Who should Government of India Attend 2013_Goa Brochure.pdfGovernment of India Chemical (Industrial)...

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Government of India

Chemical (Industrial) Disaster

Management (CIDM): Chemical,

Pharmaceutical and Hydrocarbon Industry

Conference on

April 16-18, 2013, Hotel Cidade De Goa

Participating Sectors from Outside The Industry

• Regulatory Agencies, Emergency Responders - Police, Fire, NDRF, Coast

Guards, Conservators

Academia - Chemical Departments, Research Scholars, Professors and


Community Leaders, NGOs, Consultants, Media

Hospitals, Trauma Centres, Medicos & Paramedics

Fire Protection, Fire Fighting, Medical Primary Responders and other


R&D, Innovative Technology Institutes & Laboratories

• Isolated Storages, Gas Storages, Bottling Plants, Oil Terminals, Warehouses,

Ordinance Factories

• Power, Metallurgy Industry

• Mining Industry

• Port/ Dock Authorities

• SMEs Using and Storing HAZCHEM

• Container Depots/Carriers/Cargo/Logistic Companies

• Industries Manufacturing, Storing Hazardous, Toxic Chemicals

• Organisations Transporting Chemicals, Hydrocarbons through

Air, Land, Sea, Railways & Pipelines

• GIS, GPRS, Vehicle Tracking, Satellite Communication Companies

• Industrial Automation, Control, Gas Detection, Instrumentation Companies

• Safety, Security, Emergency & Healthcare Product Manufacturers, Suppliers

• Rescue, Relief and Rehabilitation Measure Providers

Contact Us :

Mr. Nirankar SaxenaSenior Director


For Overall Management : Participation, Exhibition & Sponsorship Kindly Contact :

Mr. Surender Kumar VermaDeputy Director

E: surender.verma@ficci.com, M: 9818186253

For Oil & Gas Companies Kindly Contact

Mr. Rubaab SoodJoint Director

E: rubaab.sood@ficci.com, M: 9810006621

For Sale and Content of Book on CIDM Kindly Contact

Ms. Smriti DwivediDeputy Director

E: smriti.dwivedi@ficci.com, M: 9650003126

Federation House, Tansen MargNew Delhi-110001

T/Fax : 011-23325158 (D), Ph. : 011-23738760-70 Ext. 321email : cidm@ficci.com

Government of India

Who should Attend



• Chemical Industry - Organic & Inorganic

• Oil & Gas, Refineries, Oil Exploration Units

• Petroleum, Hydrocarbon, Petrochemical

Product Suppliers

• Iron & Steel, Foundries & Casting Industry

• Alkali & Acid Manufacturing

• Fertilizers, Pesticides, Insecticides, Pulp &

Paper, Textile Industry

• Pharmaceuticals & Bulk Drug Manufacturers

• Ordinance & Explosive Factories, Anti-fire


• LPG, CNG, Other Compressed Combustible

Gases Unit

• Inflammable & Toxic Gases Units Cl2, NH3,

Toluene, Benzene, H2S, MIC etc.

All industries in general including Chemical,

Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Bulk

Drug, Fertilizers, Pesticide, Power, Cement,

Textile, Metallurgy, Mining Industry because

safety in manufacturing, export/import,

transportation and storage of hazardous

chemicals (HAZCHEM), petroleum, petroleum

products & gases is dependent on a sound

established framework and best practices.

All persons directly or indirectly involved in

industry, isolated storages, ordinance factories,

conta iner depots, warehouses, ports,

transporting agencies (rail, road, maritime),

industries having pipeline installations etc.

Primary emergency responders - fire prevention,

protection agencies; medicos & paramedics;

police, security companies; safety products,

equipment, devices & PPE manufacturers;

instrumentation, control and automation system


Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM): Chemical, Pharmaceutical and

Hydrocarbon Industry

Conference on

April 16-18, 2013, Hotel Cidade De Goa

Mr. Nirankar SaxenaSenior Director


Mr. Surender Kumar VermaDeputy Director

E: surender.verma@ficci.comM: 9818186253

For Overall Management : Participation, Exhibition & Sponsorship Kindly Contact :

For Oil & Gas Companies Kindly Contact

Mr. Rubaab SoodJoint Director

E: rubaab.sood@ficci.comM: 9810006621

For Sale and Content of Book on CIDM Kindly Contact

Ms. Smriti DwivediDeputy Director

E: smriti.dwivedi@ficci.comM: 9650003126

Federation House, Tansen MargNew Delhi-110001

T/Fax : 011-23325158 (D)Ph. : 011-23738760-70 Ext. 321

email : cidm@ficci.com

Contact Us :

CIDM - 2013CIDM - 2013

Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM): Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Hydrocarbon Industry

Conference on

April 16-18, 2013, Hotel Cidade De Goa

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board, India (PNGRB), Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and State Government Authorities –

Directorate of Factories & Boilers / Chief Inspectorate of Factories have joined hands in organizing the conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM): Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Hydrocarbon Industry, April 16-18, 2013, Convention Centre, Hotel Cidade De Goa.

The main theme of this Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM) conference would be to make industry globally safe by better emergency planning of accidents – onsite, offsite including isolated storages. The conference would provide a platform to Indian and International companies to share their success stories, best practices and technologies to minimize accidents onsite and during transportation of Hazardous Wastes, Petroleum Products and Gases either through Sea, Pipelines or POL tankers. The conference will be followed by a mock drill in one of the industry in/around Panaji. The conference would also highlight the threats paused by malicious use of industrial chemicals in chemical terrorism.

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Government of India was constituted in Sept, 2005 consequent to enactment of Disaster Management Act, 2005. Hon'ble Prime Minister of India is ex-officio Chairman of NDMA. NDMA, as per its inter alia mandate, has brought out National Guidelines on (i) Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM) (ii) Medical Preparedness & Mass Causality Management and (iii) Chemical (Terrorism) Disaster Management; the objective of the guidelines is to strengthen prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures; minimize accidents; and set up an effective mechanism to respond to disasters.

PNGRB, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has been established by the Government of India in October 2007 under an Act of Parliament. The objective of establishing PNGRB was to regulate refining, processing, storage, transportation, distribution, marketing and sale of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas, excluding production of crude oil and natural gas so as to protect the interests of consumers and entities and to ensure uninterrupted and adequate supply in all parts of the country and to promote competitive markets. One of the functions of the Board is to lay down Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards in activities relating to Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas. PNGRB has notified separate Regulations relating to Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards for City or Local Natural Gas Distribution (CGD) networks and Natural Gas pipelines. It has also notified Regulations relating to Codes of Practice for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP).

FICCI, an apex industry association, has organized several training & education programmes in all major industrial sectors in coordination with accredited Indian and global agencies. Disaster Management has been selected by FICCI to raise awareness of the industrial sector and of Statutory Agencies, NGOs, District & State Authorities as well as of the community who are most vulnerable during disasters.

Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, State Pollution Control


1. Regulatory Framework - Strength, Gaps and


• Emergency Planning and Response Systems

• Integrity Management System for Petroleum

Products & Natural Gas Pipelines

• Environmental Clearances

• Shale Gas Exploration Related Issues

• Trans-Boundary Movement of Hazardous/Toxic


• Salient Features of NDMA Guidelines on CDM

and National Action Plan

2. Risk Assessment & Preparation of Disaster

Management Plans (DMPs) for Industrial


3 Path to Safety Excellence – The Benchmark


• Pharmaceutical / Bulk Drug Industry

• Oil & Petroleum Industry

• Power Industry

• Chemical Fertilizer / Pesticide Industry

• Textile Industry

• Metallurgy/Mining Industry

4. Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies & Emergency

Planning in Industries

5. Case Studies / Success Stories on

• Safe Transportation of Hazardous

Chemicals, Flammable, Gaseous


• Safe Transportation of Gaseous/Liquid


• Prevention & Management of

Accidents in Engineering Industry

6. Medical Preparedness & Casualty

Management of HAZCHEM Emergencies

7. Hazardous Waste Management (HWM)

8. Integrated Electronic Surveillance System

for Integrity Management System

9. Fire Protection, Fire Safety and Fire

Management Techniques

Biomedical / Hospital Waste


• Municipal Solid Waste Management

• Standards and Specification for

Secured Landfill Sites

• HWM in Petrochemical Industries

10. Capacity Development for DM

• Mock Drill Exercises

• Community Preparedness

• Knowledge Management

To p i c s

Sponsor# Exhibitor# Delegate#

I wish to participate as#

Name ...................................................................................

Title .....................................................................................

Company / Organization.......................................................

Address ................................................................................


Telephone (with City code) ..................................................

Fax .........................................Email .....................................

Bank Draft/Cheque No* ......................................................

Dated .....................................For Rupees/US$ ....................

Drawn on .............................................................................

in favour of FICCI, payable at New Delhi towards payment for registration fee# for conference / exhibition / sponsorship is enclosed.

1. Name & Address United Bank of India,of Bank Overseas Branch, HS-32

Kailash Colony Market, Ist floor, New Delhi 110048 (India)

2. Name of Account FICCI

3. Type of Bank Account SAVINGS

4. Bank Account No. 1412010031259to which the amount to be transferred


6. Service Tax Code AAA CF 1282 E ST 001

7. Pan No. AAA CF 1282 E

Intermediary Bank Details:

1. Name & Address Standard Chartered Bank, of Bank New York

2. Account No. 3582021835001


4. Account Number of 3582021835001Beneficiary's Bank with Intermediary Bank

Beneficiary Bank Details:


If by Credit Card:


Name of the cardholder.......................................................

Credit Card Number ............................................................

Date of Expiry................................. Date.............................

Signature .............................................................................

April 16-18, 2013, Hotel Cidade De Goa

Conference on

Chemical (Industrial) Disaster

Management (CIDM): Chemical,

Pharmaceutical and Hydrocarbon Industry

A two day Expo offers exhibitors an opportunity

to network and exhibit their services, products

and technologies. The exhibition will focus on

the following:

• R&D, Technological Innovations, Engineering

Designs, POL Tanker Manufacturers

Safety Products, PPEs, Fire Protection, Fire

Fighting Systems & Anti-Fire Chemicals

State Disaster Management Authorities,

Hazardous Wastes Management Units

Industrial Automation System, Control and


Safety Equipment and Gas Leakage,

Monitoring & Detection Devices

Rescue and Relief Equipment, Medical

Device Companies

Specialized Ambulances, DM-Medical Kit


GIS, GPRS, Remote Sensing, Satellite

Communication for Vehicle Tracking

Cargo, Container, Carrier, Transportation,

Logistics Companies

Other Chemical Disaster Management -

Safety & Security Service Providers

E x h i b i t o r s