What’s the Real Deal to Eating Healthy as a Cancer...

Post on 14-Mar-2018

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What’s the Real Deal to Eating Healthy as a Cancer Survivor?

 Information compiled, written and approved for distribution by Joanne MacNeill MSc, RD., (see photo at the end) a dietician in the Psychosocial Oncology Program, Queensway/Carleton Hospital (she was transferred to the Ottawa Heart Institute before she could present this talk). This Power Point was presented to the Warrior + 1 Group by Daniel J. Faber in October, 2015, at the Radiation North Department in the Ottawa General Hospital. At the same time Beverly Legault gave a talk on Different Kinds of Radiation Therapy at the Ottawa Hospital.

Fruits and Vegetables

* Aim for 5-7 per day,

* ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw is a good serving size,

* A medium sized piece of fruit is the size of a tennis ball,

* ½ cup of 100% juice is a serving.



The Fruit Bowl Stars  

* Watermelon,

* Grapefruit (pink or red),

* Papaya,

* Kiwi,

* Cantaloupe,

* Apricots,

* Oranges/Tangerines,

* Strawberries,

* Blackberries,

* Mango,

* Star Fruit,

* Blueberries.    


The Top Ten Vegetables  

* Kale,

* Spinach, collard greens, Turnip greens, Swiss chard,

* Sweet potato,

* Broccoli, cauliflower,

* Red and Green Bell Peppers,

* Brussels sprouts,

* Tomato,

* Butternut Squash,

* Carrots.  

 Dirty Dozen

* Peach

* Apple

* Bell Pepper

* Celery

* Nectarine

* Strawberries

* Cherries

* Kale

* Lettuce

* Grapes (imported)

* Carrot

* Pear


Clean Fifteen  

* Onion, Avocado, Sweet Corn,

* Pineapple, Mango, Asparagus,

* Sweet peas, kiwi, cabbage,

* Eggplant, papaya, watermelon,

* Broccoli, tomato, sweet potato.

Fruit and Vegetable Wash 1

Produce Spray Recipe:

* In a spray bottle, mix one Tbsp of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of baking soda and one cup of warm water,

* Spray mixture on produce,

* Allow to sit for 2 - 5 minutes,

* Lightly scrub produce with a clean sponge or vegetable brush,

* Rinse with cool water,

* Pat dry.

Fruit and Vegetable Wash 2

Produce Wash Recipe:

* Mix together ½ cup of white vinegar and 3 tbsps of salt,

* Stir until salt has dissolved,

* Add vinegar and salt mixture to a sink full of cool water,

* Stir to mix,

* Soak produce for 15 - 20 minutes,

* Rinse in cool water,

* Pat dry.                

Are Organic Foods Safe?


* Contain fewer contaminants,

* Should be washed before eating,

* May contain higher levels of antioxidants,

* Very small differences – due to organic foods being consumed earlier after harvest,

* If consuming organic foods gives you greater inner peace, do it!



Foods Containing Lycopene            

* Cooked tomato products,

* Tomato paste,

* Tomato sauce,

* Cooked or canned tomatoes,

* Tomato soup,

* Tomato juice,

* Watermelon, pink grapefruit, vegetable juice cocktail.


Which Beans Are Best? – Suggestive Decreased Risk!


* Pinto Beans,

* Chickpeas,

* Lentils,

* Black eyed peas,

* Pink beans,

* Navy beans,

* Black beans,

* Kidney beans,

* Lima beans,

* Split peas.            





* Choose a plant-based diet more often,

* Limit red meats to less than 18 oz. per week,

* Avoid processed meats (suggestive link to cancer),

* Choose lean meats,

* Avoid charbroiling,

* Choose fish 2 - 4 times per week.                  


The Leanest Meats      

* Turkey breast and ground extra lean turkey breast,

* Chicken breast,

* Veal (top round),

* Beef (eye of the round),

* Pork tenderloin.                            


Selenium (probable benefit)            

* Brazil nuts,

* Fish – tuna, cod, halibut and salmon, seafood,

* Turkey,

* Chicken, eggs,

* Whole wheat grain products,

* Couscous,

* Ricotta cheese.                    


 Vitamin E (Limited Evidence)          

* Nuts and seeds (sunflower and almonds),

* Vegetable oils,

* Tomato sauce,

* Dark green leafy vegetables.

The Cereal Bowl


Aim for More Fibre in Your Diet:

* Fibre One,

* All Bran Original,

* Shredded Wheat,

* Compliments Balance Very High Fibre Bran,

*Kellogg’s Guardian,

* President’s Choice Blue Menu Fibre Plus,

* Kashi 7 whole grain puffed.                


Calcium 1

* Important for strong bones,

* No hormones are added to milk or fed to milk producing cows in Canada,

* Any cow on antibiotics is removed from milk production,

* 19 - 70 years – 1000 mg per day,

* Over 70 years – 1200 mg per day,

* (Theory on TV: 600 – 1000mg per day).



Calcium 2    

* Diets higher in calcium (more than 1500 mg daily) have been linked with higher risk of prostate cancer,

* Don’t know if diet high in

calcium effects how prostate cancer progresses.



Vitamin D      

* 19 - 70 years old – 600 IU per day,

* Over 70 years – 800 IU per day,

* Drink 2 cups of milk or fortified soy milk per day,

* Take a daily supplement of 400 IU of Vitamin D.





* From foods or from

supplements – unlikely that it has a substantial effect on the risk of prostate cancer.



Dietary Supplements

* Avoid DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and Siberian ginseng – contain male hormones and may increase testosterone levels,

* High amounts of Vitamin E (morethan 400 IU daily) or supplements of garlic, ginger, ginkgo, and ginseng may increase bleeding risk,

* Beta-carotene supplements increase the risk for lung cancer in smokers.



Hot Topics: Coffee


* No evidence that it causes cancer,

* No link between coffee and pancreatic cancer which received a lot of attention in the past,

* Most studies have shown no substantial association.



Flax Seed 1  


* Most studies have been in lab Animals,

* Rich source of lignans – act as anti- estrogens or weak estrogens,

* May function as anti-oxidant,

* May decrease formation and growth of prostate cancer especially with a low fat diet.



Flax Seed 2          

* 1 tbsp per day is safe,

* More research is needed with Randomized Control Trials.



Allium Family      

* Garlic, chives, onions, leeks, shallots, scallions,

* Allyl sulfur compounds – major role in cancer prevention,

* Studies around the world – may lower risk of stomach, prostate, mouth, throat, kidney and colorectal cancer,

* May rid body of cancer-causing chemicals, increase apoptosis, (normal cell death) reduce tumor growth.




* Cooking garlic reduces its potency,

* When using garlic, cut it, let it sit for 15 minutes for organic compounds to be released,

* The few human studies showed no protection,

* May irritate GI tract, may increase risk of bleeding, caution with people

undergoing surgery.                    


Green Tea 1          

* Polyphenols (catechins) have anti- oxidant properties,

* May cause apoptosis and new blood vessels from forming,

* May prevent growth of skin, lung, breast, bladder, liver, prostate, colon and esophageal cancers,

* Results in humans have been mixed.



Green Tea 2          

* One or two cups daily is safe,

* Reports of acute liver failure (reversible) among people who took green tea extracts,

• Can interact with Coumadin (Warfarin) if person drinks 2 litres per day or more,

* Green tea does contain caffeine.                      


Omega-3 Fats        

* In animal studies – suppress cancer formation and reduce inflammation,

* In human studies – results are mixed,

* Strongest positive evidence is in CVD,

* Cancer cachexia – evidence that omega-3s are beneficial.



Omega- 6 fats          

* Pro-inflammatory,

* Current North American diet – ratio of 10-20 to 1 omega-6 and omega-3,

* Recommended ratio 4:1.                      



* Promoted for its protective effect against prostate, breast, colon and lung cancer,

* If soy is consumed in the pre- pubertal period and during puberty – has a protective effect against breast cancer,

* Otherwise, no strong evidence that it is protective,

* Safe to eat soy 1-3 times per week.




* More research is being done on this topic,

* Increased sugar intake linked to increased weight and increased BMI which is a contributing factor to cancer risk.




* Guidelines – 1 12oz. glass per day for women, 2 per day for men,

* Established cause of mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver cancers,

* Increased risk of breast cancer and colon cancer in men,

* Resveratrol – would have to drink 1-2 bottles per day to receive beneficial amount from wine.



Cruciferous Vegetables

* Isothiocyanates – sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol,

* May reduce risk of prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, endometrial and bladder cancers,

* 1 cup five times per week.

Shiitake Mushrooms

* Animal studies have shown some positive results regarding the

antitumor, cholesterol-lowering and virus-inhibiting effects of several active compounds in shiitake mushrooms.

Noni Plant

* Tropical evergreen shrubs of the Madder family (genus Morinda) grown in Tahiti and the Pacific Islands,

* The juice, fruit, bark and leaves are used in herbal remedies,

* Animal and lab studies have shown some positive effects,

* Human studies are just beginning.

Berries and Ellagic Acid

* Raspberries,

* Strawberries,

* Cranberries,

* Walnuts,

* Pecans,

* Pomegranates.


* Savour and enjoy your meals,

* Take the time to eat,

* Eat with family and friends.

Joanne MacNeill MSc, RD. Dietitian, Psychosocial Oncology Program, Queensway/Carleton Hospital. Author of this talk.