White House Operative Heading 'Birther' Smear Campaign

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  • 8/6/2019 White House Operative Heading 'Birther' Smear Campaign


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    Tuesday, July 19, 2011


    WN D Exclusive

    White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign? ...Former Fannie Mae chief allegedly manages 100-strong attack team from Pennsylvania Ave

    Posted: July 19, 2011

    8:21 pm Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi


    This is the third in a series of continuing articles aimed at exposing the "OBOTs" radical supporters of Barack Obama dedicated

    to disrupting people who question Obama's eligibility to be president.

    Thefirst article exposed former California lawyer William L. Bryan, aka "P.J. Foggy." The second article exposed Foggy's

    sidekick, Kurt Coleman, aka "Rikker."

    NEW YORK A top Democrat, apparently operating with the full approval and cooperation of the president, has been directing ateam of up to 100 who are paid to publish disinformation on a wide variety of websites to discredit "birthers," according toanti-Obama researchers.

    The radical supporters of the president, known as Obama robots, or "OBOTs" for short, have confirmed their White House-appointedring leader is Democratic Party operative James A. Johnson, the former chairman of Fannie Mae.

    Initially, the OBOTs attempted to mask their Internet identities by posting under usernames with avatars that suggest theirpersonalities. But due largely to the efforts of anti-Obama researchers, including "birthers" vilified by the OBOTs, the true identities ofkey OBOT operatives have been revealed.

    Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only fromthe WND Superstore

    Remarkably, key OBOT operatives, including possibly Johnson himself, have tended over time to self-identify. Two OBOT usernames "NeonZX" and "JimBot" may have been usernames Johnson himself created to cover his tracks.

    If "NeonZX" and "JimBot" are James A. Johnson, a link will have been established between the Obama White House at the topmostlevels and a highly organized disinformation campaign, most likely financed by taxpayer funds. The campaign has been aimed atanyone who challenges Obama's eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

    WND contacted Johnson's office for comment, but Johnson did not reply.

    (Story continues below)

    James A. Johnson as 'JimBot'?

    Ed Hale, the Texas-based creator of Plains Radio, has told WND that Johnson, posting on various OBOT websites under the username"JimBot," managed for the White House some 100 paid operatives around the country. Their primary job was to attack, refute andpublish disinformation on any prominent "birthers."

    In an Internet forum called "Voice of America Broadcasting Network," Hale posted the following on July 17:

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    Exhibit 1: Ed Hale Internet post, June 17, identifying "Jim Bot" as James Johnson.

    Johnson's office at Perseus LLC is located near the White House, at 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    The White House switchboard told WND that until recently, it answered calls for Johnson but that the practice had been discontinued.

    In an attempt to verify Johnson's sway with Obama, Hale said he told Johnson to have the president call a Michigan lady on her 110thbirthday. Indeed, Michigan resident Leola Washington received an acknowledgment card on her birthday from President Obama andFirst Lady Michelle Obama, as reported by KMOV-TV in St. Louis.

    WND has found that Hale was incorrect in claiming the Maryland address listed in Hale's post is Johnson's address.

    Did Johnson out himself on OBOT websites?

    WND research indicates Johnson, posting under the username "NeonZX," may, indeed, have confirmed that he is the hidden identitybehind "JimBot."

    In several Internet postings, the person using "NeonZX" has stated that he is also the person using the username "JimBot."

    In a post on March 10, 2009, "NeonZX" identified himself as the "#1 Bot," as seen in Exhibit 2:

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    Exhibit2: NeonZX self-identifies as "#1 Bot," March 10, 2009

    "I'm the '#1 Obot,'" username "NeonZX" stated, claiming, "Most here know me or of me."

    Then in a chat room screen capture seen in Exhibit 3, "NeonZX" identified himself as "JimBot."

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    Exhibit 3: NeonZX self-identifies as "JimBot"

    The last and critical link was established by "NeonZX" in an Internet post Aug. 9, 2009, in which he identified "JimBot" as James A.Anderson, after Hale had made the same identification in a Plains Radio broadcast.

    In the post, seen in Exhibit 4, "NeonZX" explains to a previous poster who noted that "JimBot" was James A. Johnson, "We learnedJimbot's 'true' identity he is rich and famous and has a grand home."

    Exhibit 4: "NeonZX" identifies "JimBot" as James A. Johnson, Aug. 9, 2009

    If "NeonZX" is "JimBot" under a different username, the post amounts to a self-admission that "JimBot" is Johnson.

    The article "NeonZX" referenced in his post linked back to a Minnesota Post article published on June 11, 2008, reporting that JamesA. Johnson, described as "a classic behind-the-scenes dealmaker in Washington, D.C., was no longer part of the three-person teaminvolved in Obama's vice presidential search effort, after the Wall Street Journal published embarrassing articles documenting VIPhome loans Johnson had personally received from sub-prime lender Countrywide Financial while he headed Fannie Mae.

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    Exhibit 5: Minnesota Post Article on James A. Johnson, published June 11, 2008, linked in "NeonZX" post, Aug. 9, 2009.

    On Aug. 9, 2009, as seen in Exhibit 5, "NeonZX" posted a second time regarding Johnson, further confirming that "JimBot" workedfor the White House, but not in the White House. The description that fits the location and nature of Johnson's working relationshipwith the White House, dating back to the assistance he gave Obama in the 2008 vice presidential search process.

    Exhibit 6: "NeonZX" Identifies "JimBot" as Working For White House, Aug. 9, 2009

    Who is James A. Johnson?

    From 1991 to 1998 Johnson was chairman and CEO of the government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae.

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    WND reported that Johnson earned $21 million in his final year alone at Fannie Mae, despite irregularities cited by the Office ofFederal Housing Enterprise Oversight as constituting accounting improprieties.

    The current New York Times bestselling book by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, entitled "Reckless Endangerment: HowOutsized Ambition, Greed and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon," blames Johnson for engineering much of the sub-primehousing crisis that led to the financial meltdown in late 2008.

    Johnson has contributed to Obama since 2004. In 2008, he was a bundler responsible for raising in excess of $200,000 for the Obamapresidential campaign.

    He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the American Friends of Bilderberg.

    Related offers:

    Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from theWND Superstore

    Get the most comprehensive special report ever produced on the Obama eligibility issue.

    Previous stories:

    From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

    THE FULL STORY: See listing of hundreds of exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue