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1920’s HISTORY




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“I’m inclined to reserve all judgements, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me.”

“I turned my head away and wept … I hope she’ll be a fool … a beautiful little fool.”

“Civilization’s going to pieces! … if we don’t look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff.”

“I thought he knew something about breeding but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe.”

“I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.”

Gatsby claimed he was from this city, originally—in the ‘mid-west.’

James Gatz is actually from this state.

Myrtle and George Wilson both live in the valley of …

This country allegedly awarded a medal to Gatsby for Valour in the Great War.

The East Egg house in which Tom and Daisy Buchanan live once belonged to … the oil man.

Mr. Sloane and his female companion invite him over to supper—he does not understand the invitation is not genuine.

The maiden name of Daisy Buchanan.

He has cuff-links made of human molars.

He is a photographer—he has taken pictures of Montauk Point—the Sea, and The Gulls.

First introduced in Gatsby’s library, marveling that the books are real, he is also one of the few to attend Gatsby’s funeral.

At the end of the Buchanan’s dock burns a bright ________ ____.

This ‘wag’ of an oculist has an interesting sign in the valley of ashes.

Daisy got drunk before her wedding to Tom, and threw these—valued at $350,000—into the wastebasket.

Gatsby almost knocks this off the mantle and to the floor while at Nick’s house for tea, talking with Daisy.

Daisy says she’s never seen such beautiful … at Gatsby’s mansion, and begins to weep into them.

Someone making or selling booze in the 1920’s was known as a _________.

This individual is the only man at the parties he himself throws that does not actually drink.

Gatsby and Wolfsheim sold grain alcohol through these types of stores, used as ‘fronts.’

This type of drink is ordered in the restaurant when Nick and Jay meet Wolfsheim.

Daisy gets drunk on this kind of alcoholic beverage a day before her wedding to Tom. Jordan Baker finds Daisy with a bottle of it in her hotel room.

Nick wants to break it off with his girl back in the mid-west before he gets too serious about ...

She tells her husband if he wants to take down any addresses she has a little gold pencil he can use.

A mere four or so months after he married Daisy, Tom gets into a car accident with a chambermaid (who breaks her arm) from this hotel.

She wants to climb the social ladder by sleeping her way to the top with Tom, cheating on her own unsuspecting husband.

Tom confronts Jay about the affair he’s having with Daisy, and says that people begin by sneering at family institutions, and the next thing you know they’ll have this.

It was rumored of Gatsby that he was a ________ spy during the Great War.

Rumors had it that outside of war, Gatsby once __________ a man.

According to rumors, Gatsby is allegedly related to the _________ of Germany.

Another rumor holds that Gatsby is actually second cousin to __________.

Daisy and Tom both believe the rumor that Nick Carraway is _________ to a girl he was seeing in the mid-west.

Tom thinks that ______ is going to pieces, that everyone ought to read “Rise of the Coloured _______,” and that it’s all proven and very ______.

At the first party of Gatsby’s that Nick attends somebody, while drunk, manages to ____a ____, taking the _____ right off.

Gatsby gets out of a _________ by showing a motorcycle ______ his connection to the police _________, for whom he once did a favor.

Gatsby has Nick’s ______ mowed and sends over ________ to decorate Nick’s house for the ‘coincidental’ meeting for tea with Nick and _____.

Gatsby wants more than anything else for Daisy to tell Tom: “I _____ _______ _______.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term, “The ______ Age” to describe the


The ULTIMATE symbols of wealth, privilege, social status in the 1920’s and the book—also fatal and symbolic of fast, reckless lives spinning out of control.

One of Gatsby’s guests is rumored to be the understudy of an actress from the popular Ziegfield’s _____________.

This act, more popularly known as Prohibition, was named after an individual—it was called the __________ Act.

This American President was reputed to be an alcoholic, and Congress passed Prohibition over his objections to it.

“Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!”

“Old Sport.”

“I understand you’re looking for a business


“Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!

I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before.”

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the

people in this world haven’t had the advantages that

you’ve had.”

He graduated from Yale in New Haven, Connecticut in

1915, went to war, and decided to go East to become a bond man.

Gatsby wants to be reunited with this

character, who murmurs to make people lean in

towards her.

He allegedly had fixed the 1919 World’s Series.

Gatsby created his persona under the

guidance of this man, whose yacht he stayed on

for five years.

This man stayed with the grief-deranged George

Wilson after everyone else had left, attempting to console him. He asks

George if he has a friend to call or a church.

A thin beard of this plant covers Gatsby’s brand-new mansion, built to look like an old hotel in Normandy. This plant also describes the League of the college

he and Nick both attended.

George Wilson repairs these for a living.

On the day Gatsby goes to Nick’s for tea (with Daisy)

he wears a white suit, silver shirt, and his tie (appropriately) is ...

Owl Eyes in Gatsby’s mansion’s library is

surprised to find out that these are real.

Daisy looks forward to this and then misses it when

it’s gone.

Wolfsheim used to prefer this restaurant, until Rosy Rosenthal was shot there.

The name of the yacht on which Gatsby served as steward, mate, skipper,

etc. under Dan Cody while sailing around the West

Indies and Barbary Coast.

The name of Tom and Daisy’s two-year-old
