White Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 DEV-15 All Dynamic Applications John Campbell White...

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White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15

DEV-15DEV-15All Dynamic ApplicationsAll Dynamic Applications

John CampbellJohn Campbell

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 22

My BackgroundMy Background

• 20 years of Progress

• Written Several Books

• Created TailorPro

• Speaker at many Conferences

• Architect and Developer

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 33

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software

• Progress consulting since 1985

• Performance and Disaster Recovery– (That’s Adam)

• Application architecture and development– (That’s me)

• Personal relationship with clients

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 44

Presentation OverviewPresentation Overview

• Design for migrating existing character application to GUI and Web

• AP Background

• Application Goals

• Design and Architecture

• Technology

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 55

Background Background

• Tasked to assist in software design and architecture

• Existing application partner

• Medical Practice Scheduling

• 18-year old Character Application

• Need to move to GUI for Windows and Full GUI on the Web

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 66

Application AssociationApplication Association

• Had worked on early development

• Knew Primary Developer

• Product Knowledge

• Architectural Skills

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 77

Architecture GoalsArchitecture Goals

• Too Easy to “code and go”

• Hard to revise later

• Good foundation is a key for– Scalability– Flexibility– Maintainability

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 88

Client ProfileClient Profile

• Medical Scheduling

• Primarily ASP Model

• Some on-site installations

• Needed to support full GUI in web access– Off-site doctors– Off-site data entry

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 99

Application RequirementsApplication Requirements

• Extremely Rich Application

• Some Highly Complex Browsers

• Complex Business Rules

• Simple Maintenance Screens

• No Compromise of Full GUI

• Run (quickly) Over Internet

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1010

Long Range GoalsLong Range Goals

• High usability

• Realistic data model

• Ease of Extensibility

• Ease of Maintainability

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1111

Possible SolutionsPossible Solutions

• No Initial Architectural Restrictions

• We considered the following– Non-Progress– ADM2– DWP– Progress Dynamics®– Self-made

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15

Application Design Application Design ChoicesChoices

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1313

Environment ChoicesEnvironment Choices

• Progress– Powerful, Rich Environment– In-house Progress expertise

• AppBuilder based GUI– Allows Local or Web Distribution

• WebClient™ for Web– Acceptable issues

• Dynamic Coding– Small footprint– Single point maintenance

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1414

Data ManagementData Management

• AppServer™ Enabled

• ProDataSets for data management

• Single server- and client-side apps for– Retrieval– Update– Maintenance

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1515


• Data retrieval modules separated on server

• Display components data independent

• Specialized uses means small footprint

• Many users do same task

• Reduces overhead of web client download

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1616

Single ApplicationsSingle Applications

• Data Retrieval

• Data Storage

• Lookup Browser

• Lookup Detail

• Data Entry

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1717


• Some Static Interface Components for Maintainability

• Dynamic Lookup Browsers, Queries

• Dynamic Detail Screens

• Dynamic Data Entry Screens

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1818


• Partition– DB I/O– Validation– Business Rules– Interface

• Use AB to design – Screens– (Most) Browsers

• Dynamic Screen Objects• Dynamic Data

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 1919

Validation and Business RulesValidation and Business Rules

• Primary Validation on Client

• Some on server

• Business rules on server

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2020

Associating Business RulesAssociating Business Rules

• Data Driven

• Screens validation

• Business Rules

• “Hooks” in code

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2121

Interface ArchitectureInterface Architecture

• Primary (scheduler) Browser

• Secondary (lookup) Browse

• Lookup Detail

• Maintenance Screens

• Toolbar

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2222

Scheduler BrowserScheduler Browser

• Starting point for all functions– Baseline is Static– Easier visualization – Columns and data dynamic– Individual Cell Colored– Multiple views of data

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2323


White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2424

Lookup BrowsersLookup Browsers

• Static Window• Browser Completely Dynamic• Data Context Sensitive• Availability is Data-driven• Designed with AppBuilder• Stored in Repository

– Columns– Query– Key fields

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2525


Dynamic Button if field can be looked up

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2626

Simple Dynamic BrowserSimple Dynamic Browser

Dynamic sort and search ability

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2727

Dynamic Browse Code SampleDynamic Browse Code Sampleif not valid-handle(hBrowse) then create browse hBrowse assign height = 5 width = 55 frame = frame BrowseFrame:handle row = 2 column = 5 query = hQuery visible = yes sensitive = yes separators = yes width = 65 allow-column-searching = true triggers: on start-search persistent run StartSearch in this-procedure. on value-changed persistent run Valuechanged in this-procedure. on any-printable persistent run AnyPrintable in this-procedure. on backspace persistent run Backspace in this-procedure. on return persistent run BrowseReturn in this-procedure. end triggers.

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2828

Dynamic Browse Code SampleDynamic Browse Code Samplefor each tBrowseColumn: /* point to the dynamic temp-table field which corresponds to our static temp-table structure; build the browse column exactly like the temp-table column, which is a proxy for the actual DB Column of the same name */ hTTColumn = hTTBuffer:buffer-field(ColumnName). /* c-race.race-code */ hBRColumn = hBrowse:add-like-column(hTTBuffer:name + "." + hTTColumn:name) no-error. if tBrowseColumn.ColumnLabel <> "" then hBRColumn:label = tBrowseColumn.ColumnLabel. /* let the browse know if we can sort on this column */ hBRColumn:private-data = string(sortable). end. assign fieldrow = hbrowse:row + hBrowse:height-chars + .1 hBrowse:fit-last-column = yes hFillin:row = hBrowse:row + hbrowse:height.

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 2929

Lookup Detail - DesignLookup Detail - Design

• Static window

• Dynamic Fields

• Designed with App Builder

• Stored in Repository

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3030

Simple Detail ScreenSimple Detail Screen

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3131

Lookup Detail - FunctionLookup Detail - Function

• Not updateable

• Context sensitive

• Persistent window– Data changes if browse row changes

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3232

Maintenance Screens - DesignMaintenance Screens - Design

• Similar to lookup Detail:– Static window– Dynamic fields– Build with AppBuilder + Tool

• Save screen definition data to repository

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3333

Maintenance Screens - Maintenance Screens - FunctionFunction

• Single Toolbar for all Applications

• Able to associate maintenance screen with a specific browse – Data context sensitive

• Also can run any screen standalone

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3434

Dynamic sort, search and filter

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3535

Screen RepositoryScreen Repository

• Location of interface data• Small Tables• Easy to Transfer Data• Simple to identify if already on client

– (Don’t reload)

• Static temp-tables– Clarity– Maintenance

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3636

Repository StructureRepository Structure


Browse Maint Screen Detail Screen


ProgramColumns ProgramFields ProgramFields

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3737

Screen ScalingScreen Scaling

• Originally None

• Ultimately– Agreed to limit

• Number of Browse Columns• Number of Screen Fields

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3838

Data ManagementData Management

• Dynamic temp-tables defined for user data

• ProDataSets used for these TTs

• Dynamic query for context-sensitive data

• DataSource set to dynamic query

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 3939

Data Management Data Management

Menu Choice

Client App Server / DB

Screen Data Request

Screen Paint

Data Selection User Data Request

Data Presentation

Data Update Data Storage

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4040

1 – Menu Choice

2 – Screen Paint

3 – User Data

4 – Data Update

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4141

Code SampleCode Sample

/* --------------- get actual table data ------------------ *//* first, create an empty DB buffer structure */create buffer hDBBuffer for table pTableName.

/* create the empty temp-table structure handle */ create temp-table hDataTT.

/* clone the DB structure into the temp table */hDataTT:create-like(pTableName).

/* add the rowid field so we can find the DB record later */hDataTT:add-new-field("fRowid","rowid").

/* set it to undo-able so we can set tracking changes on */hDataTT:undo = yes.

/* create the temp-table with a name of "t" + the table name: tc-race note -- this is critical in the submitchanges.p program -- q.v. */hDataTT:temp-table-prepare("t" + pTableName).

/* get a buffer handle for the temp table */hTTBuffer = hDataTT:default-buffer-handle.

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4242

Code Sample ContinuedCode Sample Continued/* now create a dataset for the t-t buffer */create dataset hDataSet.hDataset:set-buffers(hTTBuffer). /* Next, create the query to the DB */create query hDbQuery .hDBQuery:set-buffers(hDBBuffer).

/* now, a data-source for the query and tt-buffer */create data-source hDataSource.hDataSource:query = hDBQuery.hTTBuffer:attach-data-source(hDataSource).

/* set an event method to populate each row with the rowid */hTTBuffer:set-callback-procedure("after-row-fill","SetRowid",this-


/* create a query for getting records out of the DB */hDBQuery:query-prepare(pQueryPhrase).

/* fill the dataset from the query */hDataSet:fill().

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4343

Submitting ChangesSubmitting ChangesassignhAfterBuffer = hSaveDataSet:get-buffer-handle(1)hBeforeBuffer = hAfterBuffer:before-buffer.

/* temp-table name = "t" + tablename, so table name is obtained by shaving off the leading "T" */

create buffer hDBTable for table substring(hAfterBuffer:name,2).

/* build a query so we can process the T-T records */ create query hQuery.hQuery:add-buffer(hBeforeBuffer). /* knows about both creates and

deletes */hQuery:query-prepare("for each " + hBeforeBuffer:name).hQuery:query-open().hQuery:get-first().

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4444

Saving Updated RecordsSaving Updated Recordsdo while not hQuery:query-off-end transaction: case hBeforeBuffer:row-state: when row-modified then do: /* get the rowid of the databse table from the t-t record */ pRowid = hBeforebuffer:buffer-field("frowid"):buffer-value. /* find the DB record */ hDBTable:find-by-rowid(pRowid) no-error. /* see if the "before" T-T and the DB are different */ RecordUnchanged = hBeforeBuffer:buffer-compare(hDBTable). /* if the db record isn't changed, we can save data back */ if RecordUnchanged and hDBTable:available then do: /* but it's the AFTER record which holds the changes */ hAfterBuffer:find-by-rowid(hBeforeBuffer:after-rowid) no-error. /* if everything is OK, then we copy the after to the DB */ hDBTable:buffer-copy(hAfterBuffer). end. end. /* modified */

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4545

Save Row ChangesSave Row Changes

• Simple method for saving ProDataSet changes

• Seems to work fine if DataSource is buffer, or static query

• Apparently need to have individual code blocks for modified, created and deleted if DataSource is dynamic query

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4646

Validation ProgramsValidation Programs

• Simple validation on client

• Complex validation on server

• Data driven

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4747

Validation ProgramsValidation Programs

• Maintenance Screen repository has field for validation program

• Server side program associated with buffer name– Table level validation– Field level– Internal procedures– Code looks for program and internal

procedures according to naming conventions

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4848


• Progress offers significant value in application development

• Application partners are choosing it to build new apps with

• Language is unbelievably powerful and flexible

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 4949

More ConclusionsMore Conclusions

• There are many Progress development paradigms

• Sometimes, you don’t need to use an existing model

• Full development model does not need to be – Complex– All-encompassing

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 5050

Dynamic CodingDynamic Coding

• Distinct advantage of Progress

• Gives significant versatility

• Can be well written (if documented)

• Highly compact

• Extremely powerful

• Very flexible

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software Exchange 2005 – DEV-15Exchange 2005 – DEV-15 5151

White Star SoftwareWhite Star Software

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