What was the revolution of 1800?

Post on 07-Feb-2016

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What was the revolution of 1800?. Modern Political Spectrum. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Jefferson & Madison’s answer to the Alien & Sedition Acts A state can nullify a federal law they see as unconstitutional Nullification To cancel out/void. Democratic-Republicans Fight Back. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What was the revolution of 1800?

Modern Political Spectrum

Democratic-Republicans Fight Back

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions• Jefferson & Madison’s answer to the Alien

& Sedition Acts• A state can nullify a federal law they see as


• To cancel out/void

The Election of 1800Who is running?

• John Adams – Federalist• Charles Pinckney – Federalist• Thomas Jefferson – Democratic-Republican• Aaron Burr – Democratic-Republican

The Election of 1800• A bitter and nasty campaign• Partisan (one sided) politics emerge• Jefferson beats Adams

• but he ties with Aaron Burr• The House of Representatives votes 36 times before

choosing Jefferson• Alexander Hamilton helps Jefferson

• TJ dislikes Burr & thinks he is dangerous

Jefferson’s Inaugural Address• He wears shoes that tie – “no buckles”• No fancy parade – he walked himself• “We are all federalists, we are all

Republicans.”Importance:• A peaceful transfer of political power

from one party to another• 12th Amendment (1804)• distinct votes for President and Vice

President must be cast