Where I'm From_Christabel

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Christa Umphrey

I am from bedtime stories

and nightly family dinners

from wood-paneled wallsand green shag carpet

from Farina

and Reservation politics

from cheap bear around Friday night campfires

and after-church, roast beef dinners

on Sunday afternoons

I am from the thrill of unexpected snow days

and canoe rides

under full moons.

I am from bare feet in fresh-cut grass

and Dad’s gardens all around.

I am from long

afternoons spent

floating irrigation

canals on stolen

inner tubes.

from spontaneous and expected family gatherings,

from Thanksgiving weekend Christmas tree-gathering trips

and Mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls afterward.

I’m from stubborn independence and laughing too loud.

I’m from Snyel’mn this valley

surrounded by mountains

I’m from descendants of Mormon pioneers

who choose to come West

and the Salishwho were forced here from

the south

I’m from dirt roads

and potholes and too many


I’m from summers in

teepees and old trucks

that run just well enough

to drive teen independence

and dreams of air conditioning

in August.

I’m from frozen pipes in February

I’m from making due

... and dreaming of more

from grandfathers who made their livings among trees

and horses

from women who were always mothers first

but never solely.

I am from...

I am From...

my grandfather’s logging truck,and the woods where he spent his days.

those grandmother’s


I am from

! ! ! !

overstuffed bookshelves

doing too


and the calm !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! productivity ! ! ! ! ! ! of midnight hours...