Whatever it takes 3

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Whatever It Takes

(3) Fight or Flight

And I’m back. It’s been a while since my last chapter was released. I’ve been dealing with personal drama (aside from the whole I technically failed the apocalypse challenge, but I have a solution to that coming up soon). Last time, Ashley was declared as heir and was starting college with her brothers.

Ashley “Quitting soon.”

It’s not like her character did go to college. She probably went back to England after Season 7.

Alex managed to make friends with the mascot.

Alex “Violence solves everything! Why did my girlfriend cheat?”

Cause Tessa’s a ho?

And Ashley started looking for a husband. Using the matchmaker ball hack, I found Leo Lam. I should have known he was trouble with a name like Leo (cause of Alli).

Ashley: I would love a family.

Leo: I would love hair.

Ashley manages to be a giant adorable dork.

Ashley: I can’t flirt without ecstasy.

Leo: I can’t flirt without Rogaine.

One Rogaine induced make-over later.

And Leo was presentable… ish…. Still hate the lumberjack clothes despite being in Canada.

Girl: So now that we’re sleeping together, does that make us friends?

Alex: Tessa ruined me… I can’t be friends with a girl because of her.

Girl: You seem like you’re an emotionally stunted dick, so I’m going to go.

As for Adam….

Adam: I can’t get you pregnant.

Girl 2: Because you’re FTM?

Adam: Also because I’m dead.

Alex: I hate women!

Archie: Dude, this is super unhealthy.

Alex: She looks like Tessa!

Archie: Tessa doesn’t even exist in this universe yet.

Since college sucks to play through, Ashley is dropping out to start being a mommy.

Ashley: What a terrible existence.

At least you get played.

What terrible clothes she would have if she weren’t getting played ever again.

Back in Misfit Valley, it’s time to start Generation B!

Ashley: Move in!

Leo: Nah. I have hair now, so I can get any woman.


Ashley: Seriously.

Leo: I’m not afraid to fight a woman.

Eventually I got him in.

Canadian: Is this the guy who wants to fight women?

Jordan: You’ve threatened me with violence, so I don’t think you have any room to talk.

Leo Lam. Fortune sim, wants to be the law, likes swimwear and cleaning but not athletic, is a scorpio (6/5/8/3/3) and works in military.


And now to get Ashley perma-plat since there are many B names I want to use.

And Leo the douche tops military.

Jordan reaches elderhood (and I realize that my ceilings are down).

Aw… they’d be almost cute if he wasn’t a violent prick.

Jordan: Finally, I can do absolutely nothing but cook and paint.

The dream.

Bump one.

Leo: Later.

Ashley: You can’t leave me while I’m pregnant!

Leo: Sorry dear, I forgot you have tons of money so I’m staying.

Ashley: Just die before me when we reach elderhood, okay?

Bump 2.

Jordan: Dear sim-god, please let me die already. I’m so bored.

And you’re only the founding generation. 25 more to go.

Aw… they match.

Baby time!

It’s a boy! This is Bruce (the Moose). No last name. A recurring character season 7 and main character seasons 8 and 9, the writers didn’t do much with this guy. He was a part of Johnny’s gang and was a bully to some kids. He was a Lakehurst student who was friends with the guy who stabbed JT. He never graduated because he was a few credits shy, but didn’t go back for a victory lap in season 10. He had some funny one-liners. He was played by Natty Zavitz.

Ashley: I need to write a sad, depressing song about post-partum.

I don’t think sims can have that.

Ashley: But I feel nothing for my child. It’s almost like he had little to no character development to work with.

Then I better get a main character with development!

Oh lord, who is being violent?

Damnit Leo.

At least pregnancy two will bring some entertainment.

Toddler Bruce. He’s a virgo (8/2/8/5/3). Fairly accurate personality.

Jordan: I get how it feels not to matter.

Bruce: This will probably screw me up later in life.

Bump 2!

Girl 3: This is what your family gets for being sexist!

Canadian: Beat up Leo, then.

Girl 3: I’m going after him next!

Baby time!

A girl! Without even reloading the game! Meet Bianca De Sousa! Seasons 10 through 13. She was a promiscuous junior when she was introduced who fell for Drew Torres and started to turn her life around. She dealt drugs and was part of a gang to keep him safe (while he in turn dated Katie) and then nearly married Drew in season 12 before being stopped. She graduated and then went to Wilfred Laurier in Waterloo where she realized she was too mature for him. She was played by Alicia Josipovic.

Time for baby 3!

Bruce: I don’t want to sleep with a girl!

This is all fanfiction. Remember that while reading.

Child Bruce!

Better max that athletic skill!

Beginning of pregnancy 3!

Toddler Bianca! Virgo (8/1/8/3/8).

Bump 2!

Bianca: Does mommy need to know how to use a condom?

Jordan: No you can’t run away and join a gang!

Bianca: But I have to save people!

Jordan: Drew isn’t here to screw up everyone’s lives.

Canadian: Maybe if I kill him he won’t have to suffer a lack of storyline!

And baby 3 is here! This is Blue Chessex (should have gone out and in for a girl). Blue was on seasons 8 and 9. He was this artsy student who was set up to be a romantic interest for Holly J. After they broke up, the writers blackholed him. They tend to do that with main characters. He was played by Jordan Hudyma.

That’s where I’m leaving things, mostly because I haven’t played any more of the family to update the chapter. I have another thing I’m working on that will be out soon (hint hint, apocalypse).