What You Can Learn From Anthony Weiner Other Than How to Sex-text & Get Caught Mistakes, Smitakes, I...

Post on 11-May-2015

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http://theyaymeuniversity.com/anthony-weiner/ What You Can Learn From Anthony Weiner Other Than How to Sex-text & Get Caught Mistakes, Smitakes, I am Staying in the RACE! Get Over Your Mistakes, Free Yourself from the Past, and Move Forward


What You Can Learn From Anthony Weiner Other Than How to Sex-text & Get Caught Mistakes, Smitakes, I am Staying in the RACE! Get Over Your Mistakes, Free Yourself from the Past, and Move Forward

To be clear, this is not about infidelity or texting young girls or anything like that.

I am not getting into the deets of what he has done.

What I think is remarkable is despite repeated efforts to withdraw from the race, death threats, campaign resignation, drops in the polls, he continues on course, to push to become

the mayor of the NYC.

So many times, myself included, we are so worried about being “found out” or that someone from our past will come out of the woodworks to destroy everything we built, because of our

past “mistakes” or “failures” that we keep ourselves small and limited.

We are so busy apologizing and making amends, that we forget that there is still a lot of life left to be lived. I know there is no hell or judgment like self-judgment. UGH.

Essentially we stop living.

How many of you, have sent an embarrassing texts, engaged in “inappropriate” behavior and have been beating yourself up for days, months, weeks, years…

its almost like you have sentenced yourself to a live of “less than” … Here is the thing, we all have made mistakes, someone of us, repeated those mistakes.

Heck, its worse now, because of social media… its like more ways for people to get the “dirt” on you. LOL Well, that’s just a of life and living… the thing is, you get to choose…

You get to choose to be small, because of your past, your mistakes, your “cringe moments” or you can live totally in the present.

There is a wonderful quote by Johnny Cash…

You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget

the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time,

or any of your space.Johnny Cash 

Many of us, in attempts to get our needs met, whatever those are, for some its looking for love in the wrong places, or doing crazy things, some its being less than honest, others, its

taking a little extra home from the office. ..

it doesn’t make you a bad person. You aren’t condemned to swear the Scarlet Letter. We do the best we can with what we have…

We all have “skeletons’ or what we think are skeletons… but who doesn’t? The fear of being judged for those things… well, hell, you will get judged anyway.

So why not be Your best self??? People judge me for smiling too much, saying yay, for how I look, for what is or isn’t on my facebook page, for who I talk to… the list

is endless.

I can either lay down and receive those things as true and not share things that I know will empower others, or I can say, ok… well, I can be ALL of those things if I choose them…

but I don’t choose that, right now.

Andrew Weiner, despite his short comings is saying, “yep, I messed up, yep it was more than once, and yep, I am staying in the race”. Again the ethics are a whole different video


I just invite you to choose to be that light that you BE…

I give you permission as I give it to myself right now, to forgive my mistakes, shortcomings, cringe moment, oh my gods please don’t tell stuff…

Do this with me….

To all of those people you fear will “out” you including self forgiveness… make the choice right now to release them and yourself…

“I wish you well, I wish you away, with tons of yay”… I love you, Im sorry, please forgive me, thank you”.

I wish you well, I wish you away, with tons of yay” I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Say that 5 times, and feel the energy shift… in your mind’s eye, see all of that

energy, all of that yuckiness or worry, being “outed”…

watch it leave… watch the you, that has been holding you back, keeping you afraid, watch that energy flow into a cyclone and vanish…..


If you have found value, please feel free to share the yay… by liking tweeting and posting. I would love to hear from you!

This is Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt sending RADICAL Yay your way…

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