong these factors to identify potential managementdecisions that could mitigate expected increases instream temperatures that are expected to occur over thenext 40–80 years.


    Study Site

    The study segment comprises 37 km of the upperMiddle Fork John Day River (MFJD) in northeasternOregon, USA (Figure 1), beginning 1.5 km upstreamof the confluence with Clear Creek (44°35048″N,118°29036″W; watershed area is 167 km2) and ending3.25 km downstream of Camp Creek (44°42039″N,118°48055″W; watershed area is 827 km2). Elevationdecreases from 1,245 to 1,035 m over this distance,



  • resulting in an average longitudinal gradient of0.0058 m/m. The valley floor alternates between flat-ter, unconstrained reaches and slightly steeper mod-erately to narrowly constrained reaches (Bureau ofReclamation 2008). Precipitation varies with eleva-tion within the watershed, ranging from 625 mmalong the watershed divides (Tipton Snotel Site;1,570 m elevation) to 514 mm along our study seg-ment (station Austin 3 S; Co-Op ID USC00350356;1,284 m elevation). Annual maximal snow waterequivalent of 300 mm occurs from mid-Marchthrough early April. Summers are dry with only 8%of the annual precipitation falling in July andAugust. July and August are the hottest months ofthe year, with long-term daily maximum air tempera-tures averaging 28.3°C; December and January arethe coldest months with long-term daily minimum airtemperatures averaging �10.2°C. Trend analysisfrom 1981 to 2010 suggests that the monthly averagedaily maximum temperatures during the summerhave increased at 1.1°C/decade (p < 0.001; n = 28;r2 = 0.36). There is no apparent trend in maximumdaily temperatures for other seasons or for mean andminimum daily temperatures or precipitation in anyseason.

    The estimated long-term average discharge at thebottom of our study segment is approximately 4.5 m3/s, with maximum monthly discharge of 13.5 m3/soccurring during snowmelt in April or May, and theminimum monthly discharge of 0.6 m3/s occurring inSeptember. Crown and Butcher (2010) estimated thatdischarge at the top of the study segment decreasedfrom 0.39 m3/s in July to 0.15 m3/s in August 2002.Twenty-one perennial tributaries enter the study seg-ment, and their combined discharge decreased from0.58 to 0.17 m3/s over the same period. Thus, tributaryinputs account for 50%–60% of the total discharge atthe bottom of our study segment. The study segmentincluded four diversions that removed, on average,0.03 m3/s from the stream for agricultural use duringthe summer months. Finally, minor groundwaterinflows occur between river kilometer (RKM) 34.55and 22.00 (Crown and Butcher 2010).

    Historic Condition. We examined GovernmentLand Office, land survey records (http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/) to describe the vegetation condition atthe time of early Euro-American settlement. The ini-tial land survey was conducted in 1881, and survey-ors described the condition of vegetation along eachsection line (lines marking a uniform square-mile[1.609 9 1.609 km] grid). Ten section lines crossunconstrained valley floors in the upper half of ourstudy segment; the surveyors described the vegeta-tion on seven of these, which we summarize as fol-lows: (1) Thick growth of willow (Salix spp.) and crab

    apple (likely Crataegus spp.) on river bottom; (2)Dense thickets of alder (Alnus spp.), aspen (Populusspp.), and buckbrush (unknown); (3) Heavy timberacross much of floodplain; (4) Thick growth of willowson river bottom; (5) Thick willow brush, river winds,crosses section line three times; (6) Graham’s field(fenced and apparently cultivated); and (7) River bot-tom nearly level. While these descriptions are simple,they point out two notable features. First, anthro-pogenic changes following Euro-American settlementwere already well underway by 1881. Second, thedescriptions suggest that the riparian corridor wascharacterized by abundant woody vegetation, often avariety of tall shrubs, but also taller trees. Thesedescriptions contrast starkly with the current vegeta-tion in these same locations, which is mostly opendry meadow.

    Land Use and Current Condition. The currentcondition of riparian vegetation resulted from com-plex interactions between historical anthropogenicactivities, natural disturbance regimes, and plant suc-cession. Unfortunately, early anthropogenic impactsare poorly known, but were likely substantial. Earli-est Euro-American impacts resulted from beaver trap-ping — with beaver effectively extirpated from theJohn Day River network by the 1860s (Wissmar et al.1994). Gold mining began about this time, but mostmining activity was located on tributaries that enterthe MFJD downstream of our study segment. Onelong, unconstrained reach within our study segment,and the lower ends of two tributaries were dredgemined in the 1930s–1940s. Dredge mining on thismainstem reach only occurred on the northern half ofthe valley floor, where mineral-rich alluvium wasdeposited by Granite-Boulder Creek. Within thisreach, the river was channelized and coarse rock fromdredging spoils was piled onto the floodplain.

    The riparian zones of the MFJD have been grazedsince at least the 1880s (Wissmar et al. 1994) andgrazing of domestic livestock and related activitieshave led to substantial changes in riparian vegeta-tion. Overall impacts may have been greatest inunconstrained reaches. In most of these, the main-stem was channelized into a single-thread channel,wet meadows were drained, trees and shrubs werecleared, and exotic pasture grasses were planted. Irri-gation diversions are also common, with ditches rou-ted along the valley margins such that return flowsof water that leaks from the ditches provides “subsur-face irrigation” to maintain forage productionthroughout the dry summer months.

    Logging also impacted riparian zones within ourstudy segment. Certainly, logging of the most acces-sible timber occurred for local uses beginning withEuro-American settlement, but widespread logging




  • was limited by transportation. Logging railroadsreached the area in the early 1900s, and were builtalong the MFJD over the full length of our studysegment and temporary tracks were built into sev-eral of the larger tributaries. Also, the tributaryjunction of Clear Creek with the MFJD at the headof our study segment was the site of a company milltown and logging mill that operated from 1917 to1975. Early logging practices would have substan-tially influenced riparian vegetation because the rail-road followed the valley floors and trees growing inthe riparian zone and lower hillslopes would havebeen easily accessible (Beschta 2000). Logging vol-umes peaked from the 1950s through the early 1980s(Wissmar et al. 1994) and have been declining sincethen, in part from the development of state forestpractice rules and federal land management rulesthat dramatically changed logging practices in recentdecades. Logging in riparian zones on federal landsis no longer occurring.

    Residual riparian forests remain within our studysegment. Confined reaches tend to be the most heav-ily forested, and are dominated by native conifers,including ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Dou-glas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Native hardwoodsare much less abundant. Black cottonwood (Populusbalsamifera ssp. trichocarpa) is present throughoutthe study segment but it usually occurs as widelyscattered, individual large trees. A few denser standsof cottonwood are present. Regeneration of cotton-wood does not appear to be occurring as seedlings,saplings, and small trees are lacking (Beschta andRipple 2005). A variety of riparian shrubs are alsopresent. Mountain alder (Alnus incana) is relativelycommon, and found on streambanks in many loca-tions. Both black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii)and large willows (Salix spp.) are present in somelocations, although these are typically heavilybrowsed.

    Heat Source Simulations

    Stream temperature was simulated using themechanistic model, Heat Source v. 8.04 (Boyd 1996;Boyd and Kasper 2003). This numerical model tracksthe net heat flux (Hnet) into or out of a stream reachas water flows down a stream channel, the compo-nents of which are:

    Hnet ¼ Hshortwave þHlongwave þHconvectionþHlatent þHconduction;

    where Hshortwave is the heat flux from solar radiationreceived at the surface of the stream; Hlongwave is thenet heat flux at the surface of the stream resulting

    from incoming and outgoing longwave radiation;Hconvection is the net heat flux directly to, or from, theatmosphere at the surface of the stream; Hlatent is thenet heat flux caused by evaporation of water vaporfrom the stream surface or condensation of watervapor onto the stream surface; and Hconduction is thenet heat flux across the streambed caused by differ-ences in water and substrate temperatures. Themodel also accounts for advective heat fluxes frominflows of water from tributaries, groundwater, andhyporheic exchange. The full solution of the heat bud-get equation and its application to streams in theHeat Source model is described in detail by Boyd andKasper (2003).

    A version of the Heat Source model had beenparameterized and calibrated by Crown and Butcher(2010) to simulate stream temperatures of the MFJDfor 2002 and used for Oregon Department of Environ-mental Quality’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)(ODEQ 2010) analysis of stream temperatures in theJohn Day River Basin. We used this version of HeatSource for our base-case simulations. Thus, 2002became the base case against which future streamtemperatures were compared.

    We made minor modifications to the model thatODEQ had previously calibrated to the upper MFJD,including extracting and running independently justthe uppermost 37 km of the model, reducing the sizeof the finite-difference elements from 300 to 100 m,and embedding our version of Heat Source in a userinterface to facilitate model inputs when making mul-tiple model runs and to facilitate analysis of simu-lated stream temperatures and heat budget terms.

    Boundary Conditions. Simulating the effects offuture climate on the thermal regimes of the upperMFJD was complicated by difficulties in setting real-istic boundary conditions for the model. Our studysegment did not start at the headwaters of thestream, thus we must specify an hourly time series ofstream temperature at the upstream boundary. Butstream temperature is highly influenced by shade,which in turn can be influenced by land use deci-sions. Because there are many large open meadowreaches upstream of our study segment, the base-casewater temperatures in 2002 were warm. We chose touse the 2002 base-case temperatures for theupstream boundary and both the tributary andgroundwater inflows. The effect of the upstreamboundary conditions were explored in a sensitivityanalysis in which the model was run iteratively, tak-ing the output stream temperature time series at thebottom of the study segment from the first model runand using it as the upstream boundary condition forthe second model run and so on, for five iterations.This analysis showed that the 37-km long study



  • segment was sufficiently long that the temperatureat the downstream sites used to evaluate our futurescenarios was close to the equilibrium temperatureexpected for the reach under those scenarios. Thus,our choice of upstream boundary condition had littleinfluence on the results reported here.

    We also examined the influence of lateral boundarycondition temperature for tributary and groundwaterinflows to the study segment. We increased the tem-peratures of both the tributary and groundwaterboundary time series by a uniform 1°C and compareddifferences in projected stream temperatures amongthe simulations. These analyses showed that the modelsimulations were sensitive to the temperature of lat-eral inputs. In fact, a 1°C increase in the lateral bound-ary temperature time series led to an approximate 2°Cincrease in the downstream seven-day average dailymaximum temperature (7DADM). It is important tonote, however, that there are a number of relativelylarge tributary and groundwater inputs within thelower portion of our study segment. These inputs arenot in the channel for sufficiently long for the tempera-ture of the mainstream to reach equilibrium.

    Future Climate and Riparian VegetationScenarios. We used Heat Source to simulate bothbase-year 2002 and future stream temperatures. Todo this, we needed to identify reasonable future sce-narios for model inputs under a changed climate.The Climate Impact Group (CIG) at the Universityof Washington has downscaled future climate projec-tions from the Fourth Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC 2007), for a large number ofstream gauging sites throughout the interior Colum-bia Basin (Hamlet et al. 2010, 2013). The VariableInfiltration Capacity model was then run using thedownscaled climate to project hydrologic changes ateach gauging site (Hamlet et al. 2010, 2013).Monthly averages of both the downscaled climateand the hydrologic projections for 2020s, 2040s, and2080s, based on ensembles of 10 Global ClimateModels (GCMs), for both the A1B and B1 emissionscenarios, are available from the web (http://warm.atmos.washington.edu/2860/).

    Hamlet et al. (2010, 2013) did not include theMFJD River Basin in their climate projections.Therefore, we derived changes in projected air tem-peratures by averaging projections for 10 gaugingstations close to the MFJD, all within the Blue Moun-tains of northeast Oregon (see Diabat 2014, appendixA for more details). All gauging stations showedincreases in summer air temperatures, with an aver-age increase 1.8°C in the 2020s, 2.8°C in the 2040s,and 4.5°C in the 2080s. We chose to model air tem-perature increases of 2°C and 4°C as reasonable sce-narios of air temperature increases for this region

    over the next many decades. We did so using thedelta method (Gleick 1986; Hay et al. 2000; Diabatet al. 2012), adding the change in temperature to the2002 base-case time series of hourly air tempera-tures. We did not have a way to project concurrentchanges in relative humidity and wind, so we did notchange these input data files.

    We also derived future stream discharges from the10 stream gauges analyzed by CIG, as describedabove. The model ensemble projected that July–August discharge would decrease by �1.9% in 2020and by �5.8% in 2080. However, projections fromindividual models ranged from �31% to +37% in 2020and from �49% to +57% in the 2080s. We were con-cerned that very small changes in discharge projectedfrom the ensemble average would not lead to detect-able changes in stream temperature, and given thehigh variability in projected changes, we chose toexplore scenarios with uniform �30% changes in dis-charge, applying these changes to discharge at boththe upstream boundary and to each tributary enter-ing our study segment. Note that the impacts ofextreme events could be considerably larger than theconditions we simulated. There are only two years ofdischarge records available near the bottom of ourstudy reach, but historical records (1929–2013) fromthe gauge at Ritter, Oregon (located some 52 kmdownstream) shows that the range in monthly Julyand August stream discharge varied from �78% to+238% of the long-term mean.

    We did not modify diversions from the stream nordid we modify the groundwater inputs used by Crownand Butcher (2010). Irrigation diversions over thesummer averaged 0.03 m3/s, and are small relative tothe expected long-term average July and August dis-charge of 1.04 m3/s, and even small relative to thelowest expected discharge of 0.46 m3/s (expected dis-charges are adjusted to long-term records at the Rit-ter gauge based on the ratio of discharges in the twoyears of common record, 2012 and 2013). Because wedid not modify the irrigation diversions nor thegroundwater inputs, the discharge at the bottom ofthe study segment over the simulation period rangedfrom 120% to 125% of the 2002 base-case discharge inour high discharge scenario and from 75% to 80% ofthe base-case discharge in our low discharge scenario.

    Riparian vegetation was modified to representthree potential scenarios in addition to base-year2002 conditions. Crown and Butcher (2010) used acombination of aerial-photographic interpretation andfield surveys to map the structure and composition ofthe riparian vegetation in 2002, from which HeatSource calculated effective shade. The effective shade(the ratio of the received shortwave radiation to thepotential shortwave radiation) for the base case aver-aged 19% and ranged along the study segment from




  • nearly 0% to as much as 90% in a few locations (Fig-ure 2). We generated homogeneous riparian vegeta-tion layers for our alternative scenarios as follows: apost-wildfire scenario in which canopy height aver-aged 1 m and canopy density averaged 10% andresulted in 7% average effective shade (mostly astopographic shade); a young, open forest scenariowhere regenerating trees had grown to 10 m heightand 30% canopy density providing 34% effectiveshade; a mature riparian forest scenario with trees30 m tall and 50% canopy density with 79% effectiveshade (Figure 2).

    The tree heights used in our scenarios are reason-able in light of the potential height of native riparianspecies in the upper MFJD. A query of the U.S. ForestService’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data(Donnegan et al. 2008) for the heights of trees grow-ing within 30 m of a perennial water source in east-ern Oregon showed that the 90th percentile heights ofdominant conifers such as ponderosa pine, grand fir,and Douglas fir exceeded 40 m. Similarly, we foundan average height of 30.4 m (n = 62) for conifers mea-sured in 13 randomly located riparian plots withinthe upper MFJD. Cottonwoods were uncommon. Onlyfour were recorded in the FIA dataset; only sevenwere present in the upper MFJD plot data. However,heights of tall cottonwoods ranged from 20 to 32 m.

    Simulating all possible combinations of the differ-ent scenarios for air temperature (base case or +0°C,+2°C, and +4°C), stream discharge (�30%, base caseor �0%, +30%), and riparian vegetation (2002 currentcondition, post-wildfire, young forest, mature forest)resulted in 36 simulations.

    Temperature and Heat Budget Analyses. Ourstudy specifically focused on late-summer warm tem-peratures because the upper MFJD and many of itstributaries are listed as Water Quality Limited fortemperature with U.S. Environmental Protection

    Agency-approved TMDLs and Water Quality Manage-ment Plans (ODEQ 2010). Further, die-offs of adultsalmon occurred within our study segment in both2007 and 2013 due to high water temperatures, andin 2013 resulted in an estimated loss of 60% of theadult spawning population (Jim Ruzycki, OregonDepartment of Fish and Wildlife, unpublished data,2013). There are many potential metrics we couldhave used for analysis (see for example Arismendiet al. 2013). We chose the seven-day running averageof daily maximum stream temperature because it is aregulatory criterion for water quality in the State ofOregon. Therefore, we compared our simulationsusing the 7DADM, which we calculated for each 100-m long finite-difference element along the 37-km longstudy segment for each model run. Thermal require-ments of cold water-dependent fishes vary with spe-cies and life-history stage. For spring Chinooksalmon in the MFJD, only rearing juveniles andadults are present in late summer. Optimal tempera-tures for rearing range from 10°C to 15.6°C (McCul-lough et al. 2001) with an optimal 7DADM < 16.5°C(Hicks 2000). Lethal temperatures vary, but highmortality occurs when daily maximum temperaturesexceeded 22°C (Hicks 2000; Richter and Kolmes2005). Correspondingly, the State of Oregon’snumeric criteria are a 7DADM < 16°C for core coldwater habitat and

  • direct comparisons of heat exchange at locations andtimes for which width differs. Heat flow can be inter-preted as energy change in a unit of water per unitdistance travelled.


    Changes in Stream Temperature

    Shade was the single biggest factor influencing theprojected 7DADM along our 37-km-long study seg-ment, regardless of changes in air temperature orstream discharge (Figures 3 and 4). At the very bot-tom of the study segment (RKM0), we observed a10°C range in 7DADM from changing just riparianvegetation (Figure 4), whereas changes in air temper-ature and stream discharge led to an ~2°C range inthe simulated 7DADM. These patterns were similarat RKM14, where we observed an 8°C range in7DADM from changing just riparian vegetation,whereas changes in air temperature alone resulted in1.4°C range in 7DADM and changes in stream dis-charge alone resulted in a 0.7°C range in the simu-lated 7DADM (Figure 4).

    Changes in shade, air temperature, and streamdischarge influenced the thermal regime in differentways (Figure 3a–3c). For example, an analysis ofhourly stream temperatures for the seven-day periodover which the stream reached its 7DADM at RKM14showed that increasing effective shade from the base-case to the mature forest scenario decreased dailymaximum stream temperatures by 7.8°C, decreasedthe daily average stream temperatures by 4.5°C, butonly decreased the daily minimum stream tempera-tures by 1.6°C (Figure 3a). The influence of increasedair temperatures was relatively uniform over theentire 24-hour daily cycle in stream temperaturessuch that the 4°C increase in air temperatureincreased the minimum, average, and maximum dailytemperatures by 1.4°C (Figure 3b). Finally, the influ-ence of changing discharge was quite different.Increasing the discharge from �30% to +30% reducedthe daily maximum stream temperatures by 0.7°Cbut increased the nightly minimum stream tempera-tures by 1.3°C. Changing discharge did not influencethe daily average stream temperature (Figure 3c).

    The simulations showed that loss of shade from alarge-scale disturbance such as a wildfire burning theentire study segment would increase the 7DADM rel-ative to the base case (Figure 3a). The increases arerelatively modest because much of the upper MFJDcurrently flows through wide, open meadows wherethere is little shade (Figures 1 and 2). Thus, the

    change from the base case to the post-wildfire vegeta-tion (1 m tall; 10% canopy density) only reduces theaverage effective shade from 19% to 7%. The result-ing changes in 7DADM are smallest for the scenariowith +30% increase in stream discharge and nochange in future air temperature; however, a 4°Cincrease in air temperature and a �30% decline instream discharge, coupled with the loss of existingshade increased the 7DADM over most of our studysegment by 3°C–5°C (Figure 4).

    The simulations showed modest change in 7DADMunder the young-open forest vegetation scenario rela-tive to the base case (Figure 3a). The results, how-ever, varied with location along the study segment,with the 7DADM actually warmer than the 2002 basecase from RKM27 to RKM18. However, the 2002

    FIGURE 3. Hourly stream temperature time series at RKM 14.05for the seven-day period over which the heat budget is summarized(see Figures 5 and 6). (a) Four riparian vegetation scenarios with2002 base-case conditions for air temperature (Tair) and discharge(Q). (b) Two air temperature scenarios with 2002 base-case condi-tions for riparian vegetation and Q. (c) Three discharge scenarioswith 2002 base-case conditions for riparian vegetation and Tair.



  • base-case effective shade is high from RKM30 toRKM24 so that the young forest scenario actuallyleads to a decrease in effective shade over this por-tion of the study segment (Figure 2). From RKM20 toRKM5, the young-open forest scenario increases effec-tive shade by 22%, so that the 7DADM decreases rel-ative to the base-case scenario. There is substantiallyless effective shade in the lowest 5 km of the studysegment so that the 7DADM increases rapidly overthese 5 km (Figures 2 and 3a). Finally, the 7DADMis also sensitive to underlying changes in stream dis-charge and air temperature over the entire study seg-ment (Figure 3b, 3c). If air temperatures do notincrease, 7DADMs will be lower than the base-casescenario under increased discharge, whereas underdecreased discharge and increased air temperatures,the 7DADM is higher than the base case (Figure 4).

    The scenarios with mature riparian forest, charac-terized by 30-m tall trees with 50% canopy density,showed large decreases in 7DADM over the entire37-km study segment (Figure 3a). These decreasesranged from 5.8°C to 7.6°C at RKM14 and from 7.1°Cto 8.9°C at RKM0 (Figure 4). Surprisingly, the7DADM was warmer under the mature forest sce-nario at high discharge (+30%) than at low discharge(�30%). The decrease in the 7DADM was persistentover all scenarios examined, even in the face of a 4°Cincrease in air temperature (Figure 4).

    Heat Budget Analysis

    The heat budget was analyzed for the 100-m reachlocated at RKM14 where effective shade across the

    FIGURE 4. Simulated seven-day average daily maximum temperature (7DADM) stream temperatures over the length of the study segment.Simulation results are grouped for three riparian vegetation scenarios (shaded zones) bounded by bold lines representing combinations of Tairand Q representing the scenario with the warmest or coldest simulated 7DADM stream temperatures. Note that under both the post-wildfireand young-open forest scenarios, the +30% Q simulations result in the coldest stream temperatures. This pattern is reversed under themature forest scenario where the +30% Q simulation results in the warmest stream temperatures.



  • vegetation scenarios was similar to the entire 37-kmstudy segment: base case RKM14 = 19% vs. 19% forthe study segment; post-wildfire RKM14 = 12% vs.7% for the study segment; open-young forest,RKM14 = 52% vs. 43% for the study segment; matureforest RKM14 = 85% vs. 79% for the study segment.Effective shade had a much larger influence on theheat budget in this reach than did changes in eitherair temperature or discharge (Figure 5). Effectiveshade under the mature forest scenario reduced heatgains from shortwave radiation by more than 80%relative to the base-case scenario, and because short-wave radiation was the largest single term in theheat budget, large changes in effective shade caused

    large changes in stream temperature. Heat Sourcesimulated a 48% decrease in heat gained from short-wave radiation under the young-open forest scenario(Figure 5). Finally, because the difference in shadebetween the base-case and the post-wildfire scenarioswas small, there was little difference in shortwavecomponent of the heat budget for these two scenarios.

    The 100-m heat budget reach dissipated heat viathe net exchange of longwave radiation, although themagnitude of this exchange was heavily influencedby vegetative cover and air temperature (Figure 5).Specifically, both increased air temperature andincreased height and density of the riparian forestcanopy decreased the amount of heat dissipated bythe stream via net longwave radiation. Restorationtreatments that grow tall, dense-canopied riparianvegetation would limit the stream’s exposure to thesky, so that more longwave radiation is exchangedwith much warmer riparian vegetation. At the sametime, the more heavily shaded stream is cooler andthus emits less outgoing longwave radiation. The netresult is that increases in canopy cover reduce thestreams loss of heat via longwave radiation. Theseeffects were proportional to the change in the ripar-ian canopy, with the young forest scenario onlyslightly reducing the net dissipation of heat via out-going longwave radiation, whereas the more openpost-wildfire scenario actually increased the amountof heat dissipated.

    The stream also dissipated less heat via outgoinglongwave radiation in scenarios with warmer air tem-peratures. Water temperatures also increase under thisscenario so the stream would emit more outgoing long-wave radiation. However, in the simulations where airtemperature increased without changing the riparianvegetation, the amount of downwelling longwave radia-tion also increased. These increases in downwellinglongwave from the atmosphere were larger than theincrease in the stream’s outgoing longwave, so the netresult is to reduce the amount of heat the stream dissi-pates via longwave radiation (Figure 5). The influenceof increased air temperature combined with a matureriparian forest canopy was so strong that net longwaveheat exchange becomes positive. That is, the stream hasa net gain in heat from longwave radiation (Figure 6).

    Changes in stream discharge also influenced theradiant heat flux from both shortwave and longwaveradiation; however, these effects were small relativeto the influence of shade and changing air tempera-ture (Figure 5). Discharge is related to the wettedwidth of the channel and thus the potential area ofthe stream surface over which radiant fluxes occur.The stream was gaining heat via shortwave radiationso that increasing discharge increased shortwaveheat inputs and decreasing discharge decreased theseinputs. Conversely, the stream was losing heat via

    Mature forestYoung-open forestPost-wildfire Q = +30% Q = -30%

    oT = +4 CairoT = +2 Cair

    Short wave

    Long wave





    -2,000 -1,000 0 1,000 2,000-1Net heat flow (W m )

    FIGURE 5. Differences in the net heat flow for each term in theheat budget for the 100-m analysis reach at RKM13.95, relative tothe 2002 base-case scenario, calculated over the seven-day period(July 8–14) during which the 2002 base-case scenario reached its7DADM stream temperature (July 14). The net heat flows for the2002 base-case scenario are shown as wide horizontal bars that areshaded light gray and bounded by thin, vertical black lines. Differ-ences between the 2002 base-case and other model scenarios areshown as horizontal bars “based” on the thin vertical lines from the2002 base case. Horizontal bars extending to the left of the verticalline indicate that the stream lost heat relative to the 2002 basecase; horizontal bars extended to the right indicate that the streamgained heat relative to the 2002 base case. The right or left endpoints of each horizontal bar indicate the actual net heat flow foreach scenario. Scenarios shown here are limited to those in whichonly a single factor was changed (riparian vegetation, Tair, or Q).



  • longwave radiation so that decreasing stream dis-charge decreased the heat dissipated via longwaveradiation, whereas increasing discharge increased theamount of heat dissipated.

    Evaporative cooling (latent heat) substantiallyinfluenced the heat budget of the 100-m reach thatwe analyzed. Because we held relative humidity andwind speed constant in all scenarios, the magnitudeof evaporative cooling was a direct function of streamtemperature, where the warmest water drives thehighest rate of evaporation (Figure 5). The differ-ences among scenarios are greatest during the day,when the differences in stream temperatures amongthe vegetation scenarios are largest, and much smal-ler at night. Summing the heat exchange over bothnight and day shows that the differences among thescenarios are such that the net effect of evaporationis to reduce the dissipation of heat in the mature for-est scenario and slightly increase the dissipation ofheat in the post-wildfire relative to the base-case veg-etation scenario (Figure 5).

    Convection and conduction were the smallest heatexchange terms in our simulations (Figures 5 and 6).Conduction changed very little among scenarios,whereas convection generally led to increased heatgains by the stream, relative to the base case.Because wind speed was held constant, differences inconvective heat gains among scenarios became adirect function of the temperature gradient betweenthe stream and the air. Stream temperatures were

    much cooler in heavily shaded scenarios which alsoresulted in a larger heat gradient between the airand the water, leading to greater convective transferof heat to the water.

    The net effect of all the heat budget terms, combined,showed that the 100-m analysis reach was slightly los-ing heat under base-case conditions (Figures 5 and 6).Increasing air temperature or decreasing stream dis-charge tended to shift the net heat exchange in the posi-tive direction (gaining heat), but that this effect wassmall for changes in discharge. Conversely, increasingthe effective shade or increasing discharge tended toshift the net heat exchange in the negative direction(losing heat). Under a future climate when air tempera-tures are 4°C warmer and discharge is 30% lower, inboth the post-wildfire and base-case vegetation scenar-ios, the small reductions in shortwave inputs fromreduced wetted width are more than offset by increas-ing heat inputs from convection and net increases inlongwave inputs so that the 100-m reach gains heat rel-ative to the base-case scenario (Figure 6). Conversely,for the young-open and mature riparian vegetation sce-narios, the reductions in shortwave radiation fromstream shading are larger than the changes in heatfluxes from evaporation, longwave radiation, and con-vection so that the 100-m reach loses heat relative tothe base-case scenario (Figure 6).

    Interactions between Shade, Discharge, and AirTemperature

    The influence of stream discharge on the 7DADMvaried among scenarios and with location along thestudy segment (Figure 7a). If the stream’s net energybudget was positive (gaining heat), the 7DADM washigher at low discharge. However, if the net energybudget was negative (losing heat), the 7DADM waslower at low discharge. Effective shade thresholds rang-ing from 50% to 65% determined if the stream was gain-ing or losing heat. Above this threshold, scenarios withhigh discharge (+30%) are actually warmer than thosewith low discharge (�30%) (Figure 7a). The interac-tions between air temperature and shade are more orless uniform, generally leading to a consistent increasein 7DADM over all shade scenarios examined irrespec-tive of location along the study segment (Figure 7b).

    The influence of changing discharge or air tempera-ture was always small relative to the influence of effec-tive shade. For example, considering average conditionsin the lower 15 km of our study segment, changing dis-charge from �30% to +30% changed the 7DADM by1.1°C, or by about the same amount as would a 8.6%change in shade. This 60% change in discharge is verylarge, however, relative to changes forecast under cli-mate change scenarios, and yet it only produces a small

    Mature forestYoung-open forest2002 Base casePost-wildfire

    Short wave

    Long wave





    -2,000 -1,000 0 1,000 2,000-1Net heat flow (W m )

    FIGURE 6. Differences in the net heat flows for each term in theheat budget for the 100-m analysis reach at RKM13.95. The fourscenarios shown here illustrate the effect of changing riparian veg-etation under the most likely future scenario in which DTair = +4°Cand DQ = �30%. See caption of Figure 5 for details.



  • change in the 7DADM. In contrast, an 8% or 9% changein shade is small, relative to the current conditions andthe potential of riparian forests to shade the stream.Stream temperatures are slightly more sensitive tochanges in air temperature, such that changing air tem-peratures by 4°C changed stream temperatures asmuch as a 13% change in effective shade.


    Model Uncertainties

    Uncertainties in simulation results stem from fourfactors: (1) upstream boundary conditions for theamount and temperature of water entering the studysegment, (2) the amount and temperature of lateralinputs from tributaries and groundwater inflows, (3)hyporheic exchange flow, and (4) retaining base-casevalues for both humidity and wind speed. The timeseries of water temperatures at the upstream bound-ary and of lateral inflows was not changed from those

    of the 2002 base-case conditions with which themodel was originally calibrated. Future climatechanges could lead to changes in the water tempera-ture at this boundary. However, these temperaturesare much more sensitive to changes in shade fromriparian vegetation than to changes in air tempera-ture. Above the study segment, long reaches of theupper MFJD flow through open meadows as do thelower reaches of many tributaries. These watersources were relatively hot under current conditions;with increased shade, they could be substantiallycooler. Because there is a large range in realistic tem-peratures for these boundary conditions, retainingthe current temperature is a reasonably conservativeassumption for our simulations.

    We did not change groundwater temperatures inour scenarios. However, as air temperatures increase,groundwater temperatures would also be expected toincrease (Meisner et al. 1988). Recharge tempera-tures are likely quite cold, however, because precipi-tation comes mostly in the winter with substantialaccumulation of snow so that much of the groundwa-ter recharge likely comes from snowmelt. Also, theresidence times of the groundwater are unknown sothat the lag time before the temperatures of ground-water inflows increase is also unknown. Despite theseuncertainties, the relatively high sensitivity of thestream temperature to the lateral inflows suggeststhat warming groundwater could lead to substantialstream warming sometime in the future.

    The influence of hyporheic exchange flow on futurestream temperatures was not examined. All simula-tions held channel morphology constant. Because chan-nel morphology is a primary control of hyporheicexchange in mountain rivers (Kasahara and Wondzell2003), we would not expect there to be any difference inthe influence of the hyporheic zone on stream tempera-tures among the 36 model scenarios we examined. Fur-ther, the relative influence of hyporheic exchange flowson stream temperatures decreases rapidly with streamsize (Wondzell 2011), so that this influence would bemodest, at best, in a stream the size of the upperMFJD.

    We did not have data available from which wecould project reasonable future changes in relativehumidity or wind speed for the different scenarios.The future climatic data we used, from CIG, did notproject likely future changes in either of these param-eters. Also, we recognize that these parameters arelikely to change substantially with changes in ripar-ian vegetation, especially under our mature forestscenario, where we would expect the forest canopy tosubstantially reduce wind speeds and potentiallyincrease relative humidity. However, we do not knowthe likely magnitude of these changes. Thus, we usedthe 2002 base-case values for both relative humidity

    FIGURE 7. Interactive effects of either (a) stream discharge or (b)air temperature with shade. (a) Left y-axis shows RKM29.05 withTair = 0°C; right y-axis shows RKM14.05 with Tair = +4°C. (b) Lefty-axis shows RKM29.05 with �30% Q; right y-axis showsRKM14.05 with +30% Q. Note that the y-axes are offset by severaldegrees, as indicated by thin horizontal arrows pointing to 24°C, tokeep lines from overlapping and making the graph difficult to read.



  • and wind speed in all of our 36 scenarios. We knowthat relative humidity and wind speed have their lar-gest effects on evaporative (latent) and convectiveheat fluxes. However, these terms have relativelysmall influences on maximum daily temperatures insummer when the heat budget is dominated by short-wave radiation. Secondly, the influence of increasedhumidity and decreased wind speed would tend tocancel each other out, because increased humiditywould decrease the heat lost to evaporation and atthe same time decreased wind speed would tend todecrease convective heat gains (Leach and Moore2010). Overall, we expect that our choice to use the2002 base-case conditions for both relative humidityand wind speed in all of the 36 future scenarios weexamined had little effect on the results of oursimulations.

    Comparison between Regression and Heat BudgetApproaches

    Stream temperature vs. air temperature regressionanalyses conducted on the Middle Fork John Day(Ruesch et al. 2012), and more broadly (Mantua et al.2010; van Vliet et al. 2011; Isaak et al. 2012; Mayer2012; Moore et al. 2013; Luce et al. 2014) consistentlyshow that increases in air temperature predicted bydownscaled GCM outputs will lead to significant streamwarming in the future. Studies using mechanistic mod-els report somewhat similar results (Chen et al. 1998;Cristea and Burges 2010; Lawrence et al. 2014; thispaper). However, the regression approaches consis-tently identify air temperature as the single mostimportant determinant of future increases in streamtemperature, with factors such as stream discharge,baseflow index, stream slope or proportion of forestedarea having much weaker correlation with the observedsensitivity of streams to air temperatures (Kelleheret al. 2012; Mayer 2012; Moore et al. 2013; Luce et al.2014). These relationships, however, are based on thecorrelation structure within a given dataset and assuch, cannot directly identify causal factors.

    Luce et al. (2014) argued that direct convectiveheat transfer from the atmosphere to the streamsurface is small and instead suggested that changingair temperature and atmospheric emissivity wouldlead to net increases in longwave radiation to thestream, thus explaining the strong relationshipbetween air temperatures and stream temperatures.Our analysis of the heat budget in scenarios withwarmer air temperatures tends to support their con-clusion. If discharge and riparian vegetation do notchange and air temperature is 4°C warmer, thechange in the net longwave radiation substantiallyreduces the amount of heat dissipated from the

    stream, becoming the largest single factor contribut-ing to stream warming (Figures 5 and 6). Atmo-spheric conditions were not changed in any of themodeled scenarios, thus emissivity remained con-stant over all simulations. And while increasedemissivity could lead to relatively larger changes innet longwave radiation as described by Luce et al.(2014), the hottest days of the year tend to occur onclear summer days when atmospheric emissivity islikely to be low.

    Regression analyses of the relationship betweenstream and air temperature usually suggest thatdirect convective heat exchange with the warmer airwill be a very small term in the energy budget. Ourheat budget analysis does not entirely support thisconclusion. The second largest change in the stream’senergy budget came from convection in scenarioswhere neither riparian vegetation nor stream dis-charge changed, and thus contributed substantiallyto stream warming. Evaporative cooling alsoincreased; however, this heat flux was small, relativeto changes in net longwave radiation and convection.

    Many papers reporting the results of regressionanalyses between air and stream temperatures alsoreport that RMSE of the final fitted models are quitehigh, and often attribute these to local factors thatcannot be included in analyses of many sites span-ning large geographic extents. Riparian shade is themost frequently identified local factor that wouldlimit the fit between air and stream temperatures.This is well supported by our model results whichclearly show that the influence of riparian vegetationon shortwave radiation is the largest single terminfluencing future stream temperatures.

    Future Thermal Regimes Under a Warmer Climate

    Our simulation results suggested that the upperMiddle Fork John Day has a wide range of potentialfuture stream temperatures. Specifically, estimates ofthe future 7DADM range from 2.9°C warmer to 7.6°Ccooler than current conditions under a future climatein which air temperatures are 4°C hotter than today.

    Shade was by far and away the single biggest fac-tor influencing future stream temperatures — as pre-viously demonstrated in similar studies employingmechanistic models (Chen et al. 1998; Cristea andBurges 2010; Lawrence et al. 2014; Justice et al.2017). Under current conditions, there is relativelylittle shade from riparian vegetation, so disturbancesthat remove shade have small effects, but can inter-act with increases in air temperature to substantiallyincrease maximum water temperatures. Conversely,if little shade is currently available, then there mustbe long lengths of stream where growing riparian



  • forests to shade the stream may have a potentiallyhuge influence on future thermal regimes. This wasborne out in our Heat Source simulations. Increasingshade by growing riparian forests that were 30 m tallwith 50% canopy cover reduced maximum streamtemperatures well below current temperatures, evenunder warmer future climatic conditions.

    Given the potential importance of shade to futurestream thermal regimes, a critical question thenbecomes — Is it realistic to grow extensive riparianforests to shade this, or similar, stream reaches andthereby substantially reduce future maximum summertemperatures? The current conditions of the channeland riparian forest along the upper MFJD are far dif-ferent than their conditions prior to Euro-Americansettlement (Wissmar et al. 1994; also see descriptionunder Study Site). Historic conditions were morecomplex, especially in stream reaches with wide, orunconstrained, valley floors. These reaches have beenconverted from sinuous, multi-thread channels tostraighter, single-thread channels. Historic vegeta-tion in these reaches included conifer forest, hard-wood forest, woody riparian shrubs, and wetmeadows, whereas today most of these reaches sup-port dry meadows with substantial cover of intro-duced European pasture grasses. The effect of thechange from historical to current conditions onstream thermal regimes is likely to have been com-plex. For example, increased sinuosity, multi-threadchannels, and the likely presence of beaver ponds onsome back channels would all increase the streamsurface area, increase total channel length, anddecrease flow velocity so that a greater surface areaof water would be exposed to sunlight over a longerperiod of time, potentially leading to warmer summerstream temperatures than occur today. However,multi-thread channels and channel sinuosity wouldpromote hyporheic exchange, narrower multi-threadchannels would be more completely shaded by tallriparian shrubs, and channels might be narrower anddeeper — all of which would promote cooler watertemperatures.

    Clearly, neither the dry meadow vegetation northe relatively straight single-thread channels are rep-resentative of historical conditions. Given these largechanges relative to historical conditions, restorationefforts might have substantial leeway to explorealternative desired future conditions. For example,wet meadows may have once been common, but inmost places today, the valley floor has been drained.The resulting dry meadow complexes have site char-acteristics that are likely to support a variety ofriparian woody vegetation dominated by conifers andhardwoods that would effectively shade the stream.This potential has been widely recognized and majorinvestments have been made to replant a variety of

    native riparian trees and shrubs throughout theupper Middle Fork John Day, and elsewhere through-out the interior Columbia Basin.

    Our simulation scenarios specifically examined theserestoration treatments. We used a simple approach,examining uniform vegetation growing over the entireriparian zone along the full 37-km length of our studysegment. We recognize that it is unrealistic to grow andmaintain uniform riparian forests over such a longstream reach. We also recognize that restoring forestedriparian conditions will not be a simple task. A myriadof issues will need to be addressed. These include deci-sions whether to plant native species adapted to currentconditions or to attempt to restore channels and flood-plains and plant species adapted to the restored condi-tions and whether to modify that selection for speciesthat might be better adapted to presumed future condi-tions given the effects of climate change (Perry et al.2015). Also, successful reestablishment of plantednative woody species might be difficult due to competi-tion with invasive species, mortality due to the effects ofbrowsing from domestic livestock, deer, and elk (Averettet al. 2017), and cutting of trees by beaver. Further, thegrowth rates of trees will be dependent on the speciesand the environmental conditions in which they grow.These will all be critical factors to consider in planningrestoration projects. However, the results of our modelsimulations clearly show that, in streams where shadeis currently limited, restoring riparian forest can offsetthe effect of future increases in air temperature anddecreases in stream discharge.

    We did not specifically analyze changes in thermalregimes in streams that are currently well shaded.However, comparing mature riparian forest scenariosunder base case and +4°C air temperature scenariossuggests that increases in air temperatures wouldincrease stream temperatures in streams that arecurrently well shaded, a result that agrees well withWoltemade and Hawkins (2016). Further, we wouldexpect that disturbances, such as wildfire, that cansubstantially reduce shade could lead to largeincreases in stream temperatures if shade wasremoved over large segments of a stream’s length.

    Effects of Changing Discharge in Warming vs.Cooling Streams

    The influence of stream discharge on stream tem-peratures varies, depending on whether the stream isgaining or losing heat, which in our simulations isstrongly controlled by effective shade (Figure 7a).Under low shade conditions, the stream was warmingand simulated maximum stream temperatures werehigher at low discharge than at high discharge. Thisrelationship reversed under high shade conditions in



  • which the stream was cooling so that simulated maxi-mum stream temperatures were actually lower at lowdischarge than at high discharge. This result can beexplained by two factors: (1) how large is the changein the heat budget and (2) how much water must beheated or cooled. For a fixed amount of heat gainedor lost, the observed temperature change will beinversely proportional to the amount of water thatwill be heated or cooled. Much of the scientific litera-ture and management application of that literatureconcerns warming of streams when they are exposedto increased heat fluxes. Under these conditions, thegeneral rule of thumb — that smaller streams willwarm more than larger streams — generally holdstrue. However, streams are not always warming. Forexample, under the mature forest scenarios, thestream was losing heat over most of the study seg-ment and the downstream temperatures were sub-stantially cooler than the upstream temperatures.Under these conditions, higher discharge at the headof the study segment meant that more heat needed tobe dissipated and thus, the stream cooled moreslowly.

    We observed “cross-over points” with threshold val-ues of effective shade ranging from 50% to 65%(Figure 7a). When effective shade was below thethreshold, the stream was cooler at high discharge;when effective shade was above the threshold, theopposite occurred. The specific value of effectiveshade at which this “cross-over” occurs will be deter-mined by the specific conditions in any given streamreach. It just so happened that, in our simulations,the streams net energy budget was positive if effec-tive shade was less than ~50% to 65% and negative ifeffective shade was greater than this. While this gen-eral relationship will hold true in any stream, thereis no a priori way to know the conditions under whicha specific stream reach will either be gaining or los-ing heat. However, this result can be generalized.

    Streams do not consistently warm as they flowdownstream. Some reaches will be cooling, others willbe warming. Further, these relationships will changebetween night and day, among days with differentweather patterns, and among seasons. The conditionsthat either tend to promote large heat fluxes per unitvolume of water, or decrease the volume of water,will make the stream’s temperature change morequickly. Thus, not only will shallow, wide streamswith slow flow velocities and low discharge warmmore quickly when they are heated but they will alsocool more quickly when they are chilled. Thus, inplaces where streams flow from long unshadedreaches into densely shaded reaches, the heat budgetof the reach could be consistently negative (i.e., thestream is cooling) on hot summer days. In this case,

    restoration efforts that deepen and narrow the chan-nel, increase flow velocity, or increase discharge, willactually result in a warmer stream.

    Overall, our simulation results showed that maxi-mum daily stream temperatures (the 7DADM) werenot sensitive to even relatively large changes instream discharge. Thus, projects that are specificallydesigned to mitigate high stream temperatures arelikely to see greater reductions in stream tempera-ture from restoring riparian vegetation to shadestream reaches where shade is currently limitingthan from increasing baseflow stream discharge.


    Our study suggests that restoring riparian vegeta-tion where streams are poorly shaded can offset theinfluence of projected increases in air temperatureand reduced stream discharge under a changing cli-mate. Stream temperatures are far more sensitive tochanges in shade than to changes in either air tem-perature or stream discharge. Because many streamssupporting cold water-dependent species through theinterior western U.S. have been anthropogenicallyaltered in ways that have substantially reducedshade, there is great potential to restore shade overlong segments of these streams. The effect of suchrestoration could be so large that future stream tem-peratures could be colder than today, even under awarmer climate with substantially lower late-summerstreamflow.


    We thank the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest (USFSPNW) Research Station and the U.S. Geological Survey for fundsprovided through joint venture agreement 10-JV-11261991-055 toOregon State University; Julia Crown and Ryan Mechie from Ore-gon Department of Environmental Quality who provided the TMDLreports and monitoring records; the Confederated Tribes of theWarm Springs who provided support for field work and access tothe study area, especially Brian Cochran and Steph Charette; andAndrew Gray of the USFS PNW Research Station for querying theFIA database for tree heights. Finally, we thank the Oregon Water-shed Enhancement Board, the North Fork John Day WatershedCouncil, and the John Day Intensively Monitored Watershed fortheir support. Data describing projected changes in climate weredownloaded from the Columbia Basin Climate Change ScenariosProject website at http://warm.atmos.washington.edu/2860/. Thesematerials were produced by the Climate Impacts Group at theUniversity of Washington in collaboration with the WashingtonState Department of Ecology, Bonneville Power Administration,Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Oregon WaterResources Department, and the B.C. Ministry of the Environment.





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