Where procedures are important, and learning is fun.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Welcome to Mrs. Whaley’s Classroom

Where procedures are important, and learning is fun

Following the rules makes Mrs. Whaley happyRESPECT!Be prepared!Do YOUR best!Follow all school rules

What is Mrs. Whaley’s #1 rule?A. Be PreparedB. RespectC. Do Your Best

15/15No student leaves for any reason the first or

last 15 minutes of class.Don’t ask.

I have to go to the bathroom, my book is in my locker, I need to go to the nurse, blah, blah, blah…Should a problem arise during the middle of

class, we will handle it appropriately. However, we do have certain procedures for those issues.

If you get permission to leave, a hall pass must be worn, and returned when you re-enter the classroom.

You only get one “fieldtrip” outside the classroom per week.

What are the benefits of skipping the “fieldtrips”?You don’t miss out on instructionYou get 5 bonus points per weekYou make Mrs. Whaley happy

What is the rule that prevents leaving the classroom the first and last 15 minutes of each period?A. 15/15B. 30/30C. 1/2

I forgot my pencilYou’re in luck! I have pencils! Before class starts walk up to my desk and

trade me something of value in exchange for my pencil. We will trade back at the end of class. Items of value

Shoes Wallets/Purses Cell Phones/Ipods Permit/License

I will not keep or look through your stuff! I just want my pencil!

What is the benefit of skipping fieldtrips?A. Ruptured BladderB. Bonus PointsC. A New Car

I forgot paper, my book, my mind, etc…I will provide you with these things! Just ask

before class. I won’t bite your head off, but you will be on the naughty list, and consequences may occur if it becomes habitual.

If I forget something Mrs. Whaley will…A. Bite my head offB. Send me to the officeC. Help me if I ask BEFORE class begins

I’m having a real sucky day and want everyone to know it!We all have bad days. Lets try to leave all the

negative outside the classroom door. I want a positive, and fun learning environment.

If you have a problem you need to discuss with myself, or a counselor, let me know before you have a melt down in the middle of class; maybe we can prevent any embarrassment.

Sometimes you might just need a cool off period, if that’s the case let me know. Lord knows I’ve been there!

In the event of a tornado we will…Exit the room to the right and go downstairs

to the building one hallway. Duck and cover with dignity

That means… Pull your pants up before you squat No quarter slots No Count Crackulas

In the event of a fire we will…Exit the room to the rightGo downstairsExit the stairwell doorGo to the grassStay in a group so that Mrs. Whaley can take

attendance…never leave a man behind.

During a tornado or fire we will…A. Exit the classroom door to the rightB. Exit the classroom door to the leftC. Exit the classroom through the window

During a lock down we will…Quietly move away from doors and windowsKeep the door locked and do not open for any

reasonTurn off lightsAccount for missing studentsEmail the office of our situationPretend we are not here so the bad guys go


During a lock down you only open the door for the principal.A. TrueB. False

During an earthquake…Get under your desk and cover your headI mean, what else are you really going to do?

BehaviorStudents will follow the school wide behavior

plan.All major infractions must be written up and

sent to the office.All minor infractions will result in the following1st Warning and corrective action2nd Teacher/Student Conference and a

consequence3rd Parent/Teacher Conference and a contract4th Administrative Action

My behavior really determines how this class will go…This class will be able to do more fun

activities if I can depend on students to be engaged in their work, and take an active role in their learning.

I love to reward!PopcornS’moresCandyBrowniesPizza

TEAM WORK!!We are a package deal.“It takes two baby”We both have to do our part to make this


I think this is going to be a GREAT class!A. TrueB. False