What’s New in the Outreach Program?

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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What’s New in the Outreach Program?. Kathryn Umali, MPH, CHES U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) August 3, 2010. Overview. Upcoming Program Requirements Non-competing application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What’s New in the Outreach Program?

Kathryn Umali, MPH, CHES

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP)

August 3, 2010

Overview Upcoming Program Requirements

Non-competing application PIMS report

Upcoming Grants Requirements Federal Financial Report (FFR) Carryover Request Payment Management System (PMS)

Refresher on some Program and Grant Requirements Project Director change Budget revision

Performance Improvement Measurement System (PIMS) Update Challenges Results Next Steps


Upcoming Program Requirements

Upcoming Program Requirements

Non-competing application Will be released around mid-late Fall 2010


Application will be in progress report format

Submitted in EHB only

Upcoming Program Requirements

Performance Improvement Measurement System (PIMS) Report

Due May 30, 2011 (30 days after the end of the budget period)

Conference call prior to May 1, 2011

Upcoming Program Requirements

Things to remember for your 3rd year: Program Evaluation Report

PIMS Report—due May 30, 2012

Final Report—due July 30, 2012

Upcoming Program Requirements

Any programmatic questions should be directed to your Project Officer

Upcoming Grants Requirements

Upcoming Grants Requirements

Federal Financial Report (FFR) Replaces Federal Status Report (FSR)

Questions 10d to 10o (bottom portion) are reported to HRSA

Submitted through the Electronic Handbook (EHB)

Documentation of funds spent over the past year and shows carryover funds

Due 90 days after budget period ends

Upcoming Grants Requirements Carryover Request

Submitted in the Electronic Handbook (EHB)– Go to ‘Prior Approval’, then select ‘Carryover

Unobligated Balances’ option– Grantee will create a request, attach required documents

and submit– Submit’ button will not work if you do not attach the

required documents– Required documents: SF 424A, carryover letter and

budget justification

Once it is approved, grantee will receive a new Notice of Grant Award (NGA) reflecting this carryover amount

Since prior HRSA approval is required, unobligated funds may not be spent before the grantee receives a revised NGA which specifically states that the carryover request has been approved

Upcoming Grants Requirements

Payment Management System (PMS) http://www.dpm.psc.gov FFR questions 10a, b and c (top portion) are reported

to PMS

For disbursement activity during the months of:

Federal Financial Report (FFR) is due on:

July 01 through September 30, 2010 - 4th Qtr

October 30, 2010

October 01 through December 31, 2010 - 1st Qtr. (FY2011)

January 30, 2011

Upcoming Grants Requirements

Things to remember for your 3rd year: No-cost extension request

Federal Financial Report (FFR)

Payment Management System (PMS) reports

Upcoming Grants Requirements

Any questions regarding budgetary/financial requirements should be directed to your Grants Management Specialist (GMS)

Refresher on Some Program and Grants RequirementsProgram RequirementsProject Director Change

Submitted through EHB

Go to ‘Prior Approval’ and select ‘Project Director’ option

Grantee will create a request, attach required documents and submit

Submit’ button will not work if you do not attach the required documents

Required documents: Justification for change and resume/CV of new Project Director

Refresher on Some Program and Grants RequirementsGrants RequirementsRebudgeting

Submitted through EHB

Go to ‘Prior Approval’ and select ‘Rebudgeting’ option

Grantee will create a request, attach required documents and submit

‘Submit’ button will not work if you do not attach the required documents

Required documents: SF424A and narrative

Performance Improvement Measurement System (PIMS) Update


Unclear Questions

I. Access to Care: duplicated vs. unduplicated encounters

direct vs. indirect services

Number of people in target population vs. # of people in target population with access to new/expanded services

Number of new and/or expanded services provided


Unclear Questions

II. Sustainability Program revenue vs. project revenue

III. Clinical Measures Diabetes = standard is HbA1c greater than



Number of people in target population with access to new/expanded programs/services = 1,983,705

Top 3 focus areas:1) Health Education

2) Health Promotion/ Disease Management

3) Diabetes/Obesity Management


Type(s) of Funding/Revenue for Sustainability

In-Kind contributions

Member fees



Program revenue


Underinsured & Uninsured



People w ho payout-of-pocket forall or part of the

services received

People w horeceive charity


People w ho usethird-party

payments to payfor all or part of

the servicesreceived

Total peopleenrolled for publicassistance, i.e.,

Medicare,Medicaid, and


Under/uninsuredpeople receivingpreventive and/or

primary care

Under/uninsuredw ho now have a

medical home

Underinsured/Uninsured Categories



of P




0 5 10 15 20 25

Number of Oral Health Service(s) Provided

Case Management


Oral Prophylaxis






Not Applicable


s of


l Hea




s) P



Types of New and/or Expanded Services Provided

Next Steps

Further analyze data Show data trends based on previous cohort’s


Revise some measures Clinical measures ‘Demographics’ questions

Clarify instructions and improve submission process

Other Changes

We’ve moved offices!!!!

9A-55 10B-45

We Need Grant Reviewers!!! ORHP has multiple grant programs this year

We need reviewers with rural experience to be a part of our Objective Review Committee panels

You must register to be a reviewer

To register, please visit: https://grants.hrsa.gov/webReview/

Indicate “rural health” as one of your specialties in the background information section

Send me an email indicating that you have registered as a reviewer

Contact Information

Kathryn Umali

Outreach Program Coordinator


