What's great in Appcelerator Titanium 0.8

Post on 10-May-2015

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This presentation is the "visual release notes" to the latest Appcelerator Titanium 0.8 mobile and developer release. Titanium allows you to build native iphone and android mobile application using web technologies such as Javascript.


You can make an app for that


* and now Titanium easier with 0.8!

Introducing Titanium Mobile 0.8

Major feature areas:

✓Support for iPhone Video Recording (3GS)

✓Native Maps Support (iPhone and Android)

✓Native Coverflow View (iPhone Only)

✓Push Notifications (iPhone Only)

✓New Table View Enhancements

✓Facebook Connect for Android

✓Embedded SQLite Databases

Titanium Developer 0.8

Enhanced Android emulator support for testing on multiple releases, skins and 1.6/2.0 support

select SDK version

select Screen

Video Recording Support

Uses same API as Camera with expanded options.

Titanium.Media.showCamera({success:function(media,details) {},cancel:function() {},error:function(error) {

! if (error.code == Titanium.Media.NO_VIDEO)! {! }

},allowEditing:true,mediaTypes: Titanium.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,videoMaximumDuration:10000,videoQuality:Titanium.Media.QUALITY_HIGH


New Error Code

Specify media type, duration in ms and video quality

Media types can be single value or array of values

Video Recording Support

Uses same API as Camera with expanded options.

Titanium.Media.showCamera({success:function(media,details) {},cancel:function() {},error:function(error) {

! if (error.code == Titanium.Media.NO_VIDEO)! {! }

},allowEditing:true,mediaTypes: Titanium.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,videoMaximumDuration:10000,videoQuality:Titanium.Media.QUALITY_HIGH


New Error Code

Specify media type, duration in ms and video quality

Media types can be single value or array of values

Native Maps Support

Support for creating a new native Map view.

var mapview = Titanium.Map.createView({mapType: Titanium.Map.HYBRID_TYPE


Maps are a native view similar to TableView, GroupedView, WebView, etc.

Once you create a view, you need to add it to the window and then show it.


Native Maps Support

Maps allow you to control a number of configurable options. Configuring the map type:- mapType


- mapview.setMapType(type)

option on create

programatic API

Native Maps Support

Map type examples:

standard hybrid satellite

Native Maps Support

Configuring the map region coordinates:- region

{latitude, longitude, latitudeDelta, longitudeDelta}

- mapview.setLocation(obj)

option on create (object with key/values)

programatic API

Native Maps Support






Native Maps SupportAndroid Native Maps

Native Maps Support

Showing users current location on map:- userLocation boolean value

Native Maps Support

Adding annotations (pins) to map:- annotations

{latitude,longitude,title,subtitle,pincolor, animate,leftButton,rightButton}


array of objects with each row having properties

annotations is property of Titanium.Map.createView

3 built-in pin colors

Native Maps Support

Maps support events:- click - with event properties:

title - title supplied in pinsource - click region (leftButton, rightButton, etc)

- regionChanged - with event properties:longitudelatitude

Click events are only for annotation clicks

Fired when the region of the map changes

Coverflow View (iPhone)

New Coverflow View:

Native coverflow view which supports images (local or remote)

Supports swiping gestures, reflection, etc

Coverflow View (iPhone)

Create view similar to other views:


var view = Titanium.UI.createCoverFlowView({images:images,backgroundColor:'#000'


View takes array of images and optional backgroundColor

Once you create a view, you need to add it to the window and then show it.

Coverflow View (iPhone)

Images can be changed dynamically:

And view fires click events:

And ‘change’ events when an image is changed.

view.addEventListener('click',function(evt){! ! ! ! ! !// evt.index is the index of image clicked



Coverflow View (iPhone)

Coverflow instance has selected property:

Which indicates which image is selected (or the main visible image)

You can also set the selected to change it:


view.selected = 2;

Push Notifications (iPhone)

Device support for push notifications:



],success: function() {deviceid},error: function() {},callback: function(e) {}


type of notifications you want

callback which is called when a notification is received

success is invoked with your device id that needs to be sent to Apple APNS

Push Notifications (iPhone)

Current limitations:- You will need to take the client device ID from the success call and store it remotely (via web service call) to use when pushing notifications to Apple APNS- You will need to push your own events to Apple APNS

Appcelerator will be offering a fully integrated push service in the near future. In the meantime, we recommend Urban Airship.

Table View Enhancements

So many native improvements:- New native render template capability- Support for native search field and searching capabilities- Support for complete control of background, cells, etc.

Table View Enhancements

Complete native control layout

Customized Grouped View

Customized TableView

Table View Enhancements

Custom TableView Search field prior to search

Example of search result in search field

Table View Enhancements

Custom TableView on Android

Custom TableView on Android

Example of TableView with search field

Table View templating

There is a new native templating feature that’s modeled after CSS for layout. This provides high performance native rendering.

First create a “template” for the layout specification:

This tells the layout engine how to construct the layout region.

var template = {selectedBackgroundColor:'#fff',backgroundColor:'#fff',rowHeight:100,layout:[

{type:'image', left:10, top:5, width:50, height:50, name:'photo'},{type:'text', fontSize:16, fontWeight:'bold', left:70, top:2, width:200, height:30, color:'#576996', name:'user'}


Table View templating

Second, apply the template mapping in the data object:

In each data row, you map data properties to the names you specified in your template. In the above example, photo will maps to the spec:

var data = [{photo:'images/fred.png', user:'Fred Smith'},{photo:'images/lucy.png', user:'Lucy Smith'}


{type:'image', left:10, top:5, width:50, height:50, name:'photo'},

name property maps to the property in each data row

types supported in 0.8 are image, text -- more types will be supported as needed

use CSS properties to specify layout - similar to relative positioning in CSS

each data row can override spec values too!

Table View templating

Lastly, apply the template when you create your Table View:

This will inform the native layer that it should use your template specification to render each row.

var tv = Titanium.UI.createTableView({! template:template,! data:data}, function(eventObject){});

native templating will be expanded in 0.9 to include more components and a pure “native” view -- for increased performance!

Facebook Connect for AndroidNative support for Facebook Connect!

Custom Keyboard Toolbar For textfields and textareas, you can now specify a keyboard toolbar to show on top of your keyboard. (iPhone only)

var textfield = Titanium.UI.createTextField({id:'textfield',height:30,keyboardToolbar:[clear,flexSpace,prev,fixSpace,next],keyboardToolbarColor:'#900',keyboardToolbarHeight: 40,width:300


Normal buttons created via Titanium.UI.createButton

Pre-load your Database With 0.8, you can now install your pre-loaded database into your app using the following command:

var db = Titanium.Database.install('testdb.db','quotes');

If your database is already installed, this will simply return an instance to it. So it’s safe to call each time.

Beyond 0.8 to 0.9

Our main objective for 0.9 is going to be focus on performance, optimization, performance and optimization.

We have a number of very specific performance optimizations we’re ready to make:

- loading performance- on-going rendering speed- compiler speedups and detection and removal of dead code- reduction of need for extra web views- faster javascript execution

0.9 is targeted for end of year - 2009 - just in time for new years hacking!

We need your help !

- Please, please, please report issues and problems to support.appcelerator.net -- we can’t fix it if we don’t know about it!

- If we’re missing something or you can’t use Titanium because of something, please tell us. We want to support it if we can.

- Please tell everyone about Appcelerator and follow us @appcelerator on twitter!

If you’re interested in contributing to Appcelerator, please check out http://github.com/appcelerator and send us an email at info@appcelerator.com to get involved!