Where China is on the world map.

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Where China is on the world map. UK. China. China is a huge country. It is very beautiful. It has countryside. And it has towns and cities. Temperature map of China. Freezing. Hot and dry. Hot and wet. Hot. Different Chinese homes . Yurt. Cave dwelling. Block of flats. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Where China is on the world map.



China is a huge country. It is very beautiful.It has countryside.

And it has towns and cities.

Temperature map of China



Hot and wet

Hot and dry

Different Chinese homes.


Cave dwelling

Block of flatsTraditional house

What is the weather like in this desert in China? hot


The people who live here do not stay in one place for long. Which house will be easy to pack up and take with them?


In this part of western China it is very hot in summer and cold in winter. There are many mountains.

Which house will help people shelter from the hot sun in the mountains but keep them warm in winter?

Cave dwelling

In this city in China it is very crowded.

Which kind of house will help people to live together in a crowded city?

Block of flats

This small town in China has more space.

The people here don’t need tosquash into blocks of flats. What kind of home will theylive in?

What kind of things help us to choose what kind of house to live in?

Home 家The word for home in Mandarin is made up of

Pig 豕 Roof 宀