Where do I start? Choose the aid year.. How Do I Accept Awards? Once you are done reviewing your...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Where do I start?

Choose the aid year.

How Do I Accept Awards?

Once you are done reviewing your awards you should click the Accept/Decline Awards button to Accept or Decline your Financial Aid

You can either accept or decline your awards.

How Do I Accept Awards?

Why can’t I decline my Grants or Scholarships?Some Awards

such as scholarships or grant monies are automatically accepted. This is because these are awards that do not need to be paid back by the student.

When you accept loans then the loan amount displayed under the accepted column can be changed if you wish to take only part of a loan amount.

What Can I do with my Loans?

I’m done! What Now?

Once you are done updating the awards, then you will click the update totals button to see the aid offered and aid accepted totals updated. Finally you should click submit to finalize your acceptance/ declination of your awards.

Confirm that you want to accept all changes and all finalize the Financial Aid awards otherwise click no to go back and make more changes.

I clicked submit..now what?

How Do I know if everything went through?

Once you see this screen all your changes have been accepted and you are on your way to receiving your Financial Aid!