What you didn’t know about resting

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Sebastián Márquez Alhambra, 2º AC

What you didn’t know about resting

As we know, sleeping is essential for us. We need to sleep from 7 to 10 hours depending on the age, physical conditions or other facts. What we don’t know is how to improve our resting, maybe we don’t know we aren’t sleeping correctly and by the time, it causes damages for our health.


*Sleep from 7 to 10 hours depending on the age. As older you are, you need less hours to sleep. Now we’re teenagers and we need to sleep more (about 9 hours) to develop our bodies.*Take short siestas, from 15 to 20 minutes

and not close to the time of sleeping.*Sleep in darkness and without noises.*Think positively*Make sport to sleep easilier.*Sleep with a emptied stomach*Don’t take lots of caffeine.*Have a daily schedule.*Take care about your sleeping position.

Consequencies about sleeping uncorrectly

*A worse life quality*A worse productivity*Physical and

psychological damages*A worse attention about

what happens around you*Stress and a bad mood*A shortage of energy and

tiredness*Bags and a bad


Now, we know some advices to sleep better but, what are the consequencies of a bad resting?

I hope you’ve liked it!