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N o matter how “bomb-proof” we make your network, you and your employees can still invite a hacker in if you click on a link or open an

attachment in an e-mail sent by a cybercriminal. Some spam is obvious (can you say, “Viagra at a discount”?) but others are VERY cleverly designed to sneak past all the filters and trick the recipient into opening the door. Known as a “phishing” e-mail, this still is the #1 way hackers circumvent firewalls, filters and antivirus, so it’s critical that you and your employees know how to spot a threatening e-mail. Here are four types of e-mail ploys you should be on high alert for.

The Authority E-mail. The most common

phishing e-mails are ones impersonating your bank, the IRS or some authority figure. The rule of thumb is this: ANY e-mail that comes in where 1) you don’t PERSONALLY know the sender, including e-mails from the IRS, Microsoft or your “bank,” and 2) asks you to “verify” your account should be deleted. Remember, ANY important notification will be sent via old-fashioned snail mail. If it’s important, they can call you.

The “Account Verification” E-mail. Any e-

mail that asks you to verify your password, bank information or login credentials, OR to update your account information, should be

ignored. No legitimate vendor sends e-mails asking for this; they will simply ask you upon logging in to update or verify your information if that’s necessary.

The Typo E-mail. Another big warning sign is

typos. E-mails coming from overseas (which is where most of these attacks come from) are written by people who do not speak or write English well. Therefore, if there are obvious typos or grammar mistakes, delete it.

The Zip File, PDF Or Invoice Attachment. Unless you specifically KNOW the sender of an e-mail, never, ever open an attachment. That includes PDFs, zip files, music and video files and anything referencing an unpaid invoice or accounting file (many hackers use this to get people in accounting departments to open e-mails). Of course, ANY file can carry a virus, so better to delete it than to be sorry.

Our Mission: To create and maintain harmony in your

technical life through the design, installation, management, and support of smart technology


What’s New

Tarrytech was honored to be part of

Make-A-Wish’s Annual fund raising

Wish Ball on May 12, 2017.

Aside from a great evening with

friends, food, music, and drinks, it

was great to learn more about their

mission and the huge impact they

have on families and children in our

community struggling with illness.

We encourage you to learn more

about their organization, and

consider a donation to help grant a


Hudson Valley Make-A-Wish


This monthly


provided courtesy of

James Kudla,

President of

Tarrytech Computer


May 2017

Continued pg.2

Call Us To Cut Down On 99% Of The Spam E-mails You’re Getting Call us this month and we’ll come onsite to perform a free spam-protection analy-sis. Simply contact us today at (914) 432-3056 or email info@tarrytech.com to re-serve yours. Do it now... before a ransom demand -or worse - shows up in your in-box.

Technology Times May 2017

If you are considering cloud computing or Office 365 to save money and simplify IT, it is ex-

tremely important that you get and read this special report, “5 Critical Facts Every Business

Owner Must Know Before Moving Their Network To The Cloud.”

This report discusses in simple, non-technical terms the pros and cons of cloud computing,

data security, how to choose a cloud provider, as well as three little-known facts that most IT

consultants don’t know or won’t tell you about cloud computing that could end up causing you

MORE problems and costing you more money than you anticipated.

Even if you aren’t ready to move to the cloud yet, this report will give you the right infor-

mation and questions to ask when the time comes.

Get Your Free Copy Today: http://www.tarrytech.com/cloudreport/

Free Report Download: If You Are Considering Cloud Computing For Your

Company, DON’T, Until You Read This…

Get More Free Tips, Tools and Services At Our Web Site: www.tarrytech.com or call (914) 432-3056

passwords and changing them is a major pain in the butt, getting your website hacked

or your bank account wiped out is even

worse. Our advice is to create a password that is

at LEAST 12 characters, with uppercase and

lowercase letters, and

numbers and characters such as ! or #. Of course,

if you need help in

remembering and organizing your

passwords, there are several very good

password management

software tools such as LastPass and RoboForm

that can keep all the passwords secure AND make it easy to cut off an

employee’s access to various passwords and sites easily if they are let go or they quit.

Keeper Security, a company specializing in secure password management, conducted a

review of the 10 MILLION passwords that

became public in 2016 from various hacker attacks.

What they found was shocking. One of the most

common passwords used

was “123456” with the second being QWERTY,

which are the top keys on a

keyboard and these were used by webmasters to

“protect” the digital keys to your website’s kingdom!

Another very common mistake was that many

passwords were six characters or shorter, which any brute-force password-

cracking software can descramble in SECONDS. So while remembering all those

One of the most common

passwords used was

“123456” with the second

being QWERTY, which are

the top keys on a

keyboard – and these

were used by webmasters

to “protect” the digital

keys to your website’s


10 Million Passwords Became Public;

The Findings Were Astonishing

Technology Times May 2017

Get More Free Tips, Tools and Services At Our Web Site: www.tarrytech.com or call (914) 432-3056

If I asked you to name the benefits of doing business with you, most likely you would say quality, service, reliability, great pricing, trust, dedicated staff, technology….yada, yada, yada. You see, everyone says the same stuff all the time! They focus on quality, service, and price (the holy tri-fecta of sales). But the truth of the matter is that your competition is saying the same things that you are. It seems everyone attended the same school of sales.

Too many companies lose a customer before they have a chance to convert them to clients because they are always selling expectations. Being a consumer or a business, I would expect you to produce a result. I would expect you to provide great service. I would expect you to have product knowledge. I would expect you to own or work for a reputable company. I expect my car to get me to work. Is that why I bought the car? No. I bought it because of its performance, safety record and amenities. These are the benefits. If you want my business, and the business of hundreds like me, tell me how you will make my life

dramatically better by working with you instead of someone else.

People buy your product or service because they have a need for what you are selling… Remember, people don’t want your service and they don’t care to own your product. They simply want the benefit of what owning does for them.

Does the man go to the store to buy a drill because he wants a drill or does he just need the hole?

Would like you to know more? We’re offering a FREE Marketing Leverage Analysis whereby we will review your existing strategy. We will analyze all the missed opportunities in your current marketing program and you will also be shown where opportunities with "Marketing Leverage" exist and how you can take advantage of them. These are advanced techniques that will get real and measurable results. To do so, call us at (914) 368-6860 or visit www.DigitalMarketDesigns.com/schedule to schedule a time to speak.

How Businesses Hurt Sales And

Their Reputation On Social Media. If

you have any type of social media

presence – Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, YouTube or others – one of

the things you must be on

CONSTANT alert for is customer

complaints. According to a study

conducted by Edison Research,

consumers post their complaints on

social media in order to solicit a

FASTER response than going through

the normal channels. That’s because

smart companies don’t want an

unhappy client’s comments hanging

out there for the world to see,

unanswered and unaddressed. So IF

you are going to have a presence on

social media, make sure you or

someone on your team is constantly

monitoring it for client complaints.

New 360 video cameras let you

deliver a whole new customer

experience. 360 video lets your

customers visit a location without

actually being there. How you use it

depends on your business, but the

sky’s the limit – literally. Realtors and

property managers, for instance, can

give prospective buyers or renters a

view from the kitchen where they

can look in all directions and get a

feel for the place that they just can’t

get from 2-D shots. 360 video cams

consist of two back-to-back fish-eye

lenses and software that “stitches

the seam” between them. Just be

sure to position the camera where

viewers can see everything all around

them. With the right camera and

headset, you can now put your

customers “on location” – virtually.

Wired, 02.24.17

Understanding the Difference

Between Expectations and Benefits

Max Kremer, Senior Marketing Consultant, Digital Market Designs

Ask Me How We Can Conservatively Double Your Business This Year! Digital Market Designs is unique in the world of marketing in that we implement a special marketing formula that can virtually guarantee our clients becoming the #1 business in their area because we focus on what works, rather than just being creative. This is NOT for people who want to follow the masses or get average results by just using SEO, article writing or brand loyalty on social media. It is for the few who want to turn their business into a predictable profit center and scale according to ROI and tangible results.

Technology Times May 2017

Does Your Office Have Desktop or Personal Printers Everywhere? Are Toner Costs Driving You Crazy? Should I Fix My HP Printer Or Replace It? Take a look at all of those printers around your office. For real…take a quick minute and count the number of devices. Did you know that you are wasting a LOT of money? Toner and ink for these devices is extremely expensive, and it’s a pain to order the right amount and types of replacement ink. How many times have your ordered the wrong ink, or have bought toner for a printer that was sent to the junk pile a year ago? Furthermore, did you know that all those printers (HP, Dell, Brother, Canon, Epson) use low yield ink and toner cartridges, even when they say high yield! These manufacturers entice you into

buying their printers because the purchase price of the device itself is so low, but few people ever consider the true cost of ownership. Let’s do some math. Let’s assume that you print 2,000 pages per month. Your traditional ink cartridge costs about $100 and yields approximately 2,000 prints. That’s a cost of 5 cents per page! If your office has 5 of these printers, you are spending $500 each month to print 2 cases of paper. THIS IS ONLY THE

INK COST! If one of these printers breaks, you basically buy a new one, and on it goes. However, there’s good news! Tarrytech (and many of our clients) have used Premiere Business Innovations for the last decade to

manage our print needs. Not only do they help you design the perfect solution (like a great printer for this newsletter that your reading), but they will save you thousands on your printing costs. Tarrytech’s cost per page is only $0.015 (as opposed to $0.05), and we print 6,000 pages per month. Premier Business Innovations saves us over $2,500 per year with their solution! Premiere Business Innovations has creative plans guaranteed to reduce

office expenses. In addition, they will eliminate the headache of managing all those printers, toners, and problems! Contact TODAY to arrange a free analysis of your current

printing and copy solution, and to find out ways that you can work smarter. Check them out on the web at www.pbi-usa.com, or call/email Robbie Jacobs, 914-747-3000 Robbie@pbi-usa.com.

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