What's happening on the interwebs: Joe Cartoon edition

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What's happening on the interwebs 4 December 2009 The Joe Cartoon edition


  • 1. Whats happening on the InterWebs?
    Joe Cartoon edition

2. 7 New Features in Your Google Analytics Account
Analytics Intelligence with Custom Alerts
Expanded Goals and New Engagement Goals
Expanded Mobile Reporting
Unique Visitors Metric
Advanced Analysis Features
Share Advanced Segments and Custom Report Templates
Multiple Custom Variables
3. But remember, Google Analytics is illegal(*)
Multiple federal and state government officials charged with guarding over national data protection are convinced that Google Analytics is against the law in Germany and are mulling imposing fines on companies who use the service to gather detailed stats based on their website visitors usage patterns without the explicit consent of those visitors.
(*) in Germany
4. IKEA Facebook campaign
IKEA created a Facebook profile for the Malmo store manager, Gordon Gustavsson. Over a two-week period, he uploaded images from of IKEA showrooms to his Facebook photo album. Then it put out word that the first person to tag their name to a product in the pictures, won it.
5. Browser Identity
Identity will be one of the defining themes in the next five years of the Web. Nearly every site has a concept of a user account, registration, and identity.
We are seeing market-moving effects of the identity/log in problem.Facebook Connectand GooglesFriend Connectboth let you use your pre-existing identity and social graph to super-power other websites. The problem?
Your identity is too important to be owned by any one company.Your friends are too important to be owned by any one company.
A Solution
The browser is your personal and trusted agent to the web. Its the only actor on the Internet stage which both knows everything you do on the web, and never has to let that data leave the privacy of your desktop. Your browser knows you (or, at least, should).
6. The Content Pyramid
Being at the top of the content pyramid is the best place of all. Youre the domain expert. People cant talk about the subject without touching on your work. But, the aggregators might be where the traffic and exposure really is to push down into the volume sectors.You need to look for a longer term strategy. You need to have opinions and develop a writing style that engages an audience. You need to spread the word so far and wide that people will learn about ideas from you, even if it all proves is that you subscribe to the blog of someone much smarter.
From that comes traffic and links from lower down the chain and ultimatelyauthority: the holy grail.
7. The Evolution of Storage
8. Wolphram|Alpha takes search to next level
9. Tool: Pingdom
The Full Page Test loads a complete HTML page including all objects. It mimics the way a page is loaded in a web browser.
The load time of all objects is shown visually with time bars.
You can view the list of objects either in load order or as a hierarchy.
Every test also shows general statistics about the loaded page such as the total number of objects, total load time, and size including all objects.
10. And remember: be smart
11. info@queromedia.com